I imagine our societies are like the letter "C" - a cave with a door at the right. People have to go out of the cave to get everything we need inside - they cluster round the door on the right, looking outside for threats and opportunities. Outside, in nature, there are no rules. Outside, you have to compete to win, like everything else in nature. It takes objectivity and determination. That's why the military, hunters and primary industries all cluster round the right, looking outside.
It is the job of the right to get stuff and bring it home. Everything we have comes from outside. Inside the cave, the secondary industries convert it to useful stuff and the left side consumers share it out and use it to nurture us and reproduce. They don't compete - they want to share and care in comfort, well away from the doorway.
Conservatives are those people who refuse to step from the right side over to the left.
The problem in the West today is that the right have done their job too well and now the consumers, the left, are fat and lazy. When they were hungry, they were too busy to criticise.
Now they lie around mentally looking for something to do, and since they are on the left inside the cave, far from the doorway, they hate the right (hunting, military, primary industries) and have no idea what nature is like outside. They think it is Disneyland outside.
In times of peace and plenty, they grow in number and the UK government wants their votes, so panders to them with idiotic stuff about sentience and animal rights. Is a Conservative government that spouts left side poetry a Conservative government any longer? Is it just pretending, to get more votes? Will the senior members pull the populists back into order?
One think is for sure - nobody is talking about animal rights or sentience in Ukraine right now. The soft consumers and mums have left in shock and everyone else has rushed to the doorway to defend the country.
We're hoping that the shock of Ukraine will wash away the UK snowflakes and return us closer to normal, with right side interests recognised for their important role in managing the countryside, conserving the animals and habitat. Hunting is part of that management and a celebration of our intention to compete and survive.