I carry extra ammo (10-12 rounds) in a trifold cloth looped wallet in my pocket or in a day pack. I have used one of the elastic slip over butt stock carrier loops quite a bit for non-dangerous game similar to what TT pictured on his "Marlene". However, for dangerous game, I use a leather slide on my belt where the cartridges are both easy to get to yet secure enough they won't fall out if crawling or running. I modified the one I have to allow easy one handed retrieval of rounds yet the rounds are covered and secured.... but no snaps or clips or anything that could impede getting cartridges out. I put my knives, gadgets, nicknacks, multi-tools, water and extra "stuff" in my day pack. I really hate carrying a heavy, lopsided loaded belt. Too uncomfortable for walking any distance not to mention don't need junk in the way if I need to get to extra cartridges for loading during DG follow up. For DG, practice running and loading under stress at the range. Might be revealing. Chances are pretty good many DG hunts will happen that way.