Now, before you get your tightly whities wedged in your crack, I've got a bunch of Aussie friends and they're awesome and come to think of it I've never met an Aussie I didn't like.
They didn't just confiscate junk or "Saturday night specials" I remember seeing picture of engraved, heirloom grade pistols, etc. They didn't care. There should be hell to pay if they try that again. Or, try it here for that matter.Some guns are junk. I've owned a few that deserved the scrap heap. Many of the guns I could make out in that video (I didn't watch all of it) were rubbish wearing a trigger. Good riddance.
Some guns are junk. I've owned a few that deserved the scrap heap. Many of the guns I could make out in that video (I didn't watch all of it) were rubbish wearing a trigger. Good riddance.
@PilgrimNow, before you get your tightly whities wedged in your crack, I've got a bunch of Aussie friends and they're awesome and come to think of it I've never met an Aussie I didn't like.
Some guns are junk. I've owned a few that deserved the scrap heap. Many of the guns I could make out in that video (I didn't watch all of it) were rubbish wearing a trigger. Good riddance.
Wow,No one provided any background info re the video. To me it was just a bunch of guns being stockpiled. I didn't watch the whole thing. After several minutes of the same thing over and over, I didn't see any point in going further. And the guns I saw in the few closeup shots were pretty much junk. If the govt wanted to pay me money for junk I don't need, I'd take the deal. Why not?
No one provided any background info re the video. To me it was just a bunch of guns being stockpiled. I didn't watch the whole thing. After several minutes of the same thing over and over, I didn't see any point in going further. And the guns I saw in the few closeup shots were pretty much junk. If the govt wanted to pay me money for junk I don't need, I'd take the deal. Why not?