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For those who are truly interested in a highly respected medical professional's point of view with no agenda other than the health of the patient, here's a link originally posted by @V.Veritas that is well worth the time to watch in it's entirety.

CDC is a govt entity, therefore political. They are funded by the govt. If they want continued funding they do as the govt (politicians) say. In view of this, how do we know what the real truth is? This combined with the pharmaceuticals, whose sole aim is to make money, makes for a very dangerous situation. Do they really have the best interests of the people in mind or does the almighty dollar rule and if a number of souls die, so be it? Something to ponder.
The almighty dollar is what makes our system so effective. Do you really believe that the scientists, technicians, lab workers, and business unit leadership of the major pharmaceutical companies in this country don't give a whit about the quality of their products or their impact on the people those drugs are used to treat? Take away that profit motive and we wouldn't have a vaccine, whatever you may think of it. Sure if the CDC determines a booster is advisable, the producers will be happy to provide it - and so will their share holders. Thank goodness our system incentivizes these companies to respond exactly that way.

I can draw a personal analogy to the defense industry where I devoted over a decade of my life. Sure I and my business unit were held to high standards with regard to profitability and a host of other business related metrics. But our primary focus, and the focus upon which the reputation of the corporation rested, was in the quality of the weapon systems we placed in the hands of American troops; they worked as advertised and were superior to any competitor.

Lots of kids came home over the last two decades thanks to things like Blue Force Tracking (FBCB2) created and built by my business unit. Products like that were what everyone from the lowliest code writer to the CEO took the greatest pride. A lot of grandparents are going to enjoy their grandchildren for a lot longer thanks to this vaccine and the companies that created them.
For those who are truly interested in a highly respected medical professional's point of view with no agenda other than the health of the patient, here's a link originally posted by @V.Veritas that is well worth the time to watch in it's entirety.

I saw this.

I could not agree more that the politicization of this effort is the most reprehensible (which is saying a lot) aspect to emerge from the pandemic. Instead of a broad range, patient focused effort that utilized all the potential tools available to combat this virus, the media and our political leadership fell out into warring camps. Now, no one politically can afford to change strategies when the only strategies that should be in play are which ones are best for each individual patient.
BSO..............I have, in the past two months, shown this video to many of those who get their science news from MNM. It is still fresh and deserves to be watched. Incidentally, the Stooges have tried to discredit any doctor who disagrees with their one-World action plan............but they were not successful in that endeavor with Dr McCullough........he is one of the best doctors in the World, and they sounded like fools when they tried to discredit him. Dr. M is not an anti-vaxxer.....far from it. As he noted, both he and his family have been vaccinated. Like Red Leg, I felt that at my age my best interests were served by getting vaccinated. I don't have to worry about long term side affects, and I want to travel as soon as possible. I enjoyed hearing the differing opinions expressed in this thread.......................thanks to all who posted................FWB
Nature has a funny way of taking care of those who do not take viruses seriously. Do what you want but do not expect me to feel bad when you end up dead and definitely do not expect me to foot the bill for putting you on a ventilator. However, I will feel bad for all of the people you inadvertently infect and take down with you.
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Nature has a funny way of taking care of those who do not take viruses seriously. Do what you want but do not expect me to feel bad when you end up dead and definitely do not expect me to foot the bill for putting you on a ventilator. However, I will feel bad for all of the people you inadvertently infect and take down with you.

So do you feel bad for all of those defenseless, unborn babies murdered every year with support from the Democrats like you?
So do you feel bad for all of those defenseless, unborn babies murdered every year with support from the Democrats like you?
Why hasn't the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade they got the votes? They will never make abortion illegal. It a distraction. I wish they make it illegal tired of hearing about it.
Do what you want but do not expect me to feel bad when you end up dead and definitely do not expect me to foot the bill for putting you on a ventilator.
Now there is one of the biggest travesties of the medical World's response to this plague!

If you get Covid-19 and end up in the hospital like I did, at least in the US, they will want to put you on a ventilator. I would appreciate any real informed confirmation or corrections on this, but I'm told the hospital gets an extra $38,000 in government funding if they put you on a ventilator. I absolutely did NOT need to be put on a ventilator. However that was the first thing they wanted to do! I'm probably alive today because I had an excellent, intelligent, informed advocate who can communicate very well with medical knowledge and real World experience.

In talking to the nurses, and in 18 days you do get to know them.... it started out that the discussion was "about 50% die while intibated". As we continued communing on the subject, especially with the male nurses who seem much more direct, it was moving towards 30% survival. Moreover you can about be guaranteed to come out with permanent negative lifetime effects. Such as scar tissue in your lungs, possibly having a stroke while down, etc. If I had been intibated and survived, I do not believe I could still be planning a 3 week full bag hunt in Tanzania. Much less anything that resembles the life I'm accustomed to living.

I would have gladly written a check for $38,000 to have them stop threatening to put me on that damned machine, give me some vitamins and a strong course of Z Pak. Oh and maybe follow some semblance of common sense treatment and therapy.

All those doctors gave a shit about was to follow the "CDC Guidelines" so they can collect their government money and be immune from a lawsuit. They pretty much left me to rot the first 10 days or so until they figured out I was to ornery to die....

No, you can take your damned government health system and shove it where the sun doesn't shine for all of me.
Now there is one of the biggest travesties of the medical World's response to this plague!

If you get Covid-19 and end up in the hospital like I did, at least in the US, they will want to put you on a ventilator. I would appreciate any real informed confirmation or corrections on this, but I'm told the hospital gets an extra $38,000 in government funding if they put you on a ventilator. I absolutely did NOT need to be put on a ventilator. However that was the first thing they wanted to do! I'm probably alive today because I had an excellent, intelligent, informed advocate who can communicate very well with medical knowledge and real World experience.

In talking to the nurses, and in 18 days you do get to know them.... it started out that the discussion was "about 50% die while intibated". As we continued communing on the subject, especially with the male nurses who seem much more direct, it was moving towards 30% survival. Moreover you can about be guaranteed to come out with permanent negative lifetime effects. Such as scar tissue in your lungs, possibly having a stroke while down, etc. If I had been intibated and survived, I do not believe I could still be planning a 3 week full bag hunt in Tanzania. Much less anything that resembles the life I'm accustomed to living.

I would have gladly written a check for $38,000 to have them stop threatening to put me on that damned machine, give me some vitamins and a strong course of Z Pak. Oh and maybe follow some semblance of common sense treatment and therapy.

All those doctors gave a shit about was to follow the "CDC Guidelines" so they can collect their government money and be immune from a lawsuit. They pretty much left me to rot the first 10 days or so until they figured out I was to ornery to die....

No, you can take your damned government health system and shove it where the sun doesn't shine for all of me.
You are correct, @ActionBob regarding the money for vented covid patients. BUT it starts with the money received for just a POSITIVE covid 19 test. Then, each "complication" and escalation in care results in even more money that not only the hospital receives, but depending on how a physician's contract reads, they get increases in pay as well for that patient. Put you on a vent, more money, and when you die, it is ruled a covid related death and then...more money. Everyone wins except for the patient and their loved ones.
If people would do even a miniscule amount of research, I do not believe that things would be this out of hand. I've had patients where they are vented and thrown in a room to die while being cut off from everyone who loves, cares for them or can advocate for them. When I had covid I did everything they tell you NOT to do regarding the medications they say you cannot or should not take when having covid. However, being an ICU nurse, I had seen enough to know that what is being done to patients is WRONG.
I think everyone is sick of hearing about covid and everyone is beating a dead horse going back and forth over taking or not taking the covid shot. To each their own. It is your choice to take or not take a shot. There is no need to try to force your will or opinions on others or speak about what you do not know. Just because Google says it, does NOT mean it is so!
The vaccines are NOT rewriting your genetic code. Honestly, where do you get this stuff?
I'll try to simplify this for you. They're words...they have meaning...When I typed genetic code you read "DNA".

Genetic Code:
/jəˈnedik kōd/
the nucleotide triplets of DNA and RNA molecules that carry genetic information in living cells.

So you see your genetic code is made of more than just DNA...and last I checked they were in fact altering your mRNA, and yes mRNA is RNA, hopefully I don't have to explain that.

This is where I "get this stuff".

If you do not believe me you can watch the Chief Medical Officer for Moderna Therapeutics explain the same thing in his video, "Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure in the Making". And just as you misinterpreted my words the liberal media has jumped all over this video exclaiming "Tal Zak's never said an mRNA vaccine would change your DNA". That headline is correct he most certainly did not say an mRNA vaccine would change your DNA; however, he did precisely say it would change your genetic code, which is what it does.

I'm not saying I'll never get a shot containing mRNA...but it will not be until they convince me its safe and the results are better than what this $hit show is producing. The media is now saying some who have received the shot may carry a higher viral load and can spread the virus easier because of that....that flies in the face of exactly what a vaccine is... A vaccine is supposed to suppress not only the chance of you getting the virus but interrupt you spreading the virus as well.
Out of curiosity because I willfully admit ignorance to this question, how many people who go vaccinated for polio, diphtheria, petussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, HPV, haemophilus, pneumococcus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or varicella ever contracted the disease again?
TXhunter65, arguing with a libtard is fruitless, as you well know.
The vaccine has never been a vaccine and therefore does nothing to prevent you from catching Covid. So if infected, with or without the jab you are just as contagious. Simply put if you took the shot you are hoping it helps you get over the symptoms easier.

So why the push for the vaccine if you aren’t worried about the recovery? Good question, right?

Twelve players total on Nationals baseball team tested positive. Eleven were vaccinated. "Tests" obviously aren't foolproof.
Do what you want but do not expect me to feel bad when you end up dead and definitely do not expect me to foot the bill for putting you on a ventilator.

You bring up an interesting topic by mentioning your disdain to pay the medical expenses for the choices of others.. I'm interested to know if you feel the same about ALL of the publically funded health care and social programs in place for decades that are funded by tax dollars as a direct result of personal choices of others?

Are you equally enraged by your tax dollars going to those who have a whole host of chronic medical conditions such as the morbidly obese, tobacco users, drug & alcohol abusers, or those who abort their babies as you are with those who make a personal choice not to be vaccinated? How about taxpayer funding of welfare programs for individuals who choose to continue to have children or abuse drugs & alcohol?

If you are indeed equally outraged as I am at the idea of paying for the poor choices of our fellow citizens across the board, then good for you! We are in agreement. Otherwise, spare us the sanctimony in regard to Covid.
You bring up an interesting topic by mentioning your disdain to pay the medical expenses for the choices of others.. I'm interested to know if you feel the same about ALL of the publically funded health care and social programs in place for decades that are funded by tax dollars as a direct result of personal choices of others?

Are you equally enraged by your tax dollars going to those who have a whole host of chronic medical conditions such as the morbidly obese, tobacco users, drug & alcohol abusers, or those who abort their babies as you are with those who make a personal choice not to be vaccinated? How about taxpayer funding of welfare programs for individuals who choose to continue to have children or abuse drugs & alcohol?

If you are indeed equally outraged as I am at the idea of paying for the poor choices of our fellow citizens across the board, then good for you! We are in agreement. Otherwise, spare us the sanctimony in regard to Covid.
This probably belongs in the politics thread, but since you asked, yes, I do not believe I should have to pay for your healthcare. I believe in temporary welfare programs, but nothing permanent unless someone is profoundly disabled. I hope that answers your questions. If I sound sanctimonious, it is because a communicable disease like COVID affects more than just you. Thankfully, we have several vaccines available for those who want them so I no longer care what you do. I am just sick of being told that I now need to go back to wearing a mask or worrying about COVID hospitalization rates.
TXhunter65, arguing with a libtard is fruitless, as you well know.
The vaccine has never been a vaccine and therefore does nothing to prevent you from catching Covid. So if infected, with or without the jab you are just as contagious. Simply put if you took the shot you are hoping it helps you get over the symptoms easier.

So why the push for the vaccine if you aren’t worried about the recovery? Good question, right?

Twelve players total on Nationals baseball team tested positive. Eleven were vaccinated. "Tests" obviously aren't foolproof.

Wow, you guys are amazing. I suspect that I am more conservative than either of you. I am certain that I have more knowledge of gene editing than either of you since I was responsible for a research team in this space prior to retirement. I will leave you to enjoy what you believe to be the facts.
This probably belongs in the politics thread, but since you asked, yes, I do not believe I should have to pay for your healthcare. I believe in temporary welfare programs, but nothing permanent unless someone is profoundly disabled. I hope that answers your questions. If I sound sanctimonious, it is because a communicable disease like COVID affects more than just you. Thankfully, we have several vaccines available for those who want them so I no longer care what you do. I am just sick of being told that I now need to go back to wearing a mask or worrying about COVID hospitalization rates.

Everything about Covid is political in case you haven't heard.

We are ALL sick of wearing the mask. Unfortunately, these mandates are not based on the factual, impartial data. These mandates are ideologically motivated opinions that suits the narrative of the Administration disseminating them.

The latest CDC guidelines to have fully vaccinated individuals go back to mask wearing was based on one partial data set that was dismissed as unreliable in peer review. Funny that part wasn't mentioned in the CDC's statement.... In fact, to date, we are still waiting on the release of the "data" that was used to impose the mask mandates and lockdowns in the first place. Have you seen it? It's not on their website because there was no data.

Regardless, I don't think we need advanced science degrees to see that the states who imposed the strictest mandates and lockdowns such as California & New York which had higher rates of infection, yet much higher higher hospitalizations, and morbidity rates as compared to States like Florida who remained open and relied on the unbiased "science" that suggested to focus on protecting the most vulnerable groups in the population.

In another post you suggested that these cultural and tribal divisions need to end, yet ironically, you continue to perpetuate the rhetoric that is causing the division?
Everything about Covid is political in case you haven't heard.

We are ALL sick of wearing the mask. Unfortunately, these mandates are not based on the factual, impartial data. These mandates are ideologically motivated opinions that suits the narrative of the Administration disseminating them.

The latest CDC guidelines to have fully vaccinated individuals go back to mask wearing was based on one partial data set that was dismissed as unreliable in peer review. Funny that part wasn't mentioned in the CDC's statement.... In fact, to date, we are still waiting on the release of the "data" that was used to impose the mask mandates and lockdowns in the first place. Have you seen it? It's not on their website because there was no data.

Regardless, I don't think we need advanced science degrees to see that the states who imposed the strictest mandates and lockdowns such as California & New York which had higher rates of infection, yet much higher higher hospitalizations, and morbidity rates as compared to States like Florida who remained open and relied on the unbiased "science" that suggested to focus on protecting the most vulnerable groups in the population.

In another post you suggested that these cultural and tribal divisions need to end, yet ironically, you continue to perpetuate the rhetoric that is causing the division?
My statement was apolitical. At this point, I do not care if you get the vaccine or not. I just do not think that we as a society have any responsibility to "protect" those who willingly choose not to do so. I do not see how that is perpetuating political divisions.
My statement was apolitical. At this point, I do not care if you get the vaccine or not. I just do not think that we as a society have any responsibility to "protect" those who willingly choose not to do so.

The boat on taxpayer funded social programs in this country has sailed long ago, and likely never to return to port. Every taxpayer pays for the poor choices of others whether we choose to or not.. I only mentioned it because you seemed to draw some moral distinction between the potential cost of treating the unvaccinated, compared to the millions of others we already provide care for on the taxpayer's dime who have chosen to disregard their own personal health responsibilities

Fortunately, I have excellent heath care that I pay for myself so don't worry about the financial burden I may impose upon you. I had Covid about a year ago to date. I have both antibodies and T-cells. I have yet to be vaccinated. According to the "science" that we all love to refer to, natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccinated immunity. Despite the CDC's latest propaganda, to date there is no evidence that suggests recovered, naturally immune individuals can spread Covid. Am I selfishly endangering others by not getting vaccinated?

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Badboymelvin wrote on BlueFlyer's profile.
Hey mate,
How are you?
Have really enjoyed reading your thread on the 416WSM... really good stuff!
Hey, I noticed that you were at the SSAA Eagle Park range... where about in Australia are you?
Just asking because l'm based in Geelong and l frequent Eagle Park a bit too.
Next time your down, let me know if you want to catch up and say hi (y)
Take care bud
Hyde Hunter wrote on MissingAfrica's profile.
may I suggest Intaba Safaris in the East Cape by Port Elizabeth, Eugene is a great guy, 2 of us will be there April 6th to April 14th. he does cull hunts(that's what I am doing) and if you go to his web site he is and offering daily fees of 200.00 and good cull prices. Thanks Jim
Everyone always thinks about the worst thing that can happen, maybe ask yourself what's the best outcome that could happen?
Very inquisitive warthogs