Thanks to all of you for making me feel welcome and giving your advice and sugestions. I have made a few phonecalls and know a little bit more. Unfortunatly, it does not look very good. I spoke with a company that normaly has a wide selection of woodleigh bullets. They have no idea when they will get a new shipment of bullets from them. Jakt & Friluft(hunting gear shop in Norway) do not answer the phone. Probably have their hands full since moosehunt start next month. They also normaly have a good selection of woodeighs, but also have Hornady factory loads in their Dangerous game label. But nothing in 416 Rigby..
i have sent them an email.
As it stands my choises are two.
1. Buy factory loaded Norma with Barnes round nose solids and use them with the TBBC I already have.
2. Buy 4 packets of Normas African PH line, 450 grains. Both solids and expanding.
At the moment I am leaning on alternative 2.
PerH: regarding Rhino bullets: Jaktdepotet have not imported Rhino for years. They do not have any 416 that would be usefull for Hippo.