BOTSWANA: Two Weeks Hunting In The Kalahari With Kanana Safaris

Your doing great keep it coming.
I do find it curious that a property that wasn't hunted and was loaded with game was shut down for lack of mature animals ( even if 75%) was still open?
I do find it curious that a property that wasn't hunted and was loaded with game was shut down for lack of mature animals ( even if 75%) was still open?

I think the guy was just not seeing the numbers of large trophy animals he expected to see. Neither was I on the days when it was really cold and windy. Not the day(s) to draw conclusions about quota. If you jumped in a plane you would not even see what is there the way everything was hiding.
I agree it was a bit weird. When you are still hunting it was frustrating for hunters and the PH's.
Thankfully, Jason has solved the problem.
Day 8

Up at 0400. Why, I may have screwed my sleep pattern up with all that sleep the other evening.
Oh well, it provides time to write.

Got some intel on Eland. So some plans start to run through my mind. I may go sit at "Pig" Blind today and let the folks chase after Zebra up north.

I have asked about doing baited Jackal tonight. Maybe grab the camps .223 and off we’ll go to sit in the late afternoon by the gut pile in a popup blind. There are Jackals outside the tent calling right now as I write this so they are here somewhere.

0525; It is time for a little eye rest before getting up.

Damn mosquitos are getting into my tent again. They are just annoying.
This needs a remedy.

I consider being set at a blind. I delude myself this will not be one of those days of being bouncing around, etc.
Jane is along today and T is after the Zebra we left last night.
So we head north to the heavy stuff. I am along for the ride.

Since I am going to be in Africa for such a long period of time I "borrowed" some Oryx ammo for some predator culling, trying to conserve my ammunition.
I did not sight the rifle for it. I figured shots under 200 should be fine. NOT.

A Jackal appears and is standing broadside within easy range and I "blast" one high and miss him.
One more educated Jackal.

Today it is time to blame the operator. I chalk the miss up to me being hasty. Shortly we run into a decent Steenbok. I let a shot fly at a standing animal and all I hit is bush. He runs off. (You’ll notice the language, "let a shot fly", "blast". That is about what I am doing. Not good)

At this point I relinquish the remaining "borrowed" Oryx shells to the PH. When I run out of my own I may sight the rifle in with the "borrowed" ammunition. Until then, NO mixing and matching. This is a total brain malfunction on my part. Perhaps sleep deprivation has addled my brain. I have no excuse really.

On to touring and cutting off Eland and Zebra.

I see Blue Wildebeest and I point them out. No one responds. Are we hunting or not?? The Zebra were with BW last night. I give my head a shake. wtf?
Maybe they know something I don’t.

NO, they don’t.
We come around the corner in the road and see the Zebra in the clear. They stop momentarily look at us and spook. Disappearing into the bush.

We move down the road and around a few more bends and we run into Blue Wildebeest again. Martin sees Zebra. Instead of just continuing on down the road Wills has to give verbal instruction to the driver. This can not end well, as the Zebra are not stupid.

We stop several hundred yards up and sure as hell I listen as the Stallion brays and leads the mares off and I listen as the sound gets fainter and fainter with their egress. I know it is a bust before it starts. The Zebra are not interested in a replay of last night. Not sure why anyone else did not hear what happened. Perhaps they were being optimistic.

I decide to fart around taking pictures at the Bakkie for an hour waiting for the conclusion to be reached by my hunting partners.:confused:


They arrived back after a nice walk in the bush.

More driving the cut blocks attempting to find the blocks the Eland are in.


I drive forward and do cut off duty at various cross roads.
The young driver has to be told repeatedly what to do. There is no learning happening.
Wills is getting pissed after 6 days of it.

During this little foray I am dozing in the seat and get pounded in the scalp with a Sekelbos branch. I felt someone coming over my back and saw a stick. Not initially comprehending what was happening. Martin dove in front of me to try and save me from the collision. I can not imagine what might have happened if Martin had not intervened on my behalf.
It hurt but I did not think much of it.
Later I took thorns out of my scalp and noticed the cut.

It’s now hot out and we pull into a blind. I check the trail cam, instead of sitting totally blind to intel. (no pun intended).
Sure enough, the times are there and nothing is coming in at this time of day.

We head into the cattle section to look around. I have not been this far north before and it is quite open country up here. Obviously cattle are running around and it looks like home.

We turn into a place called “7th Heaven”. The previous iteration of Kanana had created a room on stilts for people to come and be alone. It is a creative idea and would be interesting to lay down on the roof and watch the stars.
(Jason had a plan to break it down and remake it within the hunting area.)


There is a small waterer where game would have come to drink. At this point it is dry.
It is quite dilapidated but we climb up and get a view from the roof. It is certainly the highest point in a very long way.


This is a panorama that provides a 360 degree view.

We hang out take pictures and have lunch and relax.

For the rest of the day I opt to sit at a blind and let T chase Eland and track with the boys.
After looking at the trail cam pictures I had determined when the Eland are coming in. The Eland are coming in at 1835.
I left Will with instructions not pick us up til AFTER dark. He says “Are you sure?”. I say “Yes, I am sure”.
I'm not too worried about the dark . The two resident dangerous game species (Rhino / Leopard) on Kanana are not likely to attack the blind.
I believe we have an understanding and am really looking forward to seeing the Kanana Eland close up and personal.

Jane and J decide to go with me to sit at "PIG".
We are hoping for a Warthog, or an Eland at the end of the day.

Our young driver is assigned to deliver us himself. On the way he turns at Siribe and heads to Samson. Does not clue in, even with a GPS. Oh, well. Maybe we will see something on our detour.
As we are driving on our "detour" the young driver finally surrenders that he is lost and asks for help. He hands me the GPS and asks where to go. All the holes are marked and named but he has no idea how to operate this tool.

I have never been in this part of Kanana before and am clueless. I look through his GPS and find the blind and start us toward our destination. It is more than 31C and I am now tired of baking in the sun. I finally get us in proximity of PIG and point the vehicle directly at it. Just as we are about to call a halt to stalk in I watch the Oryx bail from the water. We are obviously late for the mid day watering.

I decide to walk up anyway. Maybe we can get the young hunter an opportunity.
After we check the water out we wave the driver up. No response.
Finally, as we start to walk back to get him he moves up.

We unload our stuff into the blind and off he goes.

We wait FOUR hours and see 6 kudu cows. Not exactly a brimming cornucopia this afternoon.
Eventually, 2 female Warthogs come in at 16:15 and stay half an hour.
A bustard came in and was really spooky and left after two attempts to drink.

At sunset a large female Gemsbok starts circling the blind. I ask Jane if she is interested. She says she does not want to shoot one. Only hunting Warthogs I guess. I feel for her.

I get my bow ready and quietly set up.
I now notice that the PIG blind's shades are too low for me to shoot through while I'm standing. Great time to figure that out. (Note to self: Yet again. Prepare before the shot)

The Oryx hangs up on the salt at the furthest point facing on. Not the shot I am looking for. I set up to see what will happen. It is now we notice that the Oryx is pretty darn round. Hmmm.. Pregnant.

Three Eland cows come in. They walk right on into the water. They are “In your face” animals.
Good, the plan is going to work. These are the first Eland I have encountered within shooting range at Kanana.
Maybe the Eland curse is over. I cross my fingers.

Jane is being made to stay quiet as a stone, which is not much fun for her. For me it sucks to feel like an impatient nag. I think it is well past time any Warthog is going to show up, they are in bed now. It is hard work to remain quiet for so long, no matter what your age.

I hold my bow up ready to draw for fifteen minutes. Waiting….
Anticipation is high...

All of a sudden the Eland spook.
Astonished. NO!?,

What is it?
Not us, we have all been perfect.
Not the wind.
It's not dark.

Then I hear it, a vehicle! Disbelief…

Sure as hell someone is coming to pick us up. How is this possible? Someone did not get the message.

The curse is on. (In more ways than one)
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NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Don't leave me hanging!!! LOL!!!! Awesome report, keep it coming, and thanks for sharing!
LOL, loving your hunt report! I'm feeling the frustration.;)
Loving the mini-series. Got to say you have definitely had your share of adversity. some great pics and some good animals.. Bruce
This is a true incredible post with amazing photos and very good reading......!!!!!

Thanks Brickburn......!!!!!
This is a true incredible post with amazing photos and very good reading......!!!!!

Thanks Brickburn......!!!!!

Thank you and you are Welcome.
Loving the mini-series. Got to say you have definitely had your share of adversity. some great pics and some good animals.. Bruce

Just Blips and glitches.
Well.....gosh.....DARN!! Where's the rest of the story?! Grrrrrr! I hate cliff-hangers. LOL! Gorgeous kudu, Wayne! I'm trying hard to suppress that green-eyed monster. Looking forward to reading the rest. Just wish it was around an African camp fire. :)
great episodes bricko.
love your style mate .
saintly paitance aswell ,cob
them photos are plenty good , thanks
great episodes bricko.
love your style mate .
saintly paitance aswell ,cob
them photos are plenty good , thanks

Not a Saint buddy and I wish I had more patience.
Glad you're enjoying it bluey.
Well.....gosh.....DARN!! Where's the rest of the story?! Grrrrrr! I hate cliff-hangers. LOL! Gorgeous kudu, Wayne! I'm trying hard to suppress that green-eyed monster. Looking forward to reading the rest. Just wish it was around an African camp fire. :)

Somedays your just lucky. There are plenty go Kudu there. JP told me if I were to spend 30 days there I'd get my 60 incher. :cool:
Thanks for my daily fix! Sorry for your frustration though. :( Kevin
Day 9

Today I am of an observer state of mind.
Packed guns in the gun case and took them along.

We were headed to the South property.
Phil was looking for a Warthog.

Just out from the lodge I decided to grab a beer and drank it first thing to change luck and as a joke and try to lighten up my mood.
As we experienced another driving error Wills took over driving. He is not happy after spending a year and significant effort to get his PH license.

We saw Kudu we were not allowed to shoot. We continued our search for Eland.
Eventually, I took a gun out and got ready.

As we are serpentine through the bush on a small trail I see the color of an Eland moving to the west.

They were already moving out at a trot. With the size of the body I hope they are bulls.

We move up the 80 yards to where they crossed the road and we jumped on it.

As we start tracking we note at least two other tracks and it confirms there are three animals in the group. The tracks are large and confirm my guess that we have finally found a Bull Eland. The track can not be fresher than having an animal standing in it.

They are trotting and we are moving slowly along on the trail, minding the wind but moving forward at a decent stalking pace.

We walked 1.5 hours on the trail and did not catch up yet.

To show how quietly we were stalking the Eland we got within 6 feet from sleeping Aardwolf. I took pictures with the iPhone. We were so quiet we left him sleeping and moved on. Awesome. Watching Martins smile as we did this was priceless.


We got up very close on some Vultures on a nest. Never thought we would get that close to these wary birds.

As the bush began to open slightly Martin thought he saw the Eland. I could not. We moved forward slowly and Martin lost sight of the Bulls. At this point we made a big boo boo. Instead of stopping and reacquiring the spooky animals we assumed we blew the stalk. Well, that became self fulfilling. After all that time and energy expended I got to watch these huge Eland bulls take off. I brought up the rifle and picked a window on their line of flight.

They went through it, but I refused to take that shot. It was very tempting, but I controlled my impulsive side.
The vehicle was called to our location. It took a while to arrive.

We had to take a break. It was hot and we were all in need of the shade.

A great way to hang your hat. Those thorns come in handy sometimes.


After the break we began the tracking again and Phil came along instead of sitting in the truck.

After 500 meters the Eland slowed down again and started walking. Apparently that is their flight distance here. They run and trot that far before walking. After another long hot hours long track/stalk we bumped the Eland again. They were waiting for us this time, watching their back trail.

Barely a flicker through cover to witness their departure.

At this point I had run out of water and was too hot. I needed water.
The vehicle should be able to provide resupply and then we can move on.

Out of “comms” with the driver. Lost?
The hand radio forgotten by the young PH to add to the problem.

The young driver is lost. I get on my cell phone and call around and get people to try and raise him on the radio. To no avail.

Out of frustration Martin knows this property backwards and ran the truck down. Thank goodness for Martin.

Martin is not impressed with having to stop the hunt for my water needs. He is an Eland hunting machine and just wants to get it done. Wish I could cool off without water but, it’s not what I’m made of.

We give up on those bulls and we go meet up with Jason and steal water from his truck and replenish our larder.

We head south and restart our search to look for Springbok and find one or two groups. This is not the open fields of the Free state.

It is a short stalk on one group and we see a ram that looks like the ticket.

They are in the wide open and we are not going to get closer. He is 200 yards and slowly walking away. I settled on the sticks and am wondering about this shot. It feels a little long one for sticks. When he clears the herd I take the shot.

He is down inside fifty yards but had me worried the way he bolted off.

A nice ram. The PH has the only camera today. So this is my only picture.


It is time for some 2x1 hunting. Time to follow and hunt Hartebeest with Phil.

I follow on tons of stalks, sticks up and down like an elevator.

Then there is some BS witnessed about setting the sticks. When a PH does not respect the tracker and egos are involved nothing good comes from it. Finally worked it out and apologies offered.

At pick up time the driver is lost again. This time he stays on his cell phone and gets run through the GPS and finally arrives in half an hour.

As we drive off northward with the sun going down, Martin sees three bull Hartebeest leaving water.
We all immediately jump out and follow.

We intercept the bulls and Phil is on the sticks ready to go.
I line up off to the side to follow up or take my own. I am just looking through the scope.
Now the rookie PH proceeds to inform me of whose turn it is: “It’s Phil’s turn”.

I back away.
I can tell Phil is put off by the PH’s admonishment.
However, Phil takes his shot at a great bull.

They start the follow up and it is quickly determined he wounded it.
As we continue follow-up, I parallel the tracker and PH 80 yards to the side, slightly behind.
I tried to get my compatriots attention to come over to the shooting lane. No joy. Oh well.

There is one trailing the group and it is limping.
I then took two rushed offhand shots at a wounded moving animal.
I moved up to the spot the Hartebeest was and find nothing. I stop hunting right there.

They continue for a few more minutes until there is no more light. Nothing.
We walk back to the truck in silence.

The young driver is relieved of duty and the PH drives to camp doing a Mario Andretti impression.
A little frustrated apparently.

Tomorrow will be Phil’s last day and they will be tracking the Hartebeest.

We did some hard hunting today.
Besides the logistical frustrations I had some excellent hunts on Eland and getting the Springbok was a bonus.

23:03 bed time and I will be leaving in the dark at 0600.
Tomorrow I am heading to Samson to sit ALONE in a blind with my bow.
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Thanks for the update Brickburn. I can only imagine your frustration! :mad:
theres a moment right there , sneaking in and then backing out , on a sleeping wild animal .and a trophy in the way of a photo.good times,mate
theres definitely stealth ,in sand .

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