AH enthusiast
I can't see the video either.
Thank you for sharing. I'm curious about the recoil training you mentioned in the video.
It just says "link is private"
I got it to work last night.... @intj well done on the video content, format and videography.I think this may be the issue. He might have to go into his youtube content and make it "public."
The same is absolutely true in the States. It is easy to imagine the reception a bird hunter would get on a Georgia plantation if he stepped off with his double on his shoulder gripped by the muzzles. He would be frog marched off after the first couple of steps. Or try that while walking behind your guide in Canada, the Western US, or anywhere in Europe. It incorporates the very worst in gun handling.Very good.
But I always wince inside when I see the casual handling of a rifle (at 17'-18') - swinging the muzzle under the other members of the party's feet, holding it one handed and using it to point out features of the carcass, and then (although I have got used to it) the 'African carry'. Try any of this in Scotland (and, I expect, most of northern Europe) and the very least that you'll get is a stern telling off.
Getting the "video removed by uploader" notification.New Link:
Getting the "video removed by uploader" notification.