.45 ACP recommendations

Really not worth getting into the 9mm v. .45ACP discussion. Pick what you prefer, and then learn to use what you've picked. As for me, well, sometimes short, fast and slow is what you need. Backup is a Glock 36, but the apple of my eye is this one:
I heart my Kimber Compact. Officers frame,4" barrel.
I carry two full size mags.
Caliber debates are fun! How about we apply the technological advances to both calibers evenly and see which comes up better?

The .45 will always win over the 9mm. It doesn't have to expand and it's already ahead of the game.

You can get 14 in a .45 ACP or more if you don't mind a longer magazine. 8 is a thing of the past.
Michael, none of those different bullets/rounds will of any use to you in a life threatening situation if you are not capable of shooting your pistol or rifle accurately under pressure at all.
Makes no difference what you shoot if you can't hit what you shoot at. One well placed hit will do the job be it rifle, pistol, shotgun or rock.
Very true...... I have been shooting handguns now for well over 40 years. In my youth, I shot lots of competition here in the Carolinas. At one point I was shooting between 500-700 rounds a week of 45 ACP. Of course I am not shooting that much now, and I truly need to put some more time in with the handguns, but reckon I can still hold my own. I carry daily, and never more than arms length from a firearm of some type, most of the time a 1911 of some configuration. I trained several times with Ken Hackathorn when we were both younger as well. In fact, Ken has spent time here on occasion. At my bedside there is a Kimber Warrior and two extra magazines for those bumps in the night............


This gun is now next to my TV Watching Chair, currently it is now set up with a set of Crimson Trace Laser grips. Also, two extra magazines at hand for those middle of the damn movie unexpected guests...............


This one particular 45 ACP has been long retired, its been blued numerous times, internal parts replaced, triggers, hammers, sears and extractor several times, after having fired over 25'000 rounds in it I quit keeping records on that...........currently it is sporting around with a set of Elephant Ivory grips............It was built by Armand Swenson in the early 70s.........

Pictured here The Swenson Gun (as we have called it for 40 years) has a set of Walnut Grips. These grips were made for me by the late Thelbert Almond, of Charleston SC. Thelbert was a friend, and a superb gun builder. The tree had been in his front yard for many years when a hurricane brought it down. He made a lot of things for me out of that tree, including these grips. Later the gun has sported other grips, and as stated is now wearing Ivory.



While I have no doubts I should be shooting more than I do, and I could work a little on my speed for sure, I believe I can hold my own in the street if I need to................
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Caliber debates are fun! How about we apply the technological advances to both calibers evenly and see which comes up better?
I did a little of that on the previous page, page 5, look back at that post Forrest........

I did a little of that on the previous page, page 5, look back at that post Forrest........

I saw it and appreciated it immensely. I more stated it again to reiterate the point. Too many times folks only put the advantage to their favorite side. The older I get, the more listening I wish I had done to people who are sadly long gone now. If had a dollar for every time someone said double tap it with a 9mm, I'd be a rich man. If only they understood that requiring two shots means more time and more chances for things to get further unsettled. I dare say that if use of force restrictions were changed you'd get a lot more squared away with less need for magazine capacity, but that'll keep for another day.
Not to be a heretic against all you 1911 folks, but there are other designs I'd rather maintain in the field. They look nice and @michael458 you sure are gonna have one helluva dust up at your funeral over that collection you've got, but man I can think of something else I'd rather have in the cold, wet and gritty. I pick plastic when the going gets tough and the cleaning kit fair away. Mainly because I don't like freezing my hand in the cold clinging to a pistol. Those sigs and 1911's get cold and there's lots places to scrub when they get wet and dirty.
I've never heard anyone say I should have brought a smaller caliber after a gunfight.

I also have never heard anyone say I had too much ammo either.

I pick plastic when the going gets tough

I despise PLASTIC CRAP........... I have tried Blocks, no, excuse, I mean Glocks.... Never cared for them. They work, but ugly, plastic, blocky, no character..... got rid of them..........

For years I shot and carried a set of tiny Detonics. I honestly wore both of them out shooting 1000s of rounds through them. I even shot them in competition. Eventually parts started to wear down and reliability became an issue. Parts don't interchange with these guns with common 1911 parts. So I was forced to sell both of them with much regret.

I often talked about and longed for one of those little Detonics back. Two years ago I turned 60 and my best friend found a Detonics again and presented me with it, a fantastic Birthday it was. Along with that, my lovely wife presented me with a Randall #1 wrapped in Ivory Macarta....... I have put both away since then.........I don't carry the Detonics, it just has too much value to me than to take chances.


After the Detonics, Kimber came out with the Ultra. Before that I had tried 2 Officers models and after about 400-500 rounds they stopped working properly, so both of them hit the road. I spoke with the Kimber Rep about the Ultra, told them about the issues I had with the Colts, and they promised me the Ultra would not do that or malfunction. OK, I laid hands on the first one I could get. Kimber told the truth, I literally shot 1000s of round in it and zero issues. I carried the little gun for years on top of years. It traveled the world, making several trips to Africa in those days. Some years ago I handed it down to my middle son, and he carries it even today..............


I was still hooked on the little Kimber's, so I found a pair of matching guns, and yes, fit them with Mammoth Ivory as well. The gun in the photo on your left, is my RIGHT HAND GUN, and I carried it for years after the matte finish gun.


After getting old and fat, and lazy, I started toting around some much smaller pocket guns, and leaving the Kimber in the truck, or vehicle. Yes, I had concerns something might happen, like truck getting broken into, especially after my oldest son had his truck broken into and lost an extremely fine Commercial Colt 45 ACP to thieves........

My best friend, once again, started telling me about the S&W Shields and how good he liked his. Uggg, PLASTIC CRAP? You have to be kidding, no sporting fellow would walk around with PLASTIC............ Finally, I shot his 45 ACP.... Hmmmm....... Shot great, felt good in the hand... Hmmmm??? Palmetto State Armory put those things on sale. You could get a 45 ACP Shield for $299 and a 9mm Shield for $249!!!!!! Well boys, no down side here, so I got a 45 ACP and a 9mm...


Shot hundreds on top of hundreds of rounds through them and zero issues, feed/function 100%, felt pretty good, light, small, easy to carry. And here is the BIG UP SIDE to this. If you lost it, if it got stolen, if it fell in the water, mud, or Zombies eat it........ No big deal, its a plastic tool, it has no character, it has no special relationship, you just get another one......... and go again...........

So, I put my Kimber's and all my coveted 1911s away, and now tote around this plastic piece of crap.............. But the damn thing shoots, and it works.......and if something happens to it, oh well, no big deal, no loss incurred...............

Palmetto kept putting the 9mm guns on sale..... $249! How in the hell can you beat that. So, later I put in two more 9mm guns. I put one on the boat, another one to my wife for her house gun.

And again, Palmetto had another sale on the things..... Yeah, I got two more of them. One is in my desk, and the other I use for a range gun to test specialty ammo.........

I now sport around with 5 9mm guns........ and the one very well liked 45 ACP Shield........

But make no mistake, here is how I feel about these Plastic Eyesores...............HEH HEH...........

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luls Beauty vs practicality. It's dilemma ...
Form follows function. To me the ultimate is the old tried and true 1911. They have been sorely tested since their inception and keep on truckin' in any kind of conditions you can imagine. Umpteen rounds may be needed if they aren't big enough but one 235gr flying ashtray will end most any fight. After all, the 1911 is the old original and most copied by all others. Must be something good about them.

I despise PLASTIC CRAP........... I have tried Blocks, no, excuse, I mean Glocks.... Never cared for them. They work, but ugly, plastic, blocky, no character..... got rid of them..........

For years I shot and carried a set of tiny Detonics. I honestly wore both of them out shooting 1000s of rounds through them. I even shot them in competition. Eventually parts started to wear down and reliability became an issue. Parts don't interchange with these guns with common 1911 parts. So I was forced to sell both of them with much regret.

I often talked about and longed for one of those little Detonics back. Two years ago I turned 60 and my best friend found a Detonics again and presented me with it, a fantastic Birthday it was. Along with that, my lovely wife presented me with a Randall #1 wrapped in Ivory Macarta....... I have put both away since then.........I don't carry the Detonics, it just has too much value to me than to take chances.

View attachment 421218

After the Detonics, Kimber came out with the Ultra. Before that I had tried 2 Officers models and after about 400-500 rounds they stopped working properly, so both of them hit the road. I spoke with the Kimber Rep about the Ultra, told them about the issues I had with the Colts, and they promised me the Ultra would not do that or malfunction. OK, I laid hands on the first one I could get. Kimber told the truth, I literally shot 1000s of round in it and zero issues. I carried the little gun for years on top of years. It traveled the world, making several trips to Africa in those days. Some years ago I handed it down to my middle son, and he carries it even today..............

View attachment 421216

I was still hooked on the little Kimber's, so I found a pair of matching guns, and yes, fit them with Mammoth Ivory as well. The gun in the photo on your left, is my RIGHT HAND GUN, and I carried it for years after the matte finish gun.

View attachment 421215

After getting old and fat, and lazy, I started toting around some much smaller pocket guns, and leaving the Kimber in the truck, or vehicle. Yes, I had concerns something might happen, like truck getting broken into, especially after my oldest son had his truck broken into and lost an extremely fine Commercial Colt 45 ACP to thieves........

So, I put my Kimber's and all my coveted 1911s away, and now tote around this plastic piece of crap..............
You'd think if you had such a discerning eye for 1911's you'd pick something other than a Kimber.

I hear there's a company in Texas that makes really good 1911's that stand up to 10's of thousands of rounds. STI...

Btw they say to change the recoil spring every 1500 rds on those guns.
You'd think if you had such a discerning eye for 1911's you'd pick something other than a Kimber.

I hear there's a company in Texas that makes really good 1911's that stand up to 10's of thousands of rounds. STI...

Btw they say to change the recoil spring every 1500 rds on those guns.
You know, I hear that sometimes, but I have 25+ Kimber's, and I never ever had a problem with any of them..... Odd eh.............

As for my "discerning" eye, what can I say, I like pre series 80s Colts, and Kimber's, seems they work for me...............

BTW, I have yet to change a spring, and well over 1500 rounds in those Kimber's each........ would not be surprised if it were not twice that, but after the Swenson Gun, I did not count anymore..........

I think there are a lot of good companies out there building nice 1911s...............

I think you missed the Point of my post Forrest...
You know, I hear that sometimes, but I have 25+ Kimber's, and I never ever had a problem with any of them..... Odd eh.............

As for my "discerning" eye, what can I say, I like pre series 80s Colts, and Kimber's, seems they work for me...............

BTW, I have yet to change a spring, and well over 1500 rounds in those Kimber's each........ would not be surprised if it were not twice that, but after the Swenson Gun, I did not count anymore..........

I think there are a lot of good companies out there building nice 1911s...............

I think you missed the Point of my post Forrest...
Nope, I was just poking you about your Kimber fixation.
You're not changing the springs on the short guns?
I like my Ruger Vaqueros. They're my kind of .45s...
I still have not gotten around to buying a handgun. Ready now. I want a reasonably light .45 ACP and would appreciate any advice. I am a rifle-shotgun guy, not much pistol experience. Thinking ease of carry, probably single stack magazine, maybe shoot 45 super at times? Some of this was covered in the 45 super post and 10mm thread, sorry for the repeat, but the best firearm for the purpose not addressed specifically. (with regard to 45 acp). A lot of combined experience on this site. What should I get? Thanks.....FWB
Honestly, if your going to carry it, you should look at a 9mm instead. Your gonna shoot it better, it has less recoil, your gonna shoot it more often and it will be cheaper to shoot, and any carry 9mm is going to be more comfortable then carrying a 45. People don’t carry guns that are uncomfortable, they tend to leave them at home.
The M1911 is the best pistol ever built ! bar none( may be a Browning Hi-power or CZ 75 is ok except the 9 mm is a pissey cartridge. and the double stack magazines makes the grip too wide, Any good brand will get the job done
no stupid trigger safety's, no double action, no hammer drop affairs, no plastic frames just goes bang when you want it to, i have a weak spot for the old M1911 45 ACP. only issue is they are heavy. a 10 MM would be good but recoil is higher than a 45 . I got 2nd place in the Australian Police & services combat pistol championships in 1979 using a Colt Gold Cup 45 ACP.
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You're not changing the springs on the short guns?
Never have.....

Nope, I was just poking you about your Kimber fixation.
You are kidding right...........


I like my Ruger Vaqueros. They're my kind of .45s...
S&W is Good TOO.......


But if you are partial to SAA, then I like my Colts, sporting around in Giraffe Bone grips, from one of my giraffes, in my Elephant leather rig, from one of my elephants.............of course, 45 Colt


( may be a Browning Hi-power is ok except the 9 mm is a pissey cartridge
I love my BHPs both T-Series.........


i have a weak spot for the old M1911 45 ACP. only issue they are heavy.
Me too.......this one was 1918......

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Never have.....

You are kidding right...........

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S&W is Good TOO.......

View attachment 421547

But if you are partial to SAA, then I like my Colts, sporting around in Giraffe Bone grips, from one of my giraffes, in my Elephant leather rig, from one of my elephants.............of course, 45 Colt

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I love my BHPs both T-Series.........

View attachment 421545

Me too.......this one was 1918......

View attachment 421543

Absolutely beautiful collection of hand guns i am envious ! of those Kimbers
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