AH ambassador
As a practicing geologist, do you see any chance Californicate could brake off from the free US due to a massive earthquake and become it’s own island before 60 million years so we’d all get to clap? LOLAs a practicing geologist, I would say plate tectonics has taken the place of continental drift as a theory.
The rift valley in East Africa is purely extensional, and if it does not fail in a few million years, will become a separate micro continent. Hey, more places to hunt if they don’t go the way of Madagascar legally…
Californias San Andreas is a strike slip/translational fault system, moving north/north west. LA will end up by San Fransico or Seattle in another 60 million years and hunting or firearms regulations will not be any more liberal.
Just thought I’d clear that up. Either way, some errant geo will write a paper how humans have influenced the inevitable…