We have received your enquiry on permit requirements for temporary exports for hunting trips, and are pleased to pass along the following information. Please note that the underlined sections are hyperlinks to relevant web pages.
As outlined in our Export Controls Handbook, an export permit sets out specific parameters for the export of controlled goods and technology. Therefore, the review of an application for an export permit requires that clear supporting documentation be submitted by the applicant that outlines and confirms the parameters of the proposed export. Please refer to our Export Controls Handbook for guidance on completing your permit application. We also have a web page devoted to specific firearm export scenarios that you may wish to consult.
For exports for a hunting trip, the steps below outline which forms are required. We recommend that clients instead opt to apply online using our EXCOL website ( to apply for their Firearms Export Permit and Other Controlled Goods Export Permit. Should you choose to print hard copy forms and to submit them by fax, the following process applies:
For Firearms, print and complete forms EXT 1042 (Application for Permit to Export Goods (General Information Form)
Bilingual) and EXT 1042-2 (Application for Permit to Export Goods (Firearms Detail Form)
For parts of firearms, firearms sights (including telescopic sights capable of 4X magnification or greater) , ammunition and magazines separate from the firearm, also print and provide a completed copy of Form EXT 1042-1, (Application for Permit to Export Goods (Controlled Goods Details Form) Bilingual). Submit this application along with your Forms 1042-2 and 1042 to complete your application package.
When the applications have been filled out in accordance with the guidelines listed below, then fax the forms and required supporting documentation to 613-996-9933, where they will be input into EXCOL, and the applications reviewed.
Applying for a Permit for a Temporary Export for a Hunting Trip
An export permit is required in order to take hunting firearms and their magazines, riflescopes and ammunition outside Canada on a hunting trip.
Please note that firearms require a permit application using the specific "Firearms" permit application on EXCOL, with telescopic sights of over 4X magnification and ammunition requiring the submission of a separate export permit application under "Other Controlled Goods" on EXCOL. You should provide the following with your application:
•A cover letter outlining the dates of travel and nature of the export (temporary) and some type of confirmation of your travel and its purpose, e.g. booking confirmation, flight itinerary. The letter should also state that the export is being made for personal use on the hunting trip and that the exported articles will return to Canada.
•Confirmation that you have import authority to bring your firearms into the foreign country, or a statement that you will arrange for such permission at the time of import at your destination (your outfitter might be able to assist you with this).
Some destinations now require the presentation of a valid export permit as a pre-condition of their issuance of an import permit. Not having a Canadian export permit in your possession at time of import to your destination may lead to travel delays or confiscation of your firearm.
In filling out your application, please note the following:
•You will be exporting the goods to yourself to the foreign address of your outfitter. The consignee information should be listed as: your name, “Care of” the name and address of your outfitter.
•When listing ammunition on your application, indicate the correct calibre, the correct unit of measure, quantity and unit value where required. An example of a description of ammunition might be "375 H&H calibre sporting ammunition.” Ensure that the noted unit value correctly reflects the unit of measure used – generally, quantities and values are stated “per box” or “per cartridge”.
•You are required to provide your self-assessment of the Export Control List numbers that apply to your export. In this scenario, exporters commonly use the following:
•Rifles: ECL Item 2-1.a
•Optical weapons sights (riflescopes): ECL Item 2-1.d
•Additional magazines: ECL Item 2-1.d
•Ammunition: ECL Item 2-3.a.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions, or if we can be of any further assistance.
I hope this information will be of assistance.
Web site / Site Internet:
Export and Import Controls
Contrôles à l'exportation et à l'importation
Export Control Handbook / Manuel des contrôles à l'exportation
Export Controls Handbook - Table of Contents
Manuel des contrôles à l?exportation - Table des matières
A Guide to Canada's Export Controls / Guide des contrôles à l'exportation du Canada
A Guide to Canada's Export Controls
Guide des contrôles à l'exportation du Canada
Firearms, Related Goods and Ammunition / Des armes à feu, de produits connexes et des munitions
Firearms, Related Goods and Ammunition
Des armes à feu, de produits connexes et des munitions
Printable Forms/Formulaires à imprimer
Printable Forms
Formulaires à imprimer