Hallo Loodt,
When I had saved up enough $ to go buffalo hunting, I just wanted to track them on foot, but not in a farm-raised scenario and I wanted to do this with my old .450 No2 double rifle.
I didn't care about the horn size or looks except that I told the PH; The bulls with heavy, battle scarred bosses and one horn broken off look the best to my way of thinking (so what would that be......perhaps a 29" set of horn? LOL).
He got me a permit for a bull on Baruli Concession (about 100,000 acres of private land/wild thornbush, open to The Kruger Park and also not fenced off from similar sized neighboring concessions either).
We saw a lot of buffalo that come and go from the park but none with a broken off horn at all.
We ended up being challenged by the magnificent animal in my avatar, along with a several of his mates, as we were kneeling down in some bushes, hoping to find one with a broken horn in the herd that we had snuck up on and were glassing them.
As these cheeky bulls began to get too close, the PH stood up slowly, placed the sticks and quickly whispered instructions as to which animal I was to take.
I knocked him off his hooves at 30 or 40 paces with a 480 grain soft, at the juncture of the throat and brisket.
Then he got back up, so I gave him a solid from my other barrel as he ran quartering away, knocking him off his hooves again.
He stayed down.
That was the greatest hunting adventure of my life at this stage.
The PH has become a friend of mine well prior to that safari and has sworn me to silence on the price but, I promise you it was not as cheap as I would have liked.
Mine is a very large set of horns and he was festooned with beautiful lion scars on his back side, but again, any old bull that has broken off one horn is my idea of the finest looking buffalo.
Since I would've been and still would be be very happy with a set of horns in the low to mid thirties, better yet a battle damaged set of horns (singular horn, haha), I feel that around $11,000 or $12,000. daily rate and trophy fee combined, would be reasonable.
Excellent questions, thank you for posting them.
This is the very best forum, due to highly experienced people like yourself sharing your knowledge here.
Velo Dog.