I really like this quote from Sir Samuel White Baker in “Wild Beasts & Their Ways”:
“There can be little doubt that a man should not be overweighted, but that every person should be armed in proportion to his physical strength. If he is too light for a very heavy rifle he must select a smaller bore; if he is afraid of a No. 8 with 14 drams, he must be content with a No. 12 and 10 drams, but although he may be successful with the lighter weapon, he must not expect the performance will equal that of the superior power.”
And George P. Sanderson In “13 Years Amongst The Wild Beasts of India”:
“I advocate the use of the heaviest rifle the sportsman can manage upon all sorts of game. Yet it is not unusual to hear men express a decided opinion to the contrary, generally conveyed in the formula, "A small bore is big enough for anything." Such men should rather say, " I cannot carry a heavy gun," or, " I cannot shoot with one," than speak against them on principle.“
Even though both of these authors are from the 19th century, their assessment is still very much on point today. Just replace their black powder 8 bore and 12 bore rifles with the .600 Nitro Express (or any other big bore rifle) and .375 Holland & Holland Magnums (or any other similar caliber of this class). And the principle is still very much the same.
Yes, a .600 Nitro Express is a true devil stopper. But only IF YOU ARE PROFICIENT ENOUGH WITH THE WEAPON TO LAND SHOTS IN THE VITAL ORGANS OF DANGEROUS GAME ACCURATELY. If you can’t handle it, then no need to try to force proficiency upon yourself. You’re basically lying to yourself. You’ve got absolutely nothing to prove. Step down a caliber. Step down to .577 or .500. If you aren’t comfortable shooting those accurately, then step down to a .470 or a .465 or a .450. If you aren’t comfortable shooting those accurately, then step down to a .400. Or better yet… switch to a telescopic sighted bolt action .416, .404 or .375. Arm yourself in proportion to what you can accurately shoot.
Remember that there are no magic calibers which will unconditionally drop dangerous game. You must always be capable of placing your bullet in the correct region of a large, moving animal. And you can’t accomplish this unless your rifle operates & handles like an extension of your body.
Tim Sundles is a true gent. He and my friend, Tanzanian white hunter Mark Sullivan designed the Buffalo Bore ammunition for the .577 Nitro Express and .600 Nitro Express in 2023. They used Barnes TSX and Cutting Edge Bullets Safari Solids to load the .577 Nitro Express ammunition. They used Hammer Shock and Cutting Edge Bullets Safari Solids to load the .600 Nitro Express ammunition.