Not really sure. There are many MANY different interpretations of Christianity so it probably came out of nowhere.Really? Do you know what they are basing the opposition on?
Not really sure. There are many MANY different interpretations of Christianity so it probably came out of nowhere.Really? Do you know what they are basing the opposition on?
In Alberta there used to be a ban on baiting black bear during the spring hunt. Later the use of bait was allowed and there was a significant push back from the anti hunting folks, stating that they believed that the bear population would be under severe pressure and numbers would be severely reduced. But a strange thing happened, bear populations increased and in great numbers. A study done by the University Of Alberta (I think that's correct) discovered that by allowing baiting of spring bears, the bears that were taken were mainly old boars, probably some old dry sows. Sows with cubs are prohibited to be hunted. But because the old boars were the taken out of the population they weren't around in great numbers and as they were the main source of cub mortality, more cubs survived and hence the numbers increased.Same here in Idaho, no baiting or hound hunting in hunt units where grizzlies may be encountered. Been that way for years. Doesn’t stop the anti’s from exploiting any possible means to stop baiting, hound hunting, trapping, etc.
Yes, cancellations are worrisome. But I think its more of an economic reality in the province as much as anything, thanks to our federal government and its anti oil policies. There is also a perception that hunting in Africa is only for the affluent.Science and logic rarely influence a Snowflake........cancellation of major hunt shows in Alberta.....a Province with a great hunting tradition...are worrisome......FWB
idk but i'm pretty pretty sure God said "kill and eat" acts 10:13
God also gave man “dominion over the fish of the seas, the birds of the air, and the beast of the earth” Gen 1:26. I think for most christians, like myself, who hunt and fish, we take the definition of dominion to mean not only for our use, but an inherent responsibility to conserve and preserve. A divine stewardship if you will.
Your understanding of Idaho and Idaho bears is totally off base .What's the average weight of a black bear killed in Idaho? What's the greatest weight of a black bear killed in Idaho each year? How many bears are killed in Idaho each year? Until those questions are answered I have nothing further to say. I can only say that where I live the season used to be 3 days long and during that season bears just under 900 lb would be shot. Then to generate more revenue for the state the season was opened for another week and then essentially another week or two and now the big bears shot weigh closer to 450 lb. They have never allowed baiting here just honest to goodness hunting skill (and opportunistic luck during the combined deer bear seasons that were bolted on to that original 3-day season). If I drop food in my backyard a 450 lb plus bear will show up within a half hour. There is no hunting skill involved with that if I shot it. What upsets me more is that with the earlier three day season only seasoned and or true bear hunters would hunt and have a chance to collect a true trophy bear. Now the age structure of the bear has been regressed and more people shoot younger smaller bears. Further bolstering the revenue comment by the state the number of bears killed each year is gradually decreasing which is not surprising. Just like the Caribou in Eastern Canada. People should have been hunting one Caribou not two it was an economic issue. I remember talking to a few bear hunting guides in the Salmon River area of Idaho and they were bragging that they could bring in a 300-lb bear. Most true bear hunters here would enjoy seeing them but would never shoot them. Some things to think about! Most people are resistant to change but occasionally change is better. Would you like to have more opportunities to shoot a bigger bear?
They definitely go hand in hand.Just remember that the anti hunting thing is also a part of the larger anti gun thing.
In the areas that they want to close have very high bear density's. Probably more that 10,000 bears in 2 units, their impossible to count here . The country doesn't lend it self to seeing or hunting bears its to brushy and thick and way to big . Some of our canyons here if you can shoot a bear across it say 4 or 5 hundred yards, it may take better that 5 hours to hike to your kill. Its vast country with canyons that are deep and rugged and layered with down falls. That's why the baiting is so important. Places that are more open like Hells Canyon you can spot and stalk bear efficiently. But remember Hells canyon is deeper than the Grand Canyon, so you will pay the price to hunt there.You raise an interesting point re: bear having to live in/climb mountainous areas. While i live in a mountainous area (w/ 600-<900 lb'ers around), it's only 1,600ish elevation and on a plateau with thick, wooded swamps (it's an easy walk for big bear-also plenty of rain/abundant water so the natural ground cover is blueberry and many other natural foods all spring/summer/fall long.) In the higher mountains to the north, the "big" ones are typ in the 450-600 lb range (but with some exceptions of course.) They still have great chow, but have to work harder to live. Just roughing it, we have about 10,000 bears (primarily in the top 2/3 of the state, so lets say in 30,000,000 sq mi.) I know most of ID is rural (and it's 80,000,000 sq mi.) What's the estimated population? Is the density lower due to somewhat poorer chow in the mountainous areas? (making the baiting attractive there) Although they exist in the lower elevation farm country here, the densities are much lower in those areas relative to the mountains. Plenty of closeby Canadian provinces allow baiting and they have somewhat smaller (450'ish) bear in thick wooded swamps with a much shorter warm season. It's an industry there (just like the one that got caribou hunting shut down.)![]()