AH senior member
Anyone here from Alberta or BC?
A little east of the Rockies some days and others much nearer the salt water to the west.Where are you from Brick?
Done 5 so far, hoping for a return in 26. I am always available to help a fellow hunter. I am a do myself kind of guy. Import all my own trophies so have some knowledge with that. Take my own guns and also do my own paperwork.Thank fellas, I am in Telkwa BC. I was hoping to pick your brains in the future regarding the nuances of taxidermy and shipping of trophy’s back to Canada as well as insurance stuff etc. Your experience and recommendations would be of great help.
Would not recommend getting taxidermy done in Africa for two reasons: lower quality & significantly increase your shipping cost. Cargo is generally handled roughly - would never ship a finished prized / breakable piece.Thank fellas, I am in Telkwa BC. I was hoping to pick your brains in the future regarding the nuances of taxidermy and shipping of trophy’s back to Canada as well as insurance stuff etc. Your experience and recommendations would be of great help.
Not sure why you were not allowed to import from any International Port, Calgary being one. Maybe had something to do with shortage of staff? CFIA?Calgary.
I have had only one head mounted in Africa, my Cape Mountain zebra.
All the other heads have been Euros. (rather spend less on taxidermy and more on hunting) ( now if I could just stop buying and selling guns etc)
I've had a few rugs done.
Rigel Logistics imported my trophies from my 2014 RSA hunt.
I imported my trophies from my 2019 RSA hunt to the Calgary airport. Easy-peasy.
I am rather pissed that the Federal government only allowed import of my trophies through Toronto or Vancouver for my 2023 RSA hunt. This required an agent in Vancouver who I feel somewhat raped by (fees excessively high).
I'm not sure if I will bring back anymore trophies if I get to hunt Africa again. The taxidermy and shipping fees have become prohibitively high IMO.