6x45 info


AH veteran
Jul 1, 2013
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South Africa
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Hi Guys.

I am looking for some info on reloading for 6x45?

Any info would help.

Do you still get a round nose 100 or 105gr bullet?

What powder and load, Sonchem please.

I will be looking at about 2350fps with a 100gr.

The action is a Zastava mini with a. Truvello barrel.

Seems this round has been done in some custom AR's. Sounds like an intriguing caliber. This is what I found out though. The 6X45 is not the round to shoot the larger bullets. The 105's need a 9 or 8 twist and be pushed closer to 2900 to 3000 FPS to go out longer ranges. It does well with the 65gr and 70gr if want to shoot heaver bullets then I would use the 243 with the 95's. The 6X45 is a 300 yard round and if you want to go longer then I just move up to the 243 Win, the 243 WSSM, or the 6mm Rem. This is from a quick internet search and read. If it is reality and you do want to go heavier, I would opt for the 6mm remington. Plus brass for the 6x45 might be a pain in the ass to find.
55gr. Bullets
Powder Charge
Pressure Pressure
Primer Case Barrel
Bullet Source
AA-2015BR 25.5 3084 2.260 WSR Fed. 20 Nosler BT HL-255
Varget 29.5 3220 52000 PSI
Varget 29.0 3440 49890 PSI 2.260 RP 7.5 Lapua 26 Sierra BK Buck
29.5 grains may fit with RP or WW brass and a drop tube. Accuracy is good 1.60 5 shots 200m.
BL-C(2) 30.6 3190 49140 CUP
IMR-8208XBR 27.3 3295 52000 PSI
IMR-8208XBR 27.3 3406 52600 PSI 2.260 RP 7.5 Lapua 26 Sierra BK Buck
May need to back off a couple tenths of a grain. Accuracy is good 1.75 5 shots 200m. Best velocity, best SD so far.
H-4895 28.6 3200 49075 CUP
H-335 28.6 3260 49200 CUP
H-335 29.0 3134 2.260 RP 7.5 Fed. 20 Sierra BK HL-255
H-335 28.0 3039 2.260 RP 7.5 Fed. 20 Sierra BK HL-255
TAC 27.5 3101 2.260 WSR Fed. 20 Nosler BT HL-255
TAC 27.8 3100 52000 PSI
TAC 27.8 3190 50900 PSI 2.260 RP 7.5 Lapua 26 Sierra BK Buck
Marginal Accuracy?ood SD however. This load may need further work.
X-Terminator 26.5 2995 2.260 WSR Fed. 20 Nosler BT HL-255
Benchmark 27.4 3260 52000 PSI
Benchmark 27.4 3485 54400 PSI 2.270 RP 7.5 Lapua 26 Sierra BK Buck
Love the velocity, but pressure is too high for long brass life. Also had to seat bullet out further. Low SD and good accuracy.
H-322 25.7 3210 48000 CUP
H-322 25.0 3136 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Sierra BK HL-255
VV-N133 27.2 3255 52000 PSI
VV-N133 27.2 3390 53005 PSI 2.260 RP 7.5 Lapua 26 Sierra

58gr. Bullets
Powder Charge
Pressure Pressure
Primer Case Barrel
Bullet Source
AA-2015BR 26.0 3155 2.260 RP 7.5 Fed. 20 Hornady V-MAX HL-255
Varget 29.3 3180 52000 PSI
BL-C(2) 30.3 3150 49140 CUP
IMR-8208XBR 26.9 3240 52000 PSI
H-4895 28.7 3160 49075 CUP
H-335 28.2 3230 49200 CUP
Benchmark 27.0 3200 52000 PSI
H-322 25.4 3160 48000 CUP
H-322 25.0 3161 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Hornady V-MAX HL-255
H-335 27.0 2951 2.260 RP 7.5 Fed. 20 Hornady V-MAX HL-255
TAC 28.0 3089 2.260 RP 7.5 Fed. 20 Hornady V-MAX HL-255

60gr. Bullets
Powder Charge
Pressure Pressure
Primer Case Barrel
Bullet Source
W-748 25.6 2800 Min. 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
W-748 26.4 2900 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
W-748 27.3 3000 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
W-748 28.1 3100 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
W-748 29.0 3200 Max 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
Varget 29.0 3200 52000 PSI
Varget 28.5 3259 47250 PSI 2.260 RP 7.5 Lapua 26 Berger HP Buck
As with the 55gr Sierra, a drop tube is needed. Very accurate, 5 shots 1.70 at 200m, 5shots 0.60 at 100m.
BL-C(2) 30.1 3000 49140 CUP
BL-C(2) 30.0 3156 50000 CUP 2.260 Fed 205M Rem. 24 Sierra HP Hodgdon
BL-C(2) 28.0 2925 41500 CUP 2.260 Fed 205M Rem. 24 Sierra HP Hodgdon
H-335 28.0 3190 49200 CUP
H-335 27.0 2941 2.260 RP 7.5 Fed. 20 Sierra HP HL-255
H-335 27.5 3160 47500 CUP 2.260 Fed 205M Rem. 24 Sierra HP Hodgdon
H-335 25.5 2958 44500 CUP 2.260 Fed 205M Rem. 24 Sierra HP Hodgdon
H-335 29.5 3364 2.260 Rem 7.5 LC 79 22 Sierra HP HL - 131
H-335 23.2 2800 Min. 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
H-335 24.4 2900 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
H-335 25.5 3000 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
H-335 26.7 3100 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
H-335 27.8 3200 Max 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
IMR-8208XBR 26.7 3190 52000 PSI
H-4895 28.2 3130 49075 CUP
H-4895 27.5 3102 48500 CUP 2.260 Fed 205M Rem. 24 Sierra HP Hodgdon
H-4895 25.5 2872 40000 CUP 2.260 Fed 205M Rem. 24 Sierra HP Hodgdon
H-4895 27.7 2800 Min. 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
H-4895 25.5 2900 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
H-4895 26.4 3000 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra
H-4895 27.2 3100 2.260 Fed 205M Fed. 24 Sierra HP Sierra

75gr. Bullet
Powder Charge
Pressure Pressure
Primer Case Barrel
Bullet Source
Varget 27.6 2960 52000 PSI
BL-C(2) 28.6 2930 49140 CUP
BL-C(2) 29.0 2832 47000 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
BL-C(2) 27.0 2726 42500 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
H-335 26.3 2940 49200 CUP
H-335 26.0 2860 48500 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
H-335 24.0 2660 39300 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
H-335 27.5 3072 2.260 Rem 7.5 LC 79 22 Nosler SP HL - 131
H-335 26.0 2775 2.260 WSR Rem. 20 Sierra HP HL-255
H-335 26.0 2892 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Sierra HP HL-255
H-4895 25.5 2759 2.260 WSR Rem. 20 Sierra HP HL-255
H-4895 25.5 2738 2.260 Rem 7.5 Fed. 20 Hornady V-MAX HL-255
H-4895 27.0 2952 48000 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
H-4895 25.0 2704 39300 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
IMR-8208XBR 25.2 2895 52000 PSI
H-4895 26.8 2940 49075 CUP
Benchmark 25.0 2800 52000 PSI
H-322 24.1 2860 48000 CUP
H-322 24.0 2860 47500 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
H-322 23.0 2774 45500 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
H-322 26.0 2921 2.260 Rem 7.5 LC 79 22 Nosler SP HL - 131
H-322 24.0 2709 2.260 Rem 7.5 Rem. 20 Sierra HP HL-255
H-322 24.0 2896 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Hornady V-MAX HL-255
H-322 24.0 2863 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Sierra HP HL-255
H-4198 19.5 2480 49000 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon
H-4198 18.5 2297 38300 CUP 2.260 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady HP Hodgdon

90gr. Bullet
Powder Charge
Pressure Pressure
Primer Case Barrel
Bullet Source
Varget 26.2 2770 52000 PSI
BL-C(2) 27.2 2740 49140 CUP
BL-C(2) 27.0 2744 50000 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
BL-C(2) 25.0 2523 41000 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
BL-C(2) 26.5 2625 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Nosler BT HL-255
H-335 24.7 2670 49200 CUP
H-335 25.0 2731 49500 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
H-335 22.5 2442 40900 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
H-4895 25.5 2721 50000 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
H-4895 23.5 2509 41500 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
H-4895 25.0 2627 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Nosler BT HL-255
IMR-8208XBR 23.6 2595 52000 PSI
H-4895 24.4 2745 49075 CUP
Benchmark 23.3 2450 52000 PSI
H-322 22.7 2605 48000 CUP
H-322 22.5 2531 49500 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
H-322 20.5 2391 41000 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon
H-4198 19.0 2350 49000 CUP 2.350 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Speer SP Hodgdon

100gr. Bullet
Powder Charge
Pressure Pressure
Primer Case Barrel
Bullet Source
H-414 28.0 2448 43500 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
H-414 26.0 2310 39300 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
H-380 28.0 2506 47000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
H-380 26.0 2397 41000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
Varget 25.3 2650 50000 CUP
Varget 25.3 2705 51200 PSI 2.450 Fed. 205M Lapua 26 Sierra SBT Buck
NOTICE COL!...Highly compressed load. Low SD, 5 shots 0.9 100m, 5 shots 1.7 200m.
BL-C(2) 26.3 2610 49140 CUP
BL-C(2) 26.0 2539 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Sierra SP HL-255
BL-C(2) 26.0 2592 2.260 WSR Fed. 24 AR Hornady RN HL-255
BL-C(2) 25.5 2452 2.260 Rem 7.5 Fed. 20 Hornady RN HL-255
BL-C(2) 26.5 2619 50000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
BL-C(2) 24.5 2404 43000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
H-335 23.5 2505 49200 CUP
H-335 23.0 2443 50000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
H-335 21.5 2305 44000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
H-4895 23.0 2319 2.260 Rem 7.5 Fed. 20 Hornady RN HL-255
H-4895 24.0 2616 50000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
H-4895 21.5 2305 44000 CUP 2.340 Fed. 205M Rem. 24 Hornady SP Hodgdon
Hi 35Bore.

Thanks for the info.

Here in Sa we use it more for a bushveld caliber, up to 150yrds.
We used to get commersial amo in 100gr (actually it was only availible in 100gr)but it is getting very scares.

Brass is not a huge problem, i do have 150 emptys stamped 6x45 and 223 is easilly converted.

The other problem is normal 100gr spitzers is about 2mm to long for the magazine, round nose works perfect.
Herevare some pics of the gun, i hope.


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Hi you can try 105gr Roundnoses from Steward Bullets I use 22gr of S335 in my Zastava,The number for Ken steward is 0728212102 If you want more info feel free to mail me on snellim@gmail.com ,\.If I really look for it I got an article with other loads for different bulletweights somewhere as well
Hi Plongeur.

Thanks, Ken is in Polokwane if i am not mistaken. Do you perhaps know what speeds you are getting with that load. S335 wil suit me since it seems that is the preferred propelant for my other caliber in want to load (8x60s).

Have you tried him for brass as well? I read somewhere that he does brass as well.

Thanks again
I didnt load the 105's from stewards yet But with 100gr hornady RN I got around 2270 with 22,5 gr S335 .I was told to go 0,5 gr lower with the stewards since the bullet casing is thicker an hence the pressure will be higher.And yes he is in Pietersburg
Thanks I am in Polokwane as well. I used to shoot the hornady,s but cant seem to find it. Have been using New Generation Arms, loaded with 100gr hornady sp's at 2375fps lately but are not really happy with them. I do have a couple of rounds with Ken's 100gr loaded but they are loaded a bit to fast for me, but the results is a lot better than the NGA.
Apologies, I know this is an old thread, anyone think that a short barrel 6x45 ruger #1 would be a good idea?? Would it let one possibly get a little more from the 105 gr rounds?
I've considered the 6mmx45 and the .25x45 but mainly as an upper for an existing AR. I have not gotten past the deciding stage. Both are very good cartridges within their limitations due to small powder capacity, but for those states that require a minimum of 6mm bore size for deer, they have potential.
The problem will still be getting enough powder behind a 105 with the correct twist. There are plenty of 75-90gr bullets that are better suited. Sierra offers a few that would be great.

Really want one myself, probably on a Savage 110 I've got sitting around. Ive for several hundred 50-90 gr bullets I need to use up. Have a 243 for the several hundred bullets in stock that are over 95gr.
I had a 6X45 built earlier this year. It was on a 700 action with a 22 inch barrel. I love the little gun and look forward to shooting it more in the near future. My gunsmith told me yesterday that he is so impressed that he is looking to building one for his daughter in law. I am developing loads for this gun now and plan to take it to RSA in May for testing. On the menu are Impala and Blesbok culls. I plan on testing a monolithic bullet and a Sierra Gameking.

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