Maybe some international comments on the WhatsApp and Facebook groups might add clout....
Posted on the chat....
Zambian's and those who love Zambia, we are currently facing the biggest environmental challenge that I believe we have ever had to face. Simply stated - *the murder of our Kafue River.*
Zambians have risen to the challenge this has presented. There are many different groups of people who are doing many different things -some people are on the ground trying to support government responses. Government are on the ground trying to mitigate the damage. Or part of the damage as they only seem to be applying lime at the stage. We do not need to reiterate the damage that is being done to the lives of people, to their livestock, to our aquatic animals be it fish, otters, hippos or crocs, and, the damage that will be done to our other wildlife who rely on the Kafue for water.
The press are highlighting this travesty, which is good. Then there seem to be a number of groups or individuals working on legal action, although they seem to be working behind closed doors and nobody knows exactly what they're doing. But, in any case, legal action is going to be something that will take time. Even if documents are lodged today it is going to be a long time before anything actually happens.
Also, many of us have taken to social media and there's a lot being posted and a lot being said. But this talking does not translate into action on the ground or action going forward to prevent such an event from *EVER* occurring again.
It is for this reason that we believe that we need to start strong and active advocacy and lobbying of government. We need to write and physically deliver letters to all our relevant ministries and relevant government departments to ensure that they are sitting up and taking notice. And that they are doing whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of our environment in the future.
In order for us to start this act of lobbying and advocacy, we need to have a mandate from you, the people, so that we can represent you knowing that we have your backing. And so that Government know that we have your backing. We currently have over 700 members, a not insignificant number (but please share this group so that all your friends and colleagues join as well)
The letters that we plan to write will only be suggesting or recommending good common sense, best practice actions that need to be taken. Nothing radical. And they will cover areas such as improved environmental legislation, improved enforcement and improved sanctions against offenders. Nothing unusual; only things which are normal in a well functioning country. The final letters will be drawn up following advice from a committee of multi-sectoral experts who are offering their time to us.
If you support us writing letters on your behalf as an *Ad Hoc Environmental Group*, please can you join the WA group through the link below. Alternatively, join the FB group below and respond to the poll thereon so that we understand the demographics of the people we are representing.
If you feel you have expertise that could assist us, please state so below the poll and we will be in touch.
But a word of caution - this will be an active committee and not just a talk shop!!
Let's do this!!!
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
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