AH legend
It's funny you said Orvis. They always struck me as having an anti hunting vibe even though they definitely support hunting through wing shooting. Same kind of vibe I get at REI.
LAN (which I think used to be called LAN Chile) recently issued the following notice:
Due to our commitment to the protection of the environment and its animal species, we will no longer accept for transportation of dead animals exhibited as trophies of game hunting, even when the cargo complies with all IATA requirements. Special attention is being given to the following species: Lions, Leopards and other felines of similar size, Rhinos, Buffaloes, Elephants, Any other species that has been the victim of game hunting. If you have any questions please contact your Sales Representative or Inside Sales Agent.
Note the use of the term "victim of game hunting."
In conversations with Air Canada (who have adopted a similar policy, although not quite as offensively), I asked them why they were prepared to carry a moose, for example, without any permits or indication that the animal was lawfully taken, while they were unwilling to carry a leopard, accompanied by a CITES quota issued by CITES in Switzerland, an export permit issued by the country in which it was hunted, and an import permit issued by the country to which it was going. Surely, one is demonstrably legal (probably the most legal cargo they carry), while the other might be, but who knows?
The PR person to whom I spoke acknowledged that this seemed a bit backwards, and had to agree that legality of the cargo likely wasn't the real reason, but that's what he'd been told to say. He agreed to take my argument further up the chain; unsurprisingly, I've yet to hear back.
I would suggest that hunters find another airline to use when going south. If it isn't clear, we as hunters should boycott LAN airlines.
Verizon. They suddenly dropped the Outdoor Channel and the Sportsman Channel. They continued Al Jazeera.
That says everything about Verizon.
We dropped Verizon (TV/Internet/Phone both house and 3 cells), after they dropped SC and OC. We let them know the reason both locally, by phone call, and email. Made me feel good but don't thing they care!
Don't know if it's been mentioned or not but Target is way anti. I refuse to shop there and it's a sure way to start a fight between the wife and I if I find out she has.
They are very politically active on the other side of the isle. When the current owners bought target some years back they removed all fishing and hunting equipment from their stores.Explanation of what they've done @gizmo? Not arguing, just trying to keep from heresay and trying to show some type of documentation.
They are very politically active on the other side of the isle. When the current owners bought target some years back they removed all fishing and hunting equipment from their stores.
They are very politically active on the other side of the isle.
OK, I dumb, how is your job related to you posting on a hunting web site?Understand, I get annoyed when my job keeps me from posting here like I would like too....
OK, I dumb, how is your job related to you posting on a hunting web site?