Good afternoon folks!
Relatively new to this site and still figuring my way around. Recently bought a Lancaster .475 in what I thought was the less common NE version. Sent it to George Caswell at Champlin Arms for safety check and cleaning and found out today it is the easier .475 No. 2 flavor (whew). My problem is that I've spent time and energy focused on finding components that won't help me feed this rifle. I was able to quickly find some used Woodleigh bullets and some cases, but drawing a blank on reloading dies. Is anyone aware of where I can find a set of .475 No. 2 (not the Jeffrey version) reloading dies? Thanks in advance for any help provided.
Relatively new to this site and still figuring my way around. Recently bought a Lancaster .475 in what I thought was the less common NE version. Sent it to George Caswell at Champlin Arms for safety check and cleaning and found out today it is the easier .475 No. 2 flavor (whew). My problem is that I've spent time and energy focused on finding components that won't help me feed this rifle. I was able to quickly find some used Woodleigh bullets and some cases, but drawing a blank on reloading dies. Is anyone aware of where I can find a set of .475 No. 2 (not the Jeffrey version) reloading dies? Thanks in advance for any help provided.