Hi, yes I mean 577/500. Sorry for mistakeAre you asking me to post the load data for Woodleight 440 G. RN SN .510?
You typed for 577/550, do you mean 577/500?
Hi, yes I mean 577/500. Sorry for mistakeAre you asking me to post the load data for Woodleight 440 G. RN SN .510?
You typed for 577/550, do you mean 577/500?
Hi, yes I mean 577/500. SorryAre you asking me to post the load data for Woodleight 440 G. RN SN .510?
You typed for 577/550, do you mean 577/500?
Hi dear, I would like to know if it is possible to reload with modern powders the 577/500 magnum caliber, the one with a 3 1/8 inch case. On the barrels it is written that it was made for a 440gr bullet and 160gr of BP. Do you have any information about this? I will try to get a copy of that book. ThanksIf you are US based I suggest you call Buffalo Arms https://www.buffaloarms.com/ and get your name on the wait list for a copy of the 4th Edition of Greame Wright book, Shooting The British Double Rifle rifle. The 4th edition was just released in Australia and books are in route to Idaho. Supposed to have 150 new pages.
I have two 500 No.2 EXpress guns and both use the 577/500 No. case, 2.83 long case.
The loads I have built (loaded) right now use the 440 grain bullet were built in 2017 for my 70th birthday Moose hunt. I looked in the box for the load card, and it is missing. But the load used is Varget. Those were developed from cordite loads intended double rifles.
The loads list in Woodleigh for .500 BPE are for the 3" and 3 1/4. I can copy these load if that is what you.
of course, maybe I don't understand what caliber it is and I can't explain. Maybe the photos are clearer than me. thanksI am not sure what the 577/500 Magnum is. Could you mean Express and not Magnum.
No listings for a 3-1/8 in case, just 3 inch and 3-1/4 inch case.
If you gun is marked .440 grain bullet and 160 grains of BP-then try that first. You could do a nitro for black conversion from that.
There is some much variations in these all similar but different cartridges I am reluctant to post load tables. This is one area I hope Wright covers in Edition 4, some sorting out of .500 Express BPE versus NE. It is confusing
Can you post pictures of your markings.
My buddy just bought a double in 577/500 a No2 I think & the other normal one is indeed a 3 1/8in case known as Express or Magnum not 100% if it was loaded as a Nitro round.I am not sure what the 577/500 Magnum is. Could you mean Express and not Magnum.
No listings for a 3-1/8 in case, just 3 inch and 3-1/4 inch case.
If you gun is marked .440 grain bullet and 160 grains of BP-then try that first. You could do a nitro for black conversion from that.
There is some much variations in these all similar but different cartridges I am reluctant to post load tables. This is one area I hope Wright covers in Edition 4, some sorting out of .500 Express BPE versus NE. It is confusing
Can you post pictures of your markings.
Thanks GumpyIt shows 500exp (express) underneath and magnum on the top so it would be safe to assume it’s the same thing, any stamping underneath is what you should follow, and it would be safe to assume it is a cast lead BP gun, a nice piece regardless, one I’d be happy to own. I don’t have my copy of Graeme’s book yet, it’s on its way. But going from previous editions it will help you to understand how to load and regulate the firearm