Captive-Bred What? Say It's Not So, New York Times!

You're kidding me... this is exactly why I wasn't an SCI member for so long and then I finally caved. I'll write a letter. Any suggestions as to whom in particular @Philip Glass ?
Both president and CEO please.
Any article that quotes HSUS and/or PETA has no intention of being unbiased. No matter how the rest of the article is written. There may be reasonable, debatable sides to most arguments, but not with groups like this involved.
True but they have to put them in there. I just wish they wouldn’t let them lie! Every word from the antis is a lie! This is what I’ve leanred from the experience of being thrown into this debate. Misinformed if you must but I’ll just say lies.
True but they have to put them in there. I just wish they wouldn’t let them lie! Every word from the antis is a lie! This is what I’ve leanred from the experience of being thrown into this debate. Misinformed if you must but I’ll just say lies.

Lies is correct @Philip Glass . If someone is truly just misinformed they will listen to fact and be willing to change their position. If after hearing and understanding the facts and they still misquote, they are a liar or ignorant, and probably both.
Sad to hear about the lack of support for the film....the article is not surprising
Any article that quotes HSUS and/or PETA has no intention of being unbiased. No matter how the rest of the article is written. There may be reasonable, debatable sides to most arguments, but not with groups like this involved.

I know what you mean, but the antis (well, flaming lefties in general) do not mean what you mean with the word "reasonable." By "reasonable," they always mean "agreeable." The real definition of "reason" is the last place in the world they want to go. "Reason" for them is always the logical fallacy of appeal to emotion. If you don't agree with them, you're (I'm being polite here) just plain, old mean. Always.

Know your audience when you use that word, because the antis/lefties will try and destroy you with it.
Just another write up that shows there still after hunting. Just remember we still have plenty in our own house to clean up as far as sticking together as a group. Have heard words thrown around by hunters towards other hunters that are not much better then anti talk because they don't like something.

If that is fact that 10% must get donated for the permit to hunt endangered protect animals that is a new fact to me. That could add up to some big dollars going to a go service I would guess.

I would like to see someone put out how this helps and show how some of these animals have been saved because of the Texas ranches. I don't see the big anti groups raising endangered animals to help them out. They just line there pockets with the money instead.
Just another write up that shows there still after hunting. Just remember we still have plenty in our own house to clean up as far as sticking together as a group. Have heard words thrown around by hunters towards other hunters that are not much better then anti talk because they don't like something.

If that is fact that 10% must get donated for the permit to hunt endangered protect animals that is a new fact to me. That could add up to some big dollars going to a go service I would guess.

I would like to see someone put out how this helps and show how some of these animals have been saved because of the Texas ranches. I don't see the big anti groups raising endangered animals to help them out. They just line there pockets with the money instead.

There are more scimitar horned oryx on ranches in Texas than there are in the wild - they are believed to be extinct in the wild.

Speaking personally, the last time I was at 4 Amigos ranch near Eagle Pass, Texas they had quite a few there.
Af far as support for me in regards to Trophy there has been a little indirect support from DSC but SCI has left me hanging. Even after giving them the film, the facts, and the results (positive including antis emailing me saying they are changed!!!) nothing but crickets chirping. My SCI Chapter President has emailed them all as has John Hume and others scolding them for distancing themselves from me as i do the hard work (something I’m accustomed to I’m a rancher!) They went so far as to put out an email Warning the clubs about Trophy and how bad it is and to refer all media questions to their PR firm. What an embarrassment. I can’t wait to confront them at the shows if given the chance!
It would be nice if people from this forum and others emailed all the officers of SCI and scold them for not supporting one of their life members in this endeavor. They don’t have to “support” the film but support their members and their efforts. I could go on but you guys know where I am coming from....

@Philip Glass ,

It looks like SCI dusted off their email and has put it out more broadly. They still seem to be missing the point.

I did send an email to Parsons about this back in the fall. No response, which was the response I unfortunately expected.

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Member Alert
Dear SCI Members,

As you know from previous emails, the recent movie "Trophy" contains segments that attack our sport and our way of life. The film was shown at select theaters across the country last September and received mixed reviews, which can be seen here.

One of these reviews includes the producers' admission that: "We really wanted to shame the industry," which illustrates their obvious bias. While the film makes the occasional concession to the truth that hunting is a critical cornerstone of conservation in Africa, the movie on balance is nonetheless an anti-hunting propaganda piece.

While original viewership of the film was very small, we have learned that CNN will air the film on Sunday, January 14 at 9:00 PM EST. We expect viewership of the film to continue to be very small, but wanted to inform you that we are prepared for all outcomes.

If you or someone else from your chapter is contacted by the media requesting an interview or comment on the film, we ask that you contact our public relations team at or call 202-617-3008 immediately. Our team will respond accordingly to the request.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Rick Parsons

CEO Safari Club International


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DSC Video to explain the film makers position.

There are more free-ranging nilgai in Texas (and heaven only knows how many behind high fences) in Texas than in India or Pakistan. This is pure silliness about captive breeding, and SCI needs to step up.
A few years ago when peta had made a big enough racket about endangered species and the permits were made mandatory to hunt scimitar horned oryx, addax, and a couple others here Texas ranchers started clearing them out because they couldn’t afford to continue to raise them without hunting them and didn’t believe they could afford the permits because they would have to charge a huge price to hunt them to make up that money and didn’t expect that hunters would pay it. I hunted my scimitar at a pretty good discount because of this. I caught some backlash but nothing serious. I did however write peta a letter explaining what the result of their efforts were and how the species was in more danger of extinction now than it has ever been because without any value the only remaining animals in the world which most are in Texas would be eliminated. Their response was basically that’s ok, we would rather see them gone than have them hunted. That’s the mentality you are dealing with when dealing with these people. They have no intention of educating themselves they only want what they want no matter how it effects the animal, people, or environment.
A few years ago when peta had made a big enough racket about endangered species and the permits were made mandatory to hunt scimitar horned oryx, addax, and a couple others here Texas ranchers started clearing them out because they couldn’t afford to continue to raise them without hunting them and didn’t believe they could afford the permits because they would have to charge a huge price to hunt them to make up that money and didn’t expect that hunters would pay it. I hunted my scimitar at a pretty good discount because of this. I caught some backlash but nothing serious. I did however write peta a letter explaining what the result of their efforts were and how the species was in more danger of extinction now than it has ever been because without any value the only remaining animals in the world which most are in Texas would be eliminated. Their response was basically that’s ok, we would rather see them gone than have them hunted. That’s the mentality you are dealing with when dealing with these people. They have no intention of educating themselves they only want what they want no matter how it effects the animal, people, or environment.

As I have been saying for years, at heart, most leftists are nihilists. These people don't want what you have, they just don't want you to have it, either. Their only goal is destruction, annihilation. It's sickening.
SCI...No thanks. Gave up my membership years ago.
A lot of people don't know where meat comes from. These animals on that game ranch have a better life than a steer. Heaven forbid if they seen a de-horning operation. If they stop hunting they will go after the meat industry.
Time to fight back!
what might the fight look like politically ?
He's already lost.
If you go into a brothel and confess, you can never win morally.
This is a whorehouse hunt.
If you kill the exotic tame and semi-tame animals there, claiming it's hunting, he's never been to one,or he is closing his eyes.

Just my 2 cents
(no greeni,no anti,no lefti,no Peta activist , just a simple hunter since 40 years and love what I'm doing)

Do you really think HE would appreciate this ranch..................
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I really like the antis getting angry over this. So hypocritical!! They're upset over hunting captive exotics, yet are perfectly ok with slaughtering millions of other captive breeds in abbatoirs: cows, sheep, chickens, pigs etc. And remember that all these are bred, controlled and kept captive from birth - purely for our own consumption and use - until their death: controlled even right down to that moment when their flesh is presented on a plate to be eaten!!

As regards using sustainable hunting as a management strategy, Mr James Leape, the Director General of the World Wildlife Fund AGREED, stated publicly in the episode "Living together" of the 2006 BBC Worldwide DVD "Planet Earth" Series: "Hunting species in a sustainable way will continue to be part of conservation, and should be".

Due to their hypocritical prejudices the antis are blind to the unarguable fact that once you place a price on an animal, it then becomes someone else's income and livliehood. This basic, inherent, economic driving force provides all the stimulus necessary to ensure that species future prudent management and conservation for the future. QED!!
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A lot of people don't know where meat comes from. These animals on that game ranch have a better life than a steer. Heaven forbid if they seen a de-horning operation. If they stop hunting they will go after the meat industry.
They already do!! One such anti organisation, "Animals Australia" (AA), are so aggressive they ignore the sovereignty of independent countries by making animal rights issues topics at diplomatic levels, of things that their opinion doesn't agree with. They also carefully ignore that such issues are perfectly legal and acceptable - culturally and socially - in these largely Asian countries, but that doesn't stop AA's opinionated activities.

AA destroyed the international cattle and meat industry in the Northern Territory - where many families lost their businesses and even their homes!! - which has since taken that industry years to recover.

They even tried initiating a vicious campaign, tarnishing hunters by stating we were bloodthirsty killers - who killed purely for fun - defenceless pigs, goats, foxes and rabbits.

I believe they stopped this campaign after umbrage was taken. I was one who sent their CEO a 3-page document pointing out every species they mentioned was not native fauna to Australia (therefore a ecological pest in this environment). Furthermore, by our activities, we hunters provided a free service in protecting our countries' primary industries by keeping vermin populations down: populations that breed up to plague numbers in areas we don't have access to (ie: parks and reserves). I wound up by describing the alternative: poisoning by Government Departments - all of whom have failed in every one of their concocted strategies over the past 100 years. I even described how these RHD poisons cause the cruel slow death of animals. Lastly, I posed her the question: which method is the more humane: a slow agonising death by poisoning, or the immediate dispatch by a bullet?

A few days later, it was very satisfying to see AA take a back flip, and quietly roll up their blatantly prejudiced and innaccurate campaign in defeat!

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Hyde Hunter wrote on MissingAfrica's profile.
may I suggest Intaba Safaris in the East Cape by Port Elizabeth, Eugene is a great guy, 2 of us will be there April 6th to April 14th. he does cull hunts(that's what I am doing) and if you go to his web site he is and offering daily fees of 200.00 and good cull prices. Thanks Jim
Everyone always thinks about the worst thing that can happen, maybe ask yourself what's the best outcome that could happen?
Very inquisitive warthogs
Big areas means BIG ELAND BULLS!!