Average prices?

I don't know if this will help anyone but I'll throw in my two cents on importing trophies reference to four shipments I took care of myself from South Africa. Unless you are prepared to navigate the labyrinth of dealing with the taxidermist, the RSA paperwork including CITEs documentation, the RSA shipper, air carrier (I use Delta Cargo), USF&W, Dept. of Ag, customs, and the final destination warehouse personnel, and you would like the process to be painless, go with a broker who has a proven record. It IS a lot of work and Murphy is lurking behind every one of the hands your trophies pass through.
Some will recall I had quite a time with FWS last time out, mostly my fault but nonetheless SSI was a big help to me at least in advice and direction. I had cleared my own shipment 2 times before with no issues other than the hassle of driving to SeaTac airport and back, but last time the "gals", and I use that term advisedly at FWS did a tag team on my boy and I and got him to cop to having hunted on the same license as I did and they freaked out. Made me get little permission slips from the property owners of places we hunted on and just generally made things unnecessarily difficult when there was no need. SSI also saved me a potential issue on this most recent trip by advising my outfitter on a license matter, so they have already earned their keep as far as I am concerned and yes I did hire them to handle this shipment and damn glad I did. I will never deal directly with FWS again!
sestoppelman, don't get me started on F&W. One time they unscrewed some of my trophies from the crate to look at ones in the bottom and then just stuffed them back in the box loose. Fortunately they didn't get banged around too much and made the truck part of the trip ok. I'm too old to get pissed but that's what the sort of stuff you deal with in the importing game. Meanwhile, bugs from uninspected and untreated Asian wood crates with cheap China crap imports are in the process of destroying the ash trees and hemlocks all over the U.S.
On a different note..... i wonder if it is a good idea to bug bomb the create when you open it, prior to hanging your trophies. Just a thought.
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On a different note..... i wonder if it is a good idea to bug bomb the create when you open it, prior to hanging your trophies. Just a thought.

I need to check the import documentation but IIRC, the wood has to be treated and have paperwork if it's coming from RSA to the U.S.
Don't know about other countries in Africa.
Nope that why I use coppersmith they do that part for me. Don't recall saying I know all the rules or laws just know how to save money get the most I can for my money also. I have done 3 shipments no problems and helped on another 3 or 4 shipments for friends with no problems so I am happy with my track record. That includes a lioness shipped right as all the bs started with lions.

I know enough to get my stuff shipped when I want with out paying someone to send emails that I can do.

I wanted to thank the educated Hunters (AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) for finally posting something to which I can reply as Continuing Education…..

Bill, you are misinforming the people on AH so let me set the record straight by addressing your comments in bold red:

“You pay 350 to 450 and they do the paperwork to clear them – All they do, like all other brokers, is file an electronic entry. So this costs you $350-$450?

but they will not bug anyone to ship stuff for you. If bugging your shipper or dip/packer means taking control so that the hunter’s shipment is proactively being monitored to ensure proper export documentation, timely export and to ensure that the best economic shipping option has been offered, then WE ARE GUILTY.

You decide if paying 400 is better then paying much more for sending a few emails telling people you want your stuff shipped. We have many former Coppersmith (and other broker) clients. Some lament the seizure of their trophies, some lament about inexperienced people who have caused issues due to inaction but never have we seen a $400 invoice for pushing the button to file an electronic filing. Every invoice we have seen has a base price of $700 plus a myriad of other charges that ultimately are never disclosed upfront.

Don't throw money out the door on stuff that can be handled very easily unless you have it to throw around which I don't.” Let me comment with an analogy to illustrate being ‘penny wise and dollar foolish’: For those who live in areas that have very cold winters, you might hear what I hear all the time: “I HEAT MY HOUSE FOR FREE ALL WINTER BY BURNING WOOD”. So, how much did the chainsaw cost? How much was the log splitter? How much was the truck to haul the wood? How many hours was expended to cut, split and stack the wood? How much time was used to feed the wood stove to keep the fire burning all winter long? This is not called FREE.

Can other broker represent the following to you?

1. Full Disclosure of pricing is on website

2. We take LEGAL responsibility for your trophies via our Authorization

3. We have never had a seizure since we’ve been in business

4. We do consolidated export shipping to any of our 7 locations

5. We are your expert in the hunting industry as we handle ONLY hunted trophies

6. We are at the forefront to advocate on behalf of the hunter and Conservation

7. We don't accept commission or bribes!!!!!!

So, if this has not struck a cord to show you who ‘has your back’ as an American hunter in a foreign land, then throw your money 'out the door' like Bill said.

Thank you,
Robert Quartarone
(Ghost Writer)
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I don't want to push you to any particular taxidermy shop. But a couple of other things you should consider is: (1) Where/How are you going to get them into the USA. Looking at Coppersmith and SSI web site, it looks like your closest port of entry is NYC to your home state if you use a "local" taxidermist. (A) You can clear yourself by driving to NYC and then driving the cargo back home or (B) use a service and then pay the freight from NYC to your "local" taxidermist. (2) You want not just a good taxidermist, but a great taxidermist. I don't know the taxidermist that @Red Leg posted, but I see a world champion trophy on their website, that should tell you they are capable of producing great work, but does not guarantee great work.

I went with @The Artistry of Wildlife, another world champion and used coppersmith for the clearing because my crate went to Chicago. Had I used another taxidermist here in Texas (Jerry Huffaker, a world champion in Abilene, Texas) I would have drove to DFW cleared my own crate and drove the crate myself to Abilene.

Good luck with your search.
You didn't look at our website close enough....We have 7 offices: NY, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, LA and San Francisco.
You didn't look at our website close enough....We have 7 offices: NY, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, LA and San Francisco.

I saw those, but they were not anywhere near close to where the original poster lived and where he wanted to get his taxidermy.
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I saw those, but they were not anywhere near close to where the original poster lived and where he wanted to get his taxidermy.
There are only a few ports of entry for USF&WL. Trophies can ONLY go to those ports.
I wanted to thank the educated Hunters (AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) for finally posting something to which I can reply as Continuing Education…..

Bill, you are misinforming the people on AH so let me set the record straight by addressing your comments in bold red:

“You pay 350 to 450 and they do the paperwork to clear them – All they do, like all other brokers, is file an electronic entry. So this costs you $350-$450?

but they will not bug anyone to ship stuff for you. If bugging your shipper or dip/packer means taking control so that the hunter’s shipment is proactively being monitored to ensure proper export documentation, timely export and to ensure that the best economic shipping option has been offered, then WE ARE GUILTY.

You decide if paying 400 is better then paying much more for sending a few emails telling people you want your stuff shipped. We have many former Coppersmith (and other broker) clients. Some lament the seizure of their trophies, some lament about inexperienced people who have caused issues due to inaction but never have we seen a $400 invoice for pushing the button to file an electronic filing. Every invoice we have seen has a base price of $700 plus a myriad of other charges that ultimately are never disclosed upfront.

Don't throw money out the door on stuff that can be handled very easily unless you have it to throw around which I don't.” Let me comment with an analogy to illustrate being ‘penny wise and dollar foolish’: For those who live in areas that have very cold winters, you might hear what I hear all the time: “I HEAT MY HOUSE FOR FREE ALL WINTER BY BURNING WOOD”. So, how much did the chainsaw cost? How much was the log splitter? How much was the truck to haul the wood? How many hours was expended to cut, split and stack the wood? How much time was used to feed the wood stove to keep the fire burning all winter long? This is not called FREE.

Can other broker represent the following to you?

1. Full Disclosure of pricing is on website

2. We take LEGAL responsibility for your trophies via our Authorization

3. We have never had a seizure since we’ve been in business

4. We do consolidated export shipping to any of our 7 locations

5. We are your expert in the hunting industry as we handle ONLY hunted trophies

6. We are at the forefront to advocate on behalf of the hunter and Conservation

7. We don't accept commission or bribes!!!!!!

So, if this has not struck a cord to show you who ‘has your back’ as an American hunter in a foreign land, then throw your money 'out the door' like Bill said.

Thank you,
Robert Quartarone
(Ghost Writer)

Great post. There is definitely a difference, and it's more than an email.

I've had experience both ways, so can do an actual compare and contrast between using SSI and not.

I personally came to the decision I can't afford not to use them. Again, great insurance that I'm happy you pay.
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"that I'm happy you pay." o_O ?? :ROFLMAO: LOL. I think you meant happy "to" pay..:rolleyes:
Get it done in the US. I had my trophies done in SA, and it was a disaster and I got totally screwed. Not only was the quality crap, there was nothing I could do about it. They are in another continent, and you are here. SOL. I am not saying that all African Taxidermist are bad, but you have a better chance of getting something fixed if the Taxidermist is here, then if they are abroad.
I wanted to thank the educated Hunters (AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) for finally posting something to which I can reply as Continuing Education…..

Bill, you are misinforming the people on AH so let me set the record straight by addressing your comments in bold red:

How can I be misinforming people on ah when what I said is what I do and it has worked 3 times soon to be 4 times. No bad info given at all other then it is different they the way you do it. Does not make it wrong and you right. If you mean I am not one of the education hunters because I don't use your service I have 4 trips to Africa they will say otherwise. Not throwing money around at problems that are not there makes me just happy I guess.

“You pay 350 to 450 and they do the paperwork to clear them – All they do, like all other brokers, is file an electronic entry. So this costs you $350-$450?

Not sure what they do for each client just like I am not sure you do either. I can say when delta lose my paperwork they sure did more for me to get that fixed. That's a fact that shows you just misinformed people on all they do for the money you pay. Did not cost me one extra penny and it was extra work for them to do at no fault of their own.

but they will not bug anyone to ship stuff for you. If bugging your shipper or dip/packer means taking control so that the hunter’s shipment is proactively being monitored to ensure proper export documentation, timely export and to ensure that the best economic shipping option has been offered, then WE ARE GUILTY.

Maybe a needed service if you pick the wrong place once again have never need to chase down anyone I picked. Simple as pay the bill and say ship most of the time. Email sent to me by rex were my stuff is and when it will land here in states.

You decide if paying 400 is better then paying much more for sending a few emails telling people you want your stuff shipped. We have many former Coppersmith (and other broker) clients. Some lament the seizure of their trophies, some lament about inexperienced people who have caused issues due to inaction but never have we seen a $400 invoice for pushing the button to file an electronic filing. Every invoice we have seen has a base price of $700 plus a myriad of other charges that ultimately are never disclosed upfront.

Again could be true but is not what I have had happen with them. I have not paid more then 400 for there service and never another fee out of there New York office. Once again like the people who say they are happy with you all I am saying is the facts that happen to me using them and what I have paid. That I am happy with the service and what ever button they push works for ME.

Don't throw money out the door on stuff that can be handled very easily unless you have it to throw around which I don't.” Let me comment with an analogy to illustrate being ‘penny wise and dollar foolish’: For those who live in areas that have very cold winters, you might hear what I hear all the time: “I HEAT MY HOUSE FOR FREE ALL WINTER BY BURNING WOOD”. So, how much did the chainsaw cost? How much was the log splitter? How much was the truck to haul the wood? How many hours was expended to cut, split and stack the wood? How much time was used to feed the wood stove to keep the fire burning all winter long? This is not called FREE.

You can do all the analogy you want they mean nothing but talk. The only fact that I am saying is there is more then one place clearing trophies for hunters. Some cost X some cost z and people can pick who they want to use.

I know what I say goes against what the little group who thinks there way is the best but oh well. I never tell anyone my way is the best or the other way is wrong. I just say my way works also and can save someone money at the same time.

So as soon as some of you stop reading more in to what I say we should be all good. Everyone is free to speak there mind and pick the service that works for them. Some will pay what ever and can afford to do so. Some have to watch there pennies to maybe have a chance at there dream hunt and taxidermy.

My feeling are anyone of the services talked about on this thread can offer service to help hunters. Picking the one that works for you is what is important.

The whole taxidermy and shipping stuff is not as hard as some make it. If you put as much work in to it as picking your outfitter it goes pretty smooth.

Can other broker represent the following to you?

1. Full Disclosure of pricing is on website

2. We take LEGAL responsibility for your trophies via our Authorization

3. We have never had a seizure since we’ve been in business

4. We do consolidated export shipping to any of our 7 locations

5. We are your expert in the hunting industry as we handle ONLY hunted trophies

6. We are at the forefront to advocate on behalf of the hunter and Conservation

7. We don't accept commission or bribes!!!!!!

So, if this has not struck a cord to show you who ‘has your back’ as an American hunter in a foreign land, then throw your money 'out the door' like Bill said.

I guess I would rather not have someone have there hand in my pocket taking money I don't need to spend then having my back at this point. But there is plenty of sheep for you to have there back on here.

Thank you,
Robert Quartarone
(Ghost Writer)
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billc, "But there is plenty of sheep for you to have there back on here." Don't know that I would categorize most members here as "sheep"...:cautious:o_O:rolleyes:

Bill, what you are doing is trashing my company with negative innuendos that are baseless and only your opinion. You don’t even know what you are talking about especially since going to Africa 3 times does not make you an expert. You are misinforming people with costs that are not the full picture and this alone is misleading and deceiving.

I will be sending this to Pieter Erasmus (Pawprint Safaris & AH fellow Sponsor) for an apology that is due to us for your behavior on this forum. You are offensive, unprofessional, inaccurate and a threat to the hunting industry.
There are so many hidden costs that are not always taken into account. Just going to give a simple example, a Mozambique hunting license might only cost 100 $ but we charge 250 $, why 150 $ difference? I have to email the paperwork and clients photos to the lady in Maputo, she receives the email, put the photos on memory stick, go to printing shop, print photos, fill in the forms, take to government office, and then collect a few days later. When clients land in Maputo, she's waiting for us at the airport.

Time is money! I think most "sheep" understand but some you just need to paint a picture.

We not trying to rip a client off, it's just costs people don't always think about.

No different as to paying for your SAP 520.

SSI knows what it costs to run a business, should they start billing like a law firm, every phone call etc itemized and charged to the client.
Hello sir, I'd be very glad to have the opportunity to bid your safari. I like most taxidermists offer a discount for the more trophies you are having done so there is a difference between book price and what you will pay if you have multiple animals.
I also personally and through business use SSI only. In my experience they are the absolute best and I sure sleep a lot better knowing they are in charge of my once in a lifetime trophies. They have on more than one occasion pulled miracles for me and I won't use anyone else to import my personal stuff.
As far as African taxidermists go, well you get what you pay for. It's cheaper because it's crap. Some are happy with it because they simply don't know any better. That's fine, different stokes for different folks. I personally demand the best so after the one and only time I used an African taxidermist (before I became a taxidermist) I will NEVER use another one. On the same note, I am a pretty dang good taxidermist myself but even I will bow out on certain things such as lions and leopards. Dennis @The Artistry of Wildlife is doing my lion, which will be completed in the next three weeks, and I will use him for my client's lions and leopards in my shop. With cats he's the best there is period.
I do very good work and a gemsbok and kudu are certainly some of my fav's. I can promise you will get excellent quality work with me and be very happy should you choose to use me. Also I use a custom Taxidermy shipping company who specializes in transporting trophies all across the US and they do so at significant savings and no crating so that saves even more money.
At the end of the day whether you give me the opportunity to do your trophies or not please do yourself and your trophies a favor and use a reputable US taxidermist.
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+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
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I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
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