I used Winchester Silvertips in 165g 308 offering exactly one time on deer. I had been hunting WV deer for several years with a 308 and had taken about five up to that point all with the 165g Nosler BT's using my own handloads which were about 1grain below max with WW748 powder. They had worked flawlessly all killing with one shot every deer taken and one very large Wild Boar in TN. When I encountered the Silvertip ammo, I bought a box thinking it might be an improvement on my hand loads. It shot well enough so I hunted that year with it. This would have been about 1997?
I encountered a large buck by surprise one day while returning to camp to assist a buddy. I ended up shooting that buck 5 times and hit it at least 4 of those shots. And three of the hits were in the vital zone. The buck died after being shot all to Hell and having its throat cut with a Gerber LMF. It hangs on my wall as a reminder not to use the Winchester ammo. None of the bullets were recovered and as best we could tell from the autopsy, the Silvertips performed like FMJ's and did not expand at all or very little. I was not impressed. I know that Nosler Ballistic Tips are not exactly the ideal hunting bullet but the Silvertip was not either on the other end of the spectrum. I switched to 44 mag for a while after that and then to a nice old Mauser custom in 270. Both worked very well for me. Without Silvertips, lol.
These days I prefer a good bonded core like the Federal Fusion or the Swift Scirocco and the occasional TSX mono for hunting deer or PG.