ARGENTINA: Argentina Red Stag & Blackbuck Hunt


AH fanatic
Nov 26, 2019
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Hunting reports
I'm March of 2022 (yes, this report is LONG overdue), I was fortunate enough to go on a fantastic trip to Argentina for a big game hunt. It was a package hunt bought at an SCI banquet for 2 hunters, 6 days hunting, with 2 Red Stag, 2 blackbuck, and 1 water buffalo. After a couple years of Covid postponement, by brother (Shane) offered me the 2nd spot when the original other hunter could no longer go. Lucky me! The outfitter for this hunt was Terra Pampa by Caichue in the Santa Rosa area and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a hunt.

The trip started off with some rough travel, but added to the adventure. Since you're here for the hunt report and not travel details, I will keep it to a simple summary. After delayed flight and entire route change, I met my brother and 1 other hunter, Maximilian, in Buenos Aires and Remi picked us up from the airport. We had a light lunch at Remi's home, did a couple hours of walkabout to explore BA, grabbed some snacks and water for the next leg of the trip, and relaxed with a couple local brews. Then it was on to the boring part, a bus ride to Santa Rosa, where we were met by the head guide, Rodolfo, and had an hour or so drive to the ranch. After 24 hours of airports, airplanes, waiting, bus ride, and transport, we finally were at our hunting destination. It was near midnight and being exhausted from travel, we were offered snacks and drinks, shown our rooms, and agreed to get a good rest before a mid morning breakfast and gather for staff and guide introductions and go through the hunting details. Off to bed we went, equally needing sleep and excited for the hunt to begin.

DAY 1:
After a good night sleep, we gather the next morning around 9am for a light breakfast and to start coordinating the hunt. We meet Chef Leo, who would prepare some amazing meals for us each day. We also met the ranch manager, who would be our primary hunt coordinator and was there to take any requests we had or answer questions. He had each of us 3 hunters pick a rifle from the gun rack (we all rented instead of bringing our own) and gave us a box of ammunition to match. After a rundown of the facilities and general plan for the week, our guides arrived to take us to the shooting range for rifle test fire and with everything on point we elected to do a partial tour of the ranch and get a feel for the land. We found a few herds of blackbuck and water buffalo as we went, plus drove past the cattle pens and working operations there. As an 85,000 acre ranch, we only scratched the surface of the property, but got a good feel for the dunes, the pastures, and the timber areas we would be hunting. We also saw their bird fields with thousands of dove and pigeon, and the 6000 acre high fence area that contained all the "other" game available to hunt.

Back to the lodge for lunch, which turns out is a 3 course feast each day. Follow that with an afternoon R&R period, and then getting the hunting started in earnest for the evening. The ranch is so large, they have it plotted in sections of low fence which allows each hunter/guide to have their own area of many square miles to roam. Rodolfo was my guide for the week, and we were dropped in our area for a spot and stalk session. The Roar was just starting, so we would stop and listen often as we made our way through the timbered terrain. While we didn't see much this first day, we did come across a young 5x4 and watched/listened to him from under 50 yards away for the better part of 15 minutes before backing out and continuing our pursuit of something more mature.



Soon enough the daylight ran low and we made our way back to the pickup point. As we waited for our ride, we listened to some dusk Roars winding down, and had a feral hog come up the roadway.

Back to the lodge, we were able to unwind a little with beer, wine and cocktails, share some stories of our first evening of hunting, and get ready for dinner. As we were awaiting dinner, we were told another group of 3 brothers would be arriving late that evening (much like we had the night before) to complete an overall group of 6 hunters in camp for the week.

They eat late in Argentina, but it was always a 3-4 course dinner with large portions, and plenty filling. By the time we finished dinner, it was generally time to retire for the night and be ready for the next mornings hunt. However, as the "Dakota boys" arrived shorlty after dinner, we stayed up a little later for introductions and building comraderie. Alas, we headed off to our rooms and prepared for the next morning.

DAY 2:
The next morning, we 3 original hunters woke before the sun, had our breakfast, readied our gear, and our guides met us at the lodge. Off we went to our morning hunt areas. I was in a new spot from the night before, but we had the same approach to the hunt. Unfortunately, it was mostly quiet and we did not see much of anything this outing. We ultimately wrapped up and met the others for pickup and return to the lodge. They'd had a bit more success in seeing some stags and hinds, but no shooters.

At this point, we had some time to kill before lunch, so my brother and I told our guides we wanted to go together to chase blackbuck. They happily accepted our request, so we loaded up in the truck and headed out to the plains and dunes. As we drove along, we would stop and glass different herds searching for a good mature trophy ram. Since this was originally my brother's trip, I deferred to him for first option at shooting. Soon enough we found some shooters, but the open ground and large herds made stalking difficult. After a couple busted attempts, we finally found a group that we could put a hill between ourselves and them before starting the stalk. As we got to the top of the ridge we began a hands and knees crawl- for which I was extremely grateful to have some knee pad inserts in my pants, and good leather gloves to protect myself from the "rosetas" (aka sandburs). As we peeked over the ridge, I stayed a few feet behind and below my brother and his guide, Sixto. They saw the Ram we were after about 200 yards out on another hill. He was facing almost directly towards us, so my brother had a decision to make. Confident in his knowledge of a .308 at 200 yards, and his own ability to make the shot, he elected to give it a go. Up went the shooting sticks, he found his aim, steadied, and took the shot. Being unable to see from my position, I scored the sound of the shot as a hit. I quickly got up and looked to see the blackbuck running up the hill he'd been on and working away from us. Meanwhile, my brother worked the bolt, lined up another shot and touched off a follow up. The result of that shot was unclear, but just a few bounding leaps later, the ram fell and was down dead. We had our first Argentina game on the ground!

Time to get some pictures, load him out, and head back to the lodge for lunch. Turns out it was a dead center heart shot, but the ram was able to use his last bit of life and adrenaline to run about 50-100 yards uphill from where the shot first hit him.


Back at the lodge, we showed off the trophy before it was taken to the skinning shed. Another hearty lunch, and spend the early afternoon relaxing as we waited for the evening hunting session. Some of the hunters napped, others talked and played cards or dice games. Wine and cervesas flowed in moderation, until soon it was time to gear up and go again.

The evening hunt yielded no substantial results. A few various sightings, the Roar seemed to be picking up a little more, and even with no shots taken, we all enjoyed our hunting time. Eventually we all made it back to the lodge again for more stories, both of the hunts and in getting to know more about each other in our hunting camp. Without having planned it, we managed to have 6 hunters come together in camp, all about the same age (roughly 30-35) that quickly became a group of friends. It would make for a phenomenal week of comraderie that went far beyond just the hunting.
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As I realize my previous post was a bit long winded, I'll try to keep the details a little more on-point to the hunting from here forward.

DAY 3:
Once again we arose before the sun, this time all 6 hunters, and Chef Leo was there to cook us eggs any way (as he would each day) along with bacon, toast and the like. They guides came and we loaded out to our hunting spots for the morning. The Roar was definitely picking up, and were getting a few more sightings, but alas we did not come across the trophies we were searching for. After a rendezvous back to camp to drop everyone off, Shane and I again embarked on joint mission to find a blackbuck for me. There were some rain clouds brewing, but we figured we'd give it a go.

After glassing several groups and a blown stalk where the wind would not cooperate, we came upon a nice ram that we felt we could make a move on. We followed him up and over a couple of hills, and eventually had an opportunity present itself wher we could skirt around a hill and try to get out in front of him. The goal was to get set up in a spot where he would come walking past us. But, of course, we quickly found that our plan did not work quite as we hoped. Another ram was coming from the other way and the one we were after was aiming to chase the smaller one away.

I turned to Rodolfo and told him I had an idea and to follow me. We backtracked around the hill the other way and over to another one. I figured we would come up over the top and he should be about 300-400 yards away and either coming to us, or would be in a spot we could get ourselves closer. Once again, I was wrong. But this time it was to my benefit. He'd moved faster than expected and was already at 150 yards and closing. Up went the shooting sticks, a quick ping from the rangefinder said 135 yards, and I settled in for the shot. Crosshairs settled, controlled breathing, found my aim point, and squeezed odd a shot.


My shot pulled a little high, but he was down on the spot. As i was preparing for an angle to put in a finishing shot, Rodolfo stopped me. He pulled his knife and expertly placed it between the ribs and pierced the heart. With the winds shifting and rain immenent, we had an abbreviated photo session while my brother's guide went for the truck and came out to get him loaded.

We got back to the lodge for lunch and then rest before the evening hunt. Timing was good, as the rains came through and passed while we were staying dry inside. Soon enough, we were headed back out to chase our Stags.

It was a gloomy evening, with a continued look of rain. But the hunting was good. We were into a lot of activity and had several stags in range. A couple were decent, but I was holding out for one with some really nice crowns. Halfway through the hunt, there was some radio activity and it was relayed thay one of the Dakota boys had tagged one. They were getting it quartered and caped to haul out then would come get us. There was another rain squall on its way in. Unfortunately, as we were walking out and waiting for our ride, the rains came before the truck. We got a bit soaked, but nothing I hadn't dealt with before. As we loaded out, we hit a spot where the rain stopped, and the setting sun made for a fantastic view through the rain.
Thanks a lot for sharing @Tbitty ! Don’t worry about writing too much, we love the detail here :)

Congratulations on the two blackbuck already, looking forward to the rest of the adventure!
A couple more pictures from the day, including a rattlesnake and a couple stags we spotted but passed on.

More to come tomorrow. Lost track of time and better call it a night.
A little extra information to add here. The package we (my brother and I) had included any free range stag or we could hunt the 6000 acre fenced area for trophy stags up to 400" size. Going into the hunt, both of us wanted to spend some time free range hunting for a few days to enjoy the experience and see what we could find. But both of us also knew we could increase our odds and/or find the big boys if we ever wanted to step away from the free range.

After those first 2.5 days hunting free range, I made reference to my guide that I might want to see what was in the fenced space. He knew well what that would entail (a high probability of encounter with animals over 280" score) and had accurately assessed that I was up for more of a challenge than what that offered. We could always come back to it later, and with only a light suggestion, I was ready to hit the bush for another day.

We also learned of some additional opportunities that we could explore while we were there. We could add a day or half day of dove hunt, add on other big game, do a night hunt for viscacha, go fishing in the local ponds (lagoons), and a few other activities. Knowing that we had a few days left, we started considering our options for the rest of the week, while still focusing on our Stags, and planning 1 day hunting together for my brother's water buffalo. They were in the open plains, and we'd been by several while blackbuck hunting, so we didn't think that would be an overly challenging hunt.

There were still 4 full days of hunting left, so we hand plenty of time and options.
Day 4:

Once again, we were out at first light for another morning hunt. The Roar was consistent each morning and night now, although Rodolfo said it was still a couple weeks from being in full swing. On this morning, we had a great encounter with a hind and thought we might have a roaring stag moving towards her. Alas, either he outsmarted us, caught our scent, both, or otherwise found his way to hide and slip away. We continued to work our way along, chasing one roar or another, or getting to viewing points to see what we could glass moving through the scrub. Again we found a few deer we could try for, but none were convincing enough to take a shot.

Meanwhile, Maximilian had gone to the high fence area and found the one he was looking for. By the time we'd finished our morning hunt, they'd already caped and butchered his stag. I didn't get a picture until a couple days later, but needless to say we were all very excited for him and to see what these are capable of growing. Here's one after they'd done the initial boiling

After the hunt, since we had already bagged our blackbucks, we had a longer bit of downtime. At lunch, we were told we were in for a special dinner. Chef Leo would be cooking a whole lamb over an open fire in a traditional Argentinian manner. It would be more of a barbecue eating around the fire instead of the usual meal at the dining table. Skipping ahead a bit, with nothing major to report from the evening hunt, the dinner became one of the highlights of our trip.

With the feast at hand, the guides and ranch hands also came over from their usual quarters and joined in. It was quite an enjoyable night, to top off another great day. Alas, having exhausted more than half of the hunting days, I decided it was time to see for myself what we could find in the high fence area. My brother also decided to go that route, so we informed our guides and they made the plans on where to go. Even with a high fence, we'd have over 9 square miles of area to wander, but I had a good idea that tomorrow would provide an opportunity to fill my tag.
Day 5:
As I prepared for the hunt that morning, and enjoyed my breakfast with the others, I found out that one of the Dakota boys, who'd taken his stag already, was going to stay behind that morning. 4 people (3 brothers and a guide) was too many to have trying to sneak through the brush. So I told him to grab his gear and he could join me. He jumped at the chance to tag along instead of stay at the lodge, and I was equally excited to see him grab his camera to bring along.

We dropped off Shane on our way out, and went a couple more miles ahead to where we would start our hunt. In addition to the trophy stags, the fenced area also housed fallow and axis deer, multi-horn goats and wild sheep, and pumas were known to work the area. It wasn't long after daylight that we were hearing a few Roars in the distance, and came across some of the axis deer. Moving along, we came across a beauty of a stag, looking majestic as could be in the morning light. While he was a fantastic trophy, it was early and I wanted to see what else we could find. So we continued on.

We proceeded to move along through the brush, up and down a few hills, and added a couple more miles to our hike before crossing some tracks in the mud that looked quite fresh. It wasn't long after when we heard the beautiful sound of a stag roaring nearby and we adjusted our course to try and get eyes on him. Stopping in a clump of trees at the top of a hill, we watched and listened until he made his way out, with a younger friend no less, and gave us a chance to do some glassing. Crowns, check. Mass, check. Mature trophy, check. This was what I had pictured when I first signed up to go on the trip. I asked Rodolfo to make sure this was one I could hunt. He said it was, and even indicated we could probably find something bigger. But I'd decided this one checked the boxes I was looking for; the highest total inches was not my end goal. So we made a plan and started our stalk.

The angle they were taking gave us a chance to stay downwind and get to a little hill that should put us in range for a shot. We made our move and it worked as planned, we got set up overlooking them from about 150-175 yards. I was on the sticks and looking for my shot. And it was great to have a camera man along, to capture the footage to come. In addition to his traditional camera, I handed him my cell phone to take a few more for me.

Unfortunately for me, the pair stayed a little too close together or would turn and give me poor shooting angles. I was in no hurry though, we had time and were well blended in the grass and with a favorable wind. As they moved along, they were angling away and soon were out past 200, then 250 and still going. While im comfortable shpoting at those ranges and longer, it wasnt worth risking a bad shot. I elected to pull back, drop down the hill, and we could work around to the right with only one opening we'd have to cross and be overly visible. But if we went slow and stayed low, I felt we could make it to another ridge and be in position for a great shot. A few mintues into our relocation maneuver, I thought I heard a shot come from the direction of where my brother was hunting. But I didnt have time to think about it much, I needed to get into position for my own chance. Lady luck was on my side again and we got set up in time for them to come out about 75 yards from our position. As the two separated a few yards and they meandered along mostly broadside, I knew my shot opportunity was coming soon. I steadied on the sticks and waited. Just as I was about to turn to Levi to give him directions for when to start rolling video, the stag stepped into my shooting zone and it was time to go through my shot progression. Lucky for me, he had already started recording.

As he took a couple steps forward, he suddenly looked up and directly at us. It was now or never, so i settled the crosshairs and took my shot. He dropped instantly and though I could see his antlers moving just a bit in the grass, I knew he was down for good. I cycled the bolt, watched a couple more seconds through the scope just in case, then raised up and we waited for about 30 more seconds before walking in for our close up view!


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As we took a few pictures, we radioed in for some help to get him loaded out. Then we drug him several yards into the sunshine for a few more pics and waited for backup to arrive.

We also got word that Shane had scored as well, so after we got mine loaded up (luckily, we were in a spot that they could drive a truck to), we headed over to help him too. Two great stags down within a half hour of each other. Plus I had video footage to go with mine. And even Max had put down a nice boar. What a fantastic morning of hunting!


Back at the skinning shed, all the hunters gathered to celebrate the morning and check out the trophies taken. We also spent some time walking around the ranch barns and quarters. The original ranch house was still there and in use, so it was a nice bit of history to go along with the adventure.

as they were skinning and butchering, We grabbed the tenderloins of Shane's stag and took them with us back to the lodge, and had Leo set them aside for us to cook as an afternoon snack the next day.

The morning was the absolute best part of the trip, as taking such a trophy was an incredible blessing and opportunity. But there was still much more fun to be had the rest of the way.
At this point, I was "tagged out." Among the group, we had most of our planned animals checked off. One of the brothers still was after a stag. All 3 had two days (broken into 4 hunt sessions) of dove hunting on their docket. My brother had his water buffalo still. Beyond that, we could consider our add ons or extras, or just enjoy the days. As we ate lunch, we all talked through how the rest of our trip might go. For this particular day, the 3 brothers would go do their first half day of dove hunting that afternoon. The rest of us would go fishing for a few hours and we would all be back before dark for an evening at the lodge.

After dinner, one of the Dakota boys, my brother, and I had signed up for a night hunt of viscacha, and one other brother wanted to go along for the ride and observe. This turned out to be a drunk hillbillies dream adventure. We loaded up with 2 shooters at a time in the bed of the truck carrying .22's, with 1 guide driving and the other running a homemade spotlight (powered by the truck battery). We would drive along until the spotlight shined groups of eyes. Viscacha are burrowing animals, and similar to prairie dog hunting, you shot as many as you could before they got back to the dens and went underground. With 3 of us, we rotated shooters after every couple of stops. It was so much fun, I lost all track of time and was oblivious to the cold until our guides finally said it was time to head back. ... if you are ever in Argentina and can get an opportunity to do any form of this, I highly recommend doing so.

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Day 6:
Two hunting days left, plus a departure day after that. Given the long night before, those of us who'd stayed out caught a little extra sleep. The third brother was out after his stag, and the other guy went to chase an axis deer. Not wanting to sit around all day, the two remaining Dakota brothers went to get in another half day of wingshooting, while we elected to go see if we could find one of the rare 5-curl blackbucks or anything we couldn't pass up. We did have a few opportunities at quality rams, but ultimately declined to take a shot.

For the afternoon, we decided that we couldn't go to Argentina and not do at least a session of dove hunting. It may not be Cordoba, but there was still easily the most birds I'd ever had circling me. I limited myself to 1 case of shells and after blazing through the first couple boxes, decided to be more selective with my shots. Four of us were out for the dove and pigeon hunt, and each had our own blind in the middle of a sunflower field. This kept the birds stirred up well, and there was never a long wait between shots.

In typical brotherly competition fashion, after we'd finished shooting and started to collect our birds, there was mental cognizance to how many were going in the bag. As expected, the first question asked when we met up with my brother was "how many?" I'd put 120 in my bag was my answer. How many had he bagged? 119... at that moment. Not willing to settle for a single bird loss, he ran over to a fence post (about 100 yards from the blind he'd shot from) and searched through some thick brush for a moment before holding up his prize. #120 for the tie. Naturally, my next question was how many shells he'd shot. Of course, you guessed it, he also stopped at 1 case. I waited until after we were loaded in the truck and leaving before telling him I'd had my guide take a couple shots and made this my feeble attempt at a technical win, but really was quite entertained that it had been a draw.


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Day 7:
Final Hunting day (but with one more non hunting day to come.

My brother is going for his Water Buffalo, and I join him as a tag-along and cameraman. We head out just after sunrise and look for a good bull to stalk. It took a few groups of looking them over or trying to find a favorable wind with enough cover to make an approach before we finally came upon a pair of old bulls that looked promising. I didn't realize just how much ground these guys could cover so quickly! We chased them for a while. Then chased them some more. And after chasing a little further yet, we finally had closed the gap and found a spot we felt we could get within range for a good shot. At this point, they'd joined a group of buffalo, which added an extra level of difficulty. More eyes watching us, and trying to line up a clear, clean shot put our patience to the test. At long last, we had a clear broadside shot to take. As the rifle report sang out, the bullet found its mark. Tough critters that they are, a follow up was added as he staggered along then toppled over.

The rest of the herd initially grouped up and surrounded the downed bull. As we carefully approached, we did our best to spook them off, but mostly just got them to wander a little further away, still grouped up and keeping eyes on us. They'd slowly close the gap, and we'd wave at them and take a few bold steps to move them back. Eventually they wandered off, and we started to take some pictures as the guide radioed it in. Yet another successful hunt!

We waited for the butchering crew to arrive, and found the entire group of hunters had come to check it out and get some pictures, too.
Bloody funny how that shell ended up on top of the sunflower.
Cheers for the report.

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Great report and looks like some very nice animals. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Can you report on trophy importation. Costs and difficulties? That has kept me away from Argentina. Would love to hear about your experiences.
Wonderful report! Never heard of viscacha looks like a good time. Did you see any brocket deer while over there?
Got busy for a few days and just realized I never finished the tale.

Day 7 afternoon- everyone had tagged out, and the Dakota boys each had a half day of bird shooting left to do. So we convinced the staff and guides to allow us other hunters in camp to join them in the blinds as observers (and acting guides, so to speak). The actual guides got us all set in the blinds, equipped with case of shells and provisions for the afternoon, then left us each with a radio and said to call if we needed anything. They took the trucks out of shooting range and watched from the overlooking hill. And we progressed to have quite an entertaining afternoon. The radios turned into our conversation pieces between blinds, with a mix of trash talk, call outs for shots we could see, bad singing, and whatever else we felt like. Having been hunted several times over the past few days, there weren't as many birds flying (it's not Cordova afterall !), but still plenty to keep us entertained and shots ringing out until it was time to wrap up, pick up birds and empties, and head back to the lodge.

For dinner, they guides came up to the lodge and joined us on the patio while we had some appetizers and eventually got some steaks on the grill. We used the opportunity to hand out gratuities to the guides, chef, staff, etc. We had a longer night celebrating a great week, and without an early wakeup the next day- it turned into a fairly good party amongst us hunters.

Meanwhile, we also "checked in" our rifles (which were in the gun case) and ammo. We also had a chance to check out some knives, crafts, trinkets, and other miscellaneous stuff available to purchase. Most were made by the guides or their families, and several of us picked out an item or two to bring home. I grabbed a couple of knives; one had a stag antler handle, the other a blackbuck horn handle. My brother beat me to the room and had grabbed a nice demascus blade with carved bone handle (the only one they had) too. We added our extras to our tab and verified some of the others items we may have added through the week.

The next morning we got to sleep in. A charter flight had been arranged to take us from camp to Buenos Aires, but it wasn't coming until mid-afternoon. So we lazily packed, then went over to the ranch HQ to review paperwork and tally the final bill. We had a last opportunity to take some pictures of the boiled and cleaned skulls of trophies, had some burgers for lunch and killed time. Just before it was time to go to the airstrip, which was only a pasture with long flat area cleared and cut, I was surprised with one of the most sentimentally meaningful gifts I've ever received. My guide for the week, Rodolfo, pulled me aside for a few moments. He commented that one of the knives I'd picked out was one he had made. He then handed me a gift. As I opened it, I found a larger version of the stag handle knife I'd bought. He said this one wasn't for sale, and that he'd greatly enjoyed hunting with me through the week.

Then it was time to leave. We said our final goodbyes, and after the next group of hunters flew in and unloaded, we loaded up and headed back to B.A., and eventually home. It was a tremendously fun week, with a lot of great memories and friendships made.
Great report and looks like some very nice animals. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Can you report on trophy importation. Costs and difficulties? That has kept me away from Argentina. Would love to hear about your experiences.
Importing the trophies was easy enough in the actual doing, but the process was challenged by Argentina law changes. Last year, after we left the Argentina government made it much more difficult for hunting outfits to export, and new licenses and permits were required before they could process. I heard from a number of sources, not just from who we went with, of these issues. Instead of shipping in July/August 2022 as originally expected, it took until January for them to finally get clearance. My brother and I had originally planned to have two shipments made, one to each of us, but the paperwork got confused and they packaged it as one crate. It was about $2700 total for 2 stag, 2 blackbuck, and 1 buffalo with hides. They air mailed to Memphis for original clearance, then shipped ground via FedEx from there to Denver.

We did ask for a quote change to ship separately as originally planned, but they suggested the price would nearly double and the revised paperwork could take a while longer. It wasn't worth the wait, so we shipped as one. Once received, I talked to @gizmo To do the taxidermy work, and had my bro ship skins to the proper tannery, and I'll pick up the skull and horns/antlers when we see each other next, and get them to taxi a little later.

As I mentioned, the process of import was easy enough, if you rule out the government paperwork changes. it just took longer than expected. I would not hesitate to go back and do it again.
Wonderful report! Never heard of viscacha looks like a good time. Did you see any brocket deer while over there?

I did not see any brocket deer (had to search what they were just now, actually).
Bloody funny how that shell ended up on top of the sunflower.
Cheers for the report.

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Actually, that's just a well timed photo of the shell floating through the air. I did hit one bird that crashed into the blind as I couldn't quite catch it out of the air as it fell.
Congrats and thanks for sharing!
How much more was it to hunt inside the fence? Would they credit what you paid for a free range one to go inside?

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Hello! I’m new… from Texas!
schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.