9.3x62 load


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The Big Game loads on 24CF were originally in a magazine article John Barsness wrote. He was pressure testing 9.3 loads at a modern 60k psi. Most books are 50k or under.

For the 250's he was using Varget and RL15 with good results. I think RL17 MAY work, maybe someone with QL could run that in the 55-60k range. I would think 4064 and 4320 might be a viable option as well. Ive used 4320 a few times when Varget is mentioned, they are very similar.

A 9.3x62 stoked up with 250gr Accubonds sounds like solid moose/elk/bear medicine to me. You're basically replicating a 338 Win Mag, and no one has doubts there
The Big Game loads on 24CF were originally in a magazine article John Barsness wrote. He was pressure testing 9.3 loads at a modern 60k psi. Most books are 50k or under.

For the 250's he was using Varget and RL15 with good results. I think RL17 MAY work, maybe someone with QL could run that in the 55-60k range. I would think 4064 and 4320 might be a viable option as well. Ive used 4320 a few times when Varget is mentioned, they are very similar.

A 9.3x62 stoked up with 250gr Accubonds sounds like solid moose/elk/bear medicine to me. You're basically replicating a 338 Win Mag, and no one has doubts there

Big Game seems to work best at the upper end of the pressure curve. I tried it with NAB, and deviation from high to low was as much as about 65 or 70 fps. I'm told by Mule Deer over at 24CF that Big Game works best with 286 and 300. That's what I'm working on right now, as a matter of fact. Partitions for the moment, but later this year, I'll start working on A-Frame 300s.

I don't know if I've mentioned it on this thread or not, but I'm just below the max on Alliant Power Pro 2000 MR and the Hornady 286. Getting about 2420, +/- 11 fps. Not sure why I'm working on Partitions since that load will take anything in North America with plenty of room to spare.
I see a number of loads for the Nosler accubond. Early in the life of this bullet I had three failures to expand. Two on bear at 225 and 300, and one on Zebra at 75. In each case the animal showed no sign of a hit. Upon recovery we found that in each case the animal was hit perfectly but the exit hole was the same size as the entry, zero expansion. I heard that this was a common problem but that Nosler changed the jacket design and terminal performance is much better. Does anyone have recent experience with the bullet that indicates that this is the case? I like the look of the accubond for my 9.3 but I’m a little leery of trying it again.
I had a safari last may/jun and use the 250 AB in my x62 and it expanded just like you would like to see in a full page add. I have shot them at everything from klipspringer to kudu with one shot kills. I have found that RL-17 and Big Game powder gave me the best results in x62 and Ramshot hunter in the x74R
I used both the Nosler AB and the Barnes Triple Shock, both at 250 grs, in Africa. I used the same load for each and had excellent accuracy and about 2500fps which is plenty. 61grs of IMR4064. I did have good shooting with the 286 PRVI and R15 as well and a couple other powders I didn't find the CZ rifle hard to load for. Great round.
I use factory new PPU brass and also the bullet from them (286 PRVI) - I push it hard with N140 and have very good results regarding accuracy and killing power. Never had to take a second shot.
Does anyone know where this elusive BLC-(2) load is that pushes a 286 to 2600 without pressure problems? I've looked around the internet and can't find it. I bought a can of BLC-(2) to experiment with, but have zero experience with ball powders in the first place...
My thoughts exactly, but there's supposedly some sort of voodoo going on with BLC-(2) and the 9.3X62 and/or 35 Whelen. I'm skeptical, yet curious.
when you consider all the other costs involved in a hunt, and the preparation and thought that goes into it, good bullets are cheap.
a "bang-flop kill" makes it all worth while.
here in oz guys have a definite aversion to expensive bullets, and just keep using the cheapest they can get.
they have never seen the difference a good bullet makes.
there is a saying about people who keep doing the same thing and expecting different results and it alludes to their intellect.

They are called Democraps.
Hopefully I don't have the same experience with no expansion! I bought 150 of those NAB a few months ago. Just need my rifle to get finished

I think it was an early problem with the jacket design. It sounds like others are having good luck now. I may give it another try.
Good info here. I'm considering a 9.3x62 myself at the moment. I like the idea of a Cape buffalo capable rifle in a lightweight package, that doesn't have heavy recoil. Seems like the perfect PG rifle for shots under 300 yards, that would also work if a buffalo should pop up. When I was in Australia hunting water buffalo, my PH told me the majority of his clients that used one of his camp rifles, used the 9.3x74R double rifle he had. And more buffalo had been taken with that rifle than any other rifle he owned.
Found some, they mentioned

"My best powder turned out to be BLC2 in RWS & formed '06 brass. My top-end load was 65.0gr. with the 286 Norma bullet for 2,519fps, and 68.0gr. with 270 Speers for 2,675fps. These were stiff loads, but showed themselves to be just fine from brass longevity. I used case head expansion to arrive at my max loads."


"My experience with BLC-2 in the 9.3x62 is similar to yours. I have a Husqvarna. The load I use as standard is:

67.0 gr. BLC-2, 270 Speer, Norma brass, CCI-250.

Chronographed velocity was 2555 fps. in my rifle.

I also seat my bullets out to the length of the magazine, yielding an OAL of 3.385". The long throat of my rifle is still way ahead of the bullet at this seating depth.

I have found BLC-2 to be super consistent and finely accurate in my rifle.

Standard cautions apply for anyone who wants to try this load. Reduce appropriately and work up."
Does anyone know where this elusive BLC-(2) load is that pushes a 286 to 2600 without pressure problems? I've looked around the internet and can't find it. I bought a can of BLC-(2) to experiment with, but have zero experience with ball powders in the first place...

One ball powder I know does well is 2000MR, at least with Hornady 286 gr bullets. Haven't tried it with anything else. Hornady lists 62.4 gr as max load and is supposed to yield right at 2400. I get about 2420 and just over an inch at 100 with a NECG aperture. However, I think that velocity is likely due in large measure to the COAL they specify - 3.125. I'm seating mine at 3.165, which is still well short of the throat.

A lot of guys at 24CF swear by Big Game (another ball powder) for the heavies: 286 and 300, with MV just south of 2500. For 250s, they all swear by Varget and RL15. I bought a bunch of NAB on sale a while back and am about to re-test those with Varget since Big Game didn't really work out for them. 2550 fps with NAB 250 is 338 WM territory with the same weight NAB. Recoil isn't intolerable, but it certainly isn't mild, either.

The guy I mentioned a little earlier in the thread, Mule Deer over at 24CF, goes up to 66 gr with Big Game, but he also seats his bullets as far out as he can get them and still fit the magazine.
Hmmm.... Yeah my go to is Varget and I get good, normal, performance. I'm wondering to maybe get another 100fps or so with a BLC-(2) load.

I'll do some more research, but it looks like 60 grains might be a good place to start...
If I can duplicate Muledeer's loads with the Partitions and Big Game, I'll definitely post the results here. It may be 6 weeks or so before I can get to it. My son just graduated college and hasn't gotten to do any shooting for a while, and I've loaded up some test 308 loads for him, plus he wants to shoot my 45-70, my AR, and some handguns. I'll test the Accubonds while he's doing all that. After that, the missus and I are going to Czech Republic and Austria for some vacay. Probably will be late March before I can get around to the Partitions. I'll be well pleased with 1" at 2450 with those.

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LIMPOPO NORTH SAFARIS wrote on RStien321's profile.
Dear RStien321

I noticed your thread this morning.

We would be thrilled to assit you as mentioned in my comment on your thread.

We as Limpopo North Safaris has numerous areas in limpopo that vary between 10 000 to 24 000 acres that we hunt that has all of the animals on your wish list furthermore we have great deal on cull buffalo cows and bulls.

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Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
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Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia