Marcos Rodriguez
AH fanatic
I wonder this is an effect of copper in the barrels wich many shooters and hunters have observed as you explain!If I must share a comment here, firstly during hunting season i only clean my barrels with good old Hopes No .9 and after hunting season I remove all the copper out of the barrels with a proper copper cutter and then i run a patch through all my barrels so as to leave a thin layer of oil in the barrels as a conditioner just to protect against corrosion.
If I remove all the copper during hunting season, I notice that my group open up quiet a bit, so I have stuck to the method above and never had a problem
Your method is right! the best way if the rifle works in a season, and then remains innactive!... In my case, i use the rifle in a permanent way! this is because I clean it after 20 or 30 shots...