Botswana Elephant hunt for sale

Sorry to hear about it.

Tap its once in a life time hunt, so many people would love to have such an opportunity. Im telling you just do the hunt you need the time off and you will be sorry if you cancel it.


mike jones
Don't make huge decisions while you are in a messed up state of mind.

Good advice.

Sorry to hear about this Tony but I would heed the above stated advice and just tap (no pun intended) it cool for a bit.
Let me start this post off saying that i dont want people pm'ing me and asking details but a long story short is i had the most amazing marriage a man could ever hope for. My wife and i were so truly happy together and lived a fairy tale life. She was my best friend and as usual she bought me something very special to share memories with me yet once again in botswana. 15 years into it my wife up and left. No rhyme or reason and it makes no sense. That being said i cannot see myself hunting without her. I feel i should put this out here to explain why im trying to sell this on such short notice.

The hunt is paid for and in my name. I have paid $64,000. Its a 14 day hunt in the ng41 block of botswana. Its for a bull with a max weight of 60 lbs. trophy fee is $5000 for every 10lbs over that. Hunt is scheduled for sep 1 - 16 this year. It will be with johan calitz and if i make a deal i will have tharia unwin transfer all details to whoever i make an arrangement with. Feel free to pm me with offers. Highest bidder wins

Here's my story, I was to go on a moose/caribou hunt in NF Canada in 2006 but decided not to go because of a pending divorce. So I spent a large amount of money on my divorce, enough to go on a really nice hunt or two, maybe my lawyer went hunting on my dime? Anyway I have not been on a hunt since then, but I do have my first African hunt planned for May of 2014 finally after 8 years I get to go hunting outside of Michigan. Here's the kicker I will be getting married this Saturday night June 29th to my future African hunting partner Lori, she can't wait to go. Tap you should go hunting because you never know when your next hunt will be, I would have never dreamed I would have to wait 8 years. Good luck buddy. Kurt
Mr Tap.
Clearly you are going thru a tough time & clearly all the people here at AH understands & feels for you!!! I also am sorry to hear about your misfortune.... But no use crying over spilled milk...! Get back on your horse, come to Africa and come hunt your Elephant!!! I would literally give my arms to go on a hunt with Mr Calitz!!!! Come on BOET (Brother)! We are all supporting you!!!
no good Tap would rather read your report when you got back . bought a lotto ticket today if buy god will I win I buy your hunt for full price ..
Tap, I've read the above threads and agree with most of them, that you should take the ele hunt, and show how powerful you are to have gone through such a terrible time in your life and still continue on YOUR DESIRE to do your own thing! Yes, you have a friend in me and I've added you to my list of FRIENDS on AH! Take a good ele and let all at AH know with a great hunt story of your safari.

I think there may be some misunderstanding regarding this "offer"

The last sentence of Tap's original post reads, "Highest bidder wins"

I also received an email from on June 25th which reads...

AfricaHunt​ Botswana Elephant Hunt Special
Jun 25 (2 days ago)

to me


Here is an opportunity for a Botswana Elephant bull hunt, simply the highest bidder wins. One of our good members is unable to take this fully paid hunt due to personal reasons. Details can be found on by clicking on the link:

If you know anyone who may be interested in this hunt, please share this email with them.

Best personal regards,
Jerome, Founder of

If you will notice, the last part of the first sentence in the e-mail reads ..., "simply the highest bidder wins."

Tap or Jerome, is this an auction?

Is there a minimum bid?

Just to be clear, I am not interested in the hunt.
...If you will notice, the last part of the first sentence in the e-mail reads ..., "simply the highest bidder wins."

Tap or Jerome, is this an auction?

Is there a minimum bid?

Thomas, I sent out the email to help tap with this, AH is just putting out the news here... It is not an auction, it's just a member who is selling a hunt that is paid for and who is willing to accept the best offer... This is all very loose and at the discretion of tap. tap feel free to clarify...
Thanks J for pointing that out, it could easily been a mistake and taken as an auction even though most of us knew what Tap ment a new guy seeing this for the first time might have thought it was his once in a life time chance to get ele at an unheard of price. Heck many years ago I might have done the same thing like when I went to Alaska for the first time back in the 70s and was wondering at 70 degree where the heck are the igloo's.

Welcome to AH dutfan!
It is not the things that we do that we regret, but the things that we don't.
I had my heart shredded 4 years ago, it damn near killed me. It took time, but I healed and went on to find an even more amazing partner.
Trust in this!
Go on that hunt, do not let this take over. The only way to get recover is by keep on walking!
Please contact us at You met a very good friend of ours who took you to Cabanos to shop and you nearly missed your flight!! We would like to talk to you. I sat behind you on the flight to Joberg in May. we didn't speak but you spoke with some of our clients on our way to Zim.
Please get in touch with us post haste!!!
You need to go on that hunt, listen to what everyone is telling you, you WILL live to regret it!!!! We have all been there and therefore speak from experience. Christa
TAP, I remember when you booked this hunt and all the excitement you shared with us. I don't know you but I was genuinely happy for you. Your excitement was contagious. This was going to be a great hunt and you were going to share a great hunting report with us. If I remember right you were considering a LDE hunt but some of the deciding factors were:

1. You were going with a great outfitter.
2. You were going with a great ph......I believe you shared this with us later.
3. You were hunting a great area, one of the best in the world for big elephant.
4. You were hunting big elephant in Botswana the last year that it was available.

I am blessed in that I was able to see east and southern Africa in the early post-colonial days and was able to see and experience things that are no longer available. These are the stories that I love to share with my family and friends. (There are others here on this forum that have much greater experiences with the "old Africa" than I.) What I ask you to think about are three dates:

1. Tanzania 1973
2. Kenya 1977
3. Botswana 2014

These are the dates that these countries shut hunting down for good. (Tanzania reopened hunting around 1980) The hunting stories and the stories of the flora and fauna in Tanzania and Kenya that the people one and two generations older than I told was amazing. They are still stories that I enjoy and appreciate today.

The question for those of us who hunt is...........will Botswana be Kenya or Tanzania? Someday when you are as old as some of us, will one of the hunting stories that you tell your kids, grandkids, great grandkids, friends etc. be about taking that 70+ lbs elephant back when you could hunt them in Botswana.

TAP, I am not trying to tell you what to do.......I just want to make sure you are carefully considering your options. I can't empathize with you having never been in your shoes, but I, like so many of your "hunting buddies" on this site feel for you and hurt for you with what you are going through. What ever decision you make is the right decision for you and we will be happy for you whatever that decision is.

All the best and God bless you.

but I, like so many of your "hunting buddies" on this site feel for you and hurt for you with what you are going through. What ever decision you make is the right decision for you and we will be happy for you whatever that decision is.

Feel for you.

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LIMPOPO NORTH SAFARIS wrote on RStien321's profile.
Dear RStien321

I noticed your thread this morning.

We would be thrilled to assit you as mentioned in my comment on your thread.

We as Limpopo North Safaris has numerous areas in limpopo that vary between 10 000 to 24 000 acres that we hunt that has all of the animals on your wish list furthermore we have great deal on cull buffalo cows and bulls.

Please let me know if you might be intrested.

John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia