Cartridges you just hate

man oh man, the hate for .243 is jarring. I don't run mine hot (2700fps)'ish and can grab it out the safe now and shoot 0.300 moa with it. It is fussy and took me a while to get right, about 100 rounds and 4 charge weight changes. But I'll stick to 100-grain interlock. Keeping everything very plain and standard. It's used for small to medium game, and most important, practice. Much cheaper to run and can hunt.

My .375 H&H has the same scope as the .243 and does most of the killing, sorry, harvesting, and I hardly take it to the range. Big saving on my part. Did a final check at the range for this year's hunt, shooting 1 inch groups @ 200 meters. What more could you want.

All you chaps that don't like the belted case realise the 300 PRC isn't belted right? Your answer is right there. I have one and I can't wait to get familiar with it like I am with the others. Still fairly new to me.

I have noticed something, we seem to be looking for a cartridge around 7mm that does what 30 cals do. If you compare the number of variations between .243 and .300 with the number of variations between .300 and .400+ it's clear we want small size big bang.
Personally, I've been looking for something to fill the gap between my .243 and .375. The 300 prc was an attempt to do that but I've probably biased too much towards the .375. It would've been a .270 but after reading some of the comments, I'm having doubts. Will probably be a 7mm-08 or 7mm prc. Was at my local shop this morning, guy said he brought in five 7mm prc last week and they're all sold. South Africans aren't going to buy the 7 BC.
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I have read through every post and love the different reasons given for each persons cartridge "hate"
After 22 days I decided to throw in my .02
First let me say I have spent some time with the 6.5 manbun. It is good for what it was designed for, a long range paper puncher. Like what has been said earlier. Just because you can hunt with it doesn't mean you should.
Much of the creedmoor hate is due to the fact it's pushed as a "do it all" cartridge.
This is why .308 is next to the 6.5 cm on this list for me.
Last 2 are more broad: anything Weatherby. overpriced marginally better ballistic status symbols
and I will stand on the hill beside BourbonTrail:
Please don’t ban me from the forum, but I irrationally hate metric cartridges.

If its name is ## x ##, it drives me nuts. It’s not a fkn bolt, it’s a cartridge, give it a name it deserves.

I would never own a 7x57, but a 275 Rigby is fine by me.
commence the rotten vegetable throwing...
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Some of you may have noticed that I have built up strong feelings about the .375 for cape buffalo over the years. Yes, I own two .375 and have killed some buffalo with them ... six, to be exact.

Some for you say the .375 has killed more cape buffalo than any other cartridge.

Well, I say that the .375 has got more cape buffalo hunters injured or killed that any other cartridge.

I have tried in the past to explain why I hate the .375 for cape buffalo so much but my well meaning words have just fallen on deaf ears.

I have tried, in the kindest and gentlest way possible why to convey why the .375 is so over rated by the hunting industry. I have gone far out of my way to not offend anybody, especially any of my good friends on this forum. But it's been all for naught. Pity

The .375 is notorious for it's poor killing power on cape buffalo but, strangely, it is highly rated by the entire hunting industry for the purpose.

I will try and explain, in the most humble, non-judgement terms that I can assemble. Pleas try to take my words in the good spirit with which I offer them to you. I hope that at least some of you can appreciate how satisfying it is to me to contemplate the lives that I save by sharing my thoughts with you about the .375 for cape buffalo.
( I got hell on another forum for posting the following. I am glad you guys are not so touchy. )



The industry knows that folks would not hunt cape buffalo with a girly-man .375 if they realized how dangerous it is. They know that most hunter would not hunt cape buffalo at all if they couldn't use their piss-ant little .375 mouse guns for buffalo because the are too candy assed to cowboy up and shoot a real buffalo gun. And that would cost the industry millions of dollars. DAMMIT-to-HELL!

I hope that I didn't go too far this time. Just my opinion.:cry:Brian
Thanks to all for taking this post in good fun. That is how I meant it. Brian
Please don’t ban me from the forum, but I irrationally hate metric cartridges.

If its name is ## x ##, it drives me nuts. It’s not a fkn bolt, it’s a cartridge, give it a name it deserves.

I would never own a 7x57, but a 275 Rigby is fine by me.
You are definitely on the wrong forum to be dissing metric calibers. Say forty hail the 7x57 greatest cartridge ever invented and all will be forgiven.
Frankly, I hate my 338 win mag. It may just be the rifle (BAR safari mark ii) or the fit, but I"d much rather spend the day shooting my 375 h&h or my 416 or even 450 rigby. The 338 just hits wrong, it's uncomfortable, and if I run the muzzle break, obnoxious.
@Dukeisok - I AGREE, if you need more then a .30-06 then go to a .375 H&H….or there about. Fine tune a Piano or a Bench Rest Rifle round —- No hunting round will ever be “perfect”, accept that and shoot what you have (within “reason”) for what you are hunting. Most important - shoot it accurately
A couple of days ago I listened to a a podcast called LRP (Long Range Pursuit). On Episode 182, named Science of Bullet Selection, the host interviewed Aaron Davidson at the DSC convention. As you probably know, Aaron is the founder of Gunwerks here in Cody, WY. It made me think of this post as I was listening to what Aaron had to say about bullet selection with different calibers.
I won't even try to repeat what he said but I think everyone could be enlightened by listening to this episode. And, it was not specific to long range shooting/hunting.


Unnecessary marketing derived cartridges that solve problems that have limited application in reality. 6.5 manbun and the whole creedmore line are this to me.

Also ineffective calibers that just don’t put things down but are used because people are scared of a marginal amount of recoil. 243, 223, and 270 win. These have applications but are used on animals well above their weight class because people are scared of taking a little bit of a bump. There are more but that’s a start and i will not
What…..go outside and flog yourself with a limp lettuce leaf for even thinking about it


Goes back to dreaming about the days when he could drink more than two cups without the risk of heartburn…….
Or having to visit the bathroom every 5 minutes.
I have yet to meet a cartridge I don’t like. They are all interesting, whether I would choose to use them hunting or not. I’ve got an itch for a .[emoji6]-[emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]. I’d never use it for anything but plinking, but isn’t that ok?
I will say, all the new cartridges/calibers has kept the prices of excellent rifles in such calibers as 30-06 low.

There’s an RJ Renner 30-06 sitting in the classifieds for the cost of the work on it.
Unnecessary marketing derived cartridges that solve problems that have limited application in reality. 6.5 manbun and the whole creedmore line are this to me.

Also ineffective calibers that just don’t put things down but are used because people are scared of a marginal amount of recoil. 243, 223, and 270 win. These have applications but are used on animals well above their weight class because people are scared of taking a little bit of a bump. There are more but that’s a start and i will not

Creedmoor. The historic rifle range that was the birthplace of American NRA Competition. It was developed for the reality of competition, not hunting. The marketing came almost a decade after it was used in competition (at which point it became a wunder cartridge).

Jack O'Connor was also a media shrill like any other. His own writings indicate his fondness for the Swede (old manbun), but he was afraid American's wouldn't accept it, and that it wouldn't sell, so he dismissed it. A prickly intellectual with a low opinion of his readers, he advocated the popular mainstream cartridges in places like Outdoor Life, but his technical papers are something entirely different.

His opinion of the 257 Roberts is illuminating.
Recoil is so light that a woman or boy can shoot one without developing a flinch—and so can the office-chained hombre who has to do most of his shooting in the pages of his favorite sporting journal.
The guy who did a bunch of hunting with things like a 375 or 458 realized that most shooters aren't nearly as tough as they think they are.

The 270 is the same pipsqueek caliber the manbun is. 15lbs of recoil vs 12 for the manbun? Or the 6.5x55 Swede. Nearly equally gutless. Ask Elk guides what wounds most game? The 270 which everyone thinks punches "above" a weightclass.

All 6.5s, 7s, and 30s are .030 thousands of an inch apart, within hundreds of fps velocity, and able to penetrate any ungulate. Physics is finite.

Hate the shooter with a 6.5 that thinks a 1000 yd prone match means he is ready to hunt @1000 yds.
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Creedmoor. The historic rifle range that was the birthplace of American NRA Competition. It was developed for the reality of competition, not hunting. The marketing came almost a decade after it was used in competition (at which point it became a wunder cartridge).

Jack O'Connor was also a media shrill like any other. His own writings indicate his fondness for the Swede (old manbun), but he was afraid American's wouldn't accept it, and that it wouldn't sell, so he dismissed it. A prickly intellectual with a low opinion of his readers, he advocated the popular mainstream cartridges in places like Outdoor Life, but his technical papers are something entirely different.

His opinion of the 257 Roberts is illuminating.
Recoil is so light that a woman or boy can shoot one without developing a flinch—and so can the office-chained hombre who has to do most of his shooting in the pages of his favorite sporting journal.
The guy who did a bunch of hunting with things like a 375 or 458 realized that most shooters aren't nearly as tough as they think they are.

The 270 is the same pipsqueek caliber the manbun is. 15lbs of recoil vs 12 for the manbun? Or the 6.5x55 Swede. Nearly equally gutless. Ask Elk guides what wounds most game? The 270 which everyone thinks punches "above" a weightclass.

All 6.5s, 7s, and 30s are .030 thousands of an inch apart, within hundreds of fps velocity, and able to penetrate any ungulate. Physics is finite.

Hate the shooter with a 6.5 that thinks a 1000 yd prone match means he is ready to hunt @1000 yds.
They make many fine rifles for groundhogs ,prairie dogs and paper. That doesn’t mean you should use that gun for deer of elk is my opinion. I don’t like anything with less than 150 grains personally.
They make many fine rifles for groundhogs ,prairie dogs and paper. That doesn’t mean you should use that gun for deer of elk is my opinion. I don’t like anything with less than 150

man oh man, the hate for .243 is jarring. I don't run mine hot (2700fps)'ish and can grab it out the safe now and shoot 0.300 moa with it. It is fussy and took me a while to get right, about 100 rounds and 4 charge weight changes. But I'll stick to 100-grain interlock. Keeping everything very plain and standard. It's used for small to medium game, and most important, practice. Much cheaper to run and can hunt.

My .375 H&H has the same scope as the .243 and does most of the killing, sorry, harvesting, and I hardly take it to the range. Big saving on my part. Did a final check at the range for this year's hunt, shooting 1 inch groups @ 200 meters. What more could you want.

All you chaps that don't like the belted case realise the 300 PRC isn't belted right? Your answer is right there. I have one and I can't wait to get familiar with it like I am with the others. Still fairly new to me.

I have noticed something, we seem to be looking for a cartridge around 7mm that does what 30 cals do. If you compare the number of variations between .243 and .300 with the number of variations between .300 and .400+ it's clear we want small size big bang.
Personally, I've been looking for something to fill the gap between my .243 and .375. The 300 prc was an attempt to do that but I've probably biased too much towards the .375. It would've been a .270 but after reading some of the comments, I'm having doubts. Will probably be a 7mm-08 or 7mm prc. Was at my local shop this morning, guy said he brought in five 7mm prc last week and they're all sold. South Africans aren't going to buy the 7 BC.
I'm a very guilty 243 and 270 basher, but honestly... most of the 6.5s to 30s are paper differences. Great hunting bullet selection in a great fitting gun matter a great deal more.

I have a 300 PRC. Takes a very very long action, it's spectacular in comps. Haven't seen one I'd love to carry. Rather hunt with the Win M70 300 H&H despite absolutely hating the belt. Like the 7 PRC, just hate the stupid names. ARC, PRC, BC Freaking marketing departments.

Get something you love and pick the right bullets. Then come argue why it's better
I have yet to meet a cartridge I don’t like. They are all interesting, whether I would choose to use them hunting or not. I’ve got an itch for a .[emoji6]-[emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]. I’d never use it for anything but plinking, but isn’t that ok?

Good grief, I hat whatever is going on with these emojis. I was trying to say that I’ve got an itch for a twenty five twenty.
I'm a very guilty 243 and 270 basher, but honestly... most of the 6.5s to 30s are paper differences. Great hunting bullet selection in a great fitting gun matter a great deal more.

I have a 300 PRC. Takes a very very long action, it's spectacular in comps. Haven't seen one I'd love to carry. Rather hunt with the Win M70 300 H&H despite absolutely hating the belt. Like the 7 PRC, just hate the stupid names. ARC, PRC, BC Freaking marketing departments.

Get something you love and pick the right bullets. Then come argue why it's better
The differences I have experienced on whitetails says that the 30’s perform way better as far as putting them down. Your mileage may vary but I have never seen a 270 drop anything larger than a squirrel without a spine hit.

Not super scientific but it’s 100’s of deer.
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Im interested in the Zeiss Scope. Any nicks or dings? Good and clear? I have on and they are great scopes
Available Game 2025!

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