A Covid read for our Canadian friends

My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?

When I started reading your post, I thought it was meant in jest. But no, I think you are a member of the cult. A key characteristic is an unwillingness to discuss the subject, analyze the facts, or let alternative opinions be discussed. Red America has had a very different covid experience than Canada. Rather than potentially learn or understand anything from those experiences, it is part of the cult's catechism to refer to me as - how did you put it - criminally ignorant.

I simply would urge you to take an honest look at the self-righteous maniacal drivel coming from the left as well. It should be instructive to you that the post I referenced was a Canadian couple's actual reaction to the life Floridians (and most other red states) are actually living. You should go, do you own research, and see what those states' death and hospitalization rates per 100K are compared to Canada. I would suggest that would be a "neutral" course of action on your part.

And since Canada's draconian response to this virus has affected a lot of us who regularly and genuinely like to hunt there, I would think Canada's Covid policies are objectively a very timely topic for this forum.
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He’s not amused and actually thinks Canada should ration hospital beds for non-vaxed people.
I know some people feel this way. In fact, I won't be surprised to get some backlash on here.
I try to look at things with an open mind and see both sides. In a way I can understand your friend feeling this way. After all, if somebody chose to not get a vaccination and then ended up being sick enough to get hospitalized, then why should the rest of the taxpayers have to help to foot the bill, or even worse, have their own services be compromised by an overloaded system when the individual may have been able to avoid getting as sick as they are by having the vaccination?
But that can apply to several things. Smokers. Drinkers. People doing recreational drugs. People drinking and driving. People speeding. People not wearing their seatbelts. People participating in high-risk activities....
It's idiotic. Where does it stop? Is somebody going to take their kid into the emergency and he told that they are going to refuse to look at him because he chose to ride his BMX bike on the track and if he made that choice then it's his own damn fault that he got hurt? People end up in the hospital is a direct result to choices that they make all the time, and it's never questioned. But this pandemic scare seems to have shut everybody's brain off. Are we going to live in a world with no Sports? No travel? Nothing that even hints at the possibility of a risk? What kind of world would that be? I understand that in extreme cases Extreme Measures may need to be taken. But this virus kills less than 1% of the people that get it. And these precautions and mandates are not really making a world of difference.
My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?
It sounds like your frustration matches everyone else’s…and that really is the point isn’t it. We’re hunters, we want to go anywhere and everywhere that it’s legal to do so…that includes Canada. So of course we want to go there and these restrictions prevent the very thing this forum is all about.
So to your last point, everyone here would like nothing more than for this website and everything else to go back to whatever “normal” was.
In some defense of the article writer, while critical of Florida's comparative lack of Covid restrictions, he isn't particularly in favor of what they're doing in Quebec. You have to read the article:

It’s a tale of two worlds. Like most Canadians, I still think collective safety trumps some individual rights. But I’d prefer something between the cowboy individualism of Florida and the heavy-handed paternalistic rules of Quebec during this fifth wave.

Our curfew was lifted, but we still can’t legally invite anyone to our home, while other Western countries and Canadian provinces allow from five to 20 guests.

Britain, France, Spain and other European countries are starting to “live with Omicron ” like the seasonal flu, and dropping many emergency measures. Ontario plans to do likewise. When, if ever, will Quebec?

To fly home we needed a COVID PCR test, almost impossible to come by in Montreal, with lineups hours long at most hospitals. Consequently, the Quebec government won’t allow anyone but the very sick to take them, while travellers must go to private clinics and pay perhaps $200.
Welcome to the freer (more free?) world.
My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?
Jeffro does NOT speak for all Canadians! What is this " self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds" bull shit? How is you speaking your mind any different than me speaking mine? Talk about self righteous. And I would gladly welcome my American neighbors. You don't speak for me when you say they aren't welcome.
And you say "utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity." Well that's what MY issue is all about!!! Where is YOUR neutrality? Where is YOUR objectivity? It's non-existent! What makes me the utter idiot and not you? What makes what I have to say nonsense, but not what you have to say? That's my problem. That's my issue with this whole mandate! It's not open for discussion. It's being forced. You want to follow like a little sheep? Fine. Whatever floats your boat. But to say things that you've said as if they are fact, and not be open to any other thoughts, ideas, or opinions? Whatever..... Go ahead. Take your ball and go home. I don't want to play with you anyway.
My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?

You must be the life of the party wherever you go. I think I speak for everyone here when I say we'll miss you when you're gone. :sneaky:
In some defense of the article writer, while critical of Florida's comparative lack of Covid restrictions, he isn't particularly in favor of what they're doing in Quebec. You have to read the article:

It’s a tale of two worlds. Like most Canadians, I still think collective safety trumps some individual rights. But I’d prefer something between the cowboy individualism of Florida and the heavy-handed paternalistic rules of Quebec during this fifth wave.

Our curfew was lifted, but we still can’t legally invite anyone to our home, while other Western countries and Canadian provinces allow from five to 20 guests.

Britain, France, Spain and other European countries are starting to “live with Omicron ” like the seasonal flu, and dropping many emergency measures. Ontario plans to do likewise. When, if ever, will Quebec?

To fly home we needed a COVID PCR test, almost impossible to come by in Montreal, with lineups hours long at most hospitals. Consequently, the Quebec government won’t allow anyone but the very sick to take them, while travellers must go to private clinics and pay perhaps $200.
Good point

I assume what contributed to my fellow Canadian's anger is that some of the posts were overly hostile to our country for our policy choices. I read them accepting that a text on a Board is often a poor way to communicate an idea.
Good point

I assume what contributed to my fellow Canadian's anger is that some of the posts were overly hostile to our country for our policy choices. I read them accepting that a text on a Board is often a poor way to communicate an idea.

It is for sure. My point was only to read the entire article. Seems to me the writer wants his freedoms, or at least some of them back. Why he feels some restrictions should still remain? I'm guessing fear and not actual science or statistical analysis to support his stand.

Furthermore he seems kind stupid in the first place for visiting Florida. It's not like anyone doesn't know what DeSantis' stance has been. There's no reason for the writer to have been surprised by the lack of restrictions, yet he went anyway, why? Maybe he's not really all that afraid and just one more media hack trying to be in on the act of controlling the public. No different than our Representative Ocasio-Cortez.

"Rules should be for thee, but not for me."
Jeffro does NOT speak for all Canadians! What is this " self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds" bull shit? How is you speaking your mind any different than me speaking mine? Talk about self righteous. And I would gladly welcome my American neighbors. You don't speak for me when you say they aren't welcome.
And you say "utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity." Well that's what MY issue is all about!!! Where is YOUR neutrality? Where is YOUR objectivity? It's non-existent! What makes me the utter idiot and not you? What makes what I have to say nonsense, but not what you have to say? That's my problem. That's my issue with this whole mandate! It's not open for discussion. It's being forced. You want to follow like a little sheep? Fine. Whatever floats your boat. But to say things that you've said as if they are fact, and not be open to any other thoughts, ideas, or opinions? Whatever..... Go ahead. Take your ball and go home. I don't want to play with you anyway.
100%. I'm so glad that out here in Saskatchewan we have Scott Moe as our premier. Despite catching all kinds of abuse from the perpetually alarmed lock-down supporters, he continues to try to keep restrictions to a bare minimum. He can see that our hospitalization/death rates are no worse than Quebec's, so why do what they do? Then we have our opposition party leader Ryan Meili of the NDP who is a Trudeau wannabe far-left former protester, wants to emulate what Quebec is doing. He's gone so far to say on record that due to Premier Moe's lack of restrictions, hundreds of deaths are on his head. Politicians like Ryan Meili and our idiot in Ottawa truly are dividing this country's citizens irreparably apart. Out here in the west we truly do cherish our freedom and even the people who "go along to get along" are starting to say enough is enough. Before Covid was even heard of, I was having a conversation (argument) with a co-worker who moved out here from Toronto (Centre of the Universe) about what our Canadian values are. He was stunned to near silence when I countered that Central Canada's values and Western Canada's values aren't the same thing. It's only gotten worse since that conversation took place. Most of us Western Canadians are more like our Red State neighbors than anyone else and they are more than welcome here.
I have both USA and Canadian citizenship, which, rightly or wrongly, makes me feel free to comment on either country’s government. We were unable to see our Canadian family (Nova Scotia) for almost two years because of this lunacy. The fear that has been instilled in many people there brings one thing to mind; the writings of Joseph Goebbels. The first thing you must do to control a people…
Good point

I assume what contributed to my fellow Canadian's anger is that some of the posts were overly hostile to our country for our policy choices. I read them accepting that a text on a Board is often a poor way to communicate an idea.
What you say about the reason for Jeffro's anger is probably true. But, it's no different than Canadians or others from countries around the world criticizing our Covid policies or the dimwit we currently have as President. I typically refrain from opinions regarding the Governments of other countries because I don't live there. This worldwide Covid pandemic response has been about science sometimes or most recently, the lack thereof, and some people would argue Government CONTROL of the populace WITHOUT the science? Think about it? We're 22 MONTHS into this and in some places throughout the world the lockdowns of FULLY VACCINATED people are the same as when it started? But, this thread was about Canadian citizens who came here KNOWING there were almost NO Covid restrictions in Florida and then complained about it. I don't get it?
100%. I'm so glad that out here in Saskatchewan we have Scott Moe as our premier. Despite catching all kinds of abuse from the perpetually alarmed lock-down supporters, he continues to try to keep restrictions to a bare minimum. He can see that our hospitalization/death rates are no worse than Quebec's, so why do what they do? Then we have our opposition party leader Ryan Meili of the NDP who is a Trudeau wannabe far-left former protester, wants to emulate what Quebec is doing. He's gone so far to say on record that due to Premier Moe's lack of restrictions, hundreds of deaths are on his head. Politicians like Ryan Meili and our idiot in Ottawa truly are dividing this country's citizens irreparably apart. Out here in the west we truly do cherish our freedom and even the people who "go along to get along" are starting to say enough is enough. Before Covid was even heard of, I was having a conversation (argument) with a co-worker who moved out here from Toronto (Centre of the Universe) about what our Canadian values are. He was stunned to near silence when I countered that Central Canada's values and Western Canada's values aren't the same thing. It's only gotten worse since that conversation took place. Most of us Western Canadians are more like our Red State neighbors than anyone else and they are more than welcome here.
Yes Scott is a little more relaxed then most other leaders but he still brought in vaccine mandates that forced people to get vaccinated in order to keep their job.
My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?
You need to give your head a shake.
You are so correct. It is almost cult like. Our liberal friends love to accuse conservatives of wanting to live in a "Handmaid's Tale" world. The closest thing that I have yet seen to that uniformed, group think reality are the virtuous masked brigades setting out each day in mortal fear of their lives to set an example for all mankind.

We have a huge open air California style, high-end mal in Austin called The Domain. If you woke up there and looked around at the shoppers, you would assume you were just outside Long Beach. Austin has had a huge influx of Californians, and they naturally congregate there (if they can afford it). We were having lunch at a restaurant there Saturday, and three out of four shoppers were masked, many double masked. It is almost as if they walk around taking comfort from fellow members as the rest of Texas is accelerating putting this thing in the rear view mirror.

What I found so interesting about the twitter stream is that the Canadian couple was perfectly serious. I initially thought it had to be some sort of parody, but reading the actual stream one realizes it was a "serious" take on their observations in Florida. Really sad.
Red Leg,
The reason all the Californicators are moving there and here is because of the "techy" type jobs being created in both states and a much lower cost of living, well at least in Texas for now. I thought I would place a Texas vacation guide and job promotion brochure on the windshield of parked cars here with CA plates? Just trying to do my part to increase your tax base? LOL
In some defense of the article writer, while critical of Florida's comparative lack of Covid restrictions, he isn't particularly in favor of what they're doing in Quebec. You have to read the article:

It’s a tale of two worlds. Like most Canadians, I still think collective safety trumps some individual rights. But I’d prefer something between the cowboy individualism of Florida and the heavy-handed paternalistic rules of Quebec during this fifth wave.

Our curfew was lifted, but we still can’t legally invite anyone to our home, while other Western countries and Canadian provinces allow from five to 20 guests.

Britain, France, Spain and other European countries are starting to “live with Omicron ” like the seasonal flu, and dropping many emergency measures. Ontario plans to do likewise. When, if ever, will Quebec?

To fly home we needed a COVID PCR test, almost impossible to come by in Montreal, with lineups hours long at most hospitals. Consequently, the Quebec government won’t allow anyone but the very sick to take them, while travellers must go to private clinics and pay perhaps $200.
I agree with Phil. I live in Canada and I read the original article today, before I read the article about the article. I suggest everyone read it, rather than read - and rely - another op-ed piece on the original piece. I didn't get any flavour like what was suggested, and I'm not generally looking to avoid reasons to get pissed at our governments, at least insofar as COVID responses are concerned.

Yes, the author did compare Quebec and Florida, but I never got the impression he was bashing Florida - if anything, he was trying to point out, and poke some fun at - the hysteria which has taken over Quebec, and maybe a little at the all-out freedom in Florida. He suggests that Florida may be going a little far in terms of opening up, but at no point does he suggest that the Quebec approach is a superior one. As with many things, he suggests that the answer is probably somewhere in-between - not an unreasonable position to take.

We have enough lunatics pushing the "maximum panic all the time" position in Canada. This writer, and his newspaper, aren't in that camp.

I get that it can be fun to get worked up about something you think someone said, but . . .
@Red Leg please don’t assume @Jeffro speaks on behalf of the Canadian faction here. I’m not sure exactly what he’s trying to prove with his response hopefully he retired to his safe space and had a chance to calm down. But then who’s ever know a leftist to be open to a differing opinions without flying off the handle.
So, I probably should have posted both. But understand that I found both the abridged and original truly dumbfounding (and sadly funny). I simply would suggest that even the original article reads somewhat differently to those of us who actually live in Florida or Florida-like environments.

And I have no doubt that my perspective is indeed colored by where I make my home. However, I truly do not believe that "somewhere in-between" is a reasonable position any longer. I would hasten to add, this has nothing to do with vaccine efficacy, but everything to do with logical cost versus benefit analysis of the data. As I have noted elsewhere, I am vaxed and boosted.

I have become convinced that both governments and far too many people are so vested in the over-reach of their initial individual and collective response to the virus that they find it almost impossible to objectively look at the two-years worth of data that we have accumulated - most of which is available to the public within governments' own published and updated analysis.

I am convinced that the data convincingly shows that Florida, a number of other states, and a few countries were right - not that they represented some pole. I won't live to see it, but I am also certain the next generation of historians and sociologists will take many lessons learned from this two-plus year period. Very few of them will be positive. Those studies will not mirror those of the great influenza of 1918, but instead, will be about the great hysteria, governmental over-reach, and citizen acquiescence.

No, on this issue, I am convinced the middle way is very nearly as bad as covid internment centers, 10-day isolation, and mandated masks, vaccines, or any other directed personal health related behavior. This virus was never deadly enough to warrant the extraordinary measures government took to supposedly combat it. And the cost, which we will tally for a generation, was far too high.

In this country at least, the majority of states really are moving on. Perhaps Biden and his handlers will eventually try to move him to the front of the parade. I can't speak for Trudeau.
After all, if somebody chose to not get a vaccination and then ended up being sick enough to get hospitalized, then why should the rest of the taxpayers have to help to foot the bill, or even worse, have their own services be compromised by an overloaded system when the individual may have been able to avoid getting as sick as they are by having the vaccination?

@Cam Moon,

my thought is, does "somebody" noted above pay taxes? then they have the right to access the hospital like everyone else. also, you DO KNOW that the vaxed do get and give out the covid virus right? so maybe they got sick from a vaxxed guy, whether you are vasxed or not, i suspect everyone is gonna get the omicron. does canada turn people away from the hospital for being fat? diabetic? smoking? drinking? etc. all are illnesses that hurt health and take up hospital beds, nobody turns them away i bet.

My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time.


sir, take a breath!!! i suspect you are the criminally ignorant if you have not read up on all the potential treatments for covid, (early being key) the individuals that helped create the vaccine says there are issues with it. anyway,,

Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?
if the thread or its subject matter bothers you...then stop reading it and go to another subject!!
or as a wise man once said "change the channel stupid!!"

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Hunting conditions are a bit tougher in South Africa during the month of February, but can be just as rewarding if done right.
James Friedrichs wrote on Dangerous Dave's profile.
can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.
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Remember I will be in the USA for the next 16 days , will post my USA phone number when I can get one in Atlanta this afternoon!
I am on my way to the USA! will be in Atlanta tonight! loving the Wifi On the Delta flights!