I’ve shot giraffe with a .375, 9.3x62 and 7 rem mag. I’ve also been present when a .270 win was used.
If you are hunting a wild area, they won’t let you get close to them and their height makes it very difficult to hide when stalking them.
They are the biggest plains game. A big bull is significantly larger than an eland. If you are hunting for community meat, they provide a tremendous amount of protein and employ a variety of people to process them. Their skin alone is something to behold due to its thickness and immense weight.
The hide is fantastic for making stuff with. After covering an antique day bed with giraffe hide I had enough remaining to make a closet rug, two bags and two scope cases.
With a total of 7 giraffe taken, neck shots work great, but you have to be patient. I’d follow the common suggestion of using a .375 or bigger. I’ve mostly used body shots as there is a bigger margin for error.
I don’t think the .375 with barnes bullets exits a big giraffe, at least not that I recall. They are definitely wider than a buffalo