Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

I don’t know why it the emoji thing. I want to hunt in the year twenty twenty eight.
A lot can change price wise between now and 2028.

Here’s how I book/plan future hunts;
I take current pricing and adjust for a 5% increase for each year from present that I’m considering or looking at taking the hunt. Some outfitters will contract/lock you into current pricing for a future year (maybe 2 or 3) with a certain deposit amount. Others will lock you into a future rate to hedge against inflation and some will not. This 5% figure has served me well and most of the time it results in me over budgeting rather than under budgeting.

I try to budget/plan in 5 year increments and put down deposits on hunts when/where it can secure current pricing that hedges against what I call “hunt cost inflation”. I also break the hunt up into chunks by year from when scheduled, and try to pay/save that amount each year so it’s paid off when it’s time to get on the plane. I try to only book 2 big hunts in a 3 year period, or 3 in a 5 year period. This allows me to flex and/or capitalize on a potential deal or opportunity that arises and also manage/budget cash flow.

Sheep and Alaska Moose seem to be the outliers and where it’s been wrong. In both instances I believe it’s a function of supply and demand with reduced permit availability. I saw one outfitter take a 25% cost increase for his projected 27 to 28 hunt cost, but was booking for 2030.
Congratulations everyone on the outstanding trophies listed above. Only leopard with hounds, Cape buffalo, and bongo for me so far.

I will be working for the next few years to feed and pay for the “addiction:”

Alaska dall sheep hunt (Brooks Range) - August 2025
Blue Sheep - Himalayan Mountains (Nepal) - Fall 2026
Tuskless cow elephant - 2027
Lord Derby Eland (Cameroon) - February 2028

Good luck to all and happy hunting, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
After I got them home I discovered a lower cost option that did every bit as good work. However I was very pleased with the lion and lechwe, there are pics on here somewhere;) The hyena i gave them artistic license and they did it sneeking around the corner towards the lion. So great concept. But they mounted it downhill. So looks weird for a hyena. And it was supposed to be open mouth with some drool hanging but they cheated out and did closed mouth. Very good work as far as the hides, skulls, etc. And some of the best bases I have.

I’d love to see a picture!
I’d love to see a picture!
South African lion



Mozambique leopard
Speaking of opportunities to take the big 5. My experience was when Obama put the ban on elephant imports, it essentially dropped the cost of hunting a trophy bull elephant in half, in Zimbabwe anyway. In my case from $37,000 down to $20,000. I added a buffalo for a $4000 trophy fee. Then all the tips, etc. This was the real deal. Tracking for miles. Getting right in amoungst herds of elephant. Hair standing on edge experiences. It was awesome.

My RSA lion experience taught me a lot! I was sold a "wild" lion hunt. I learned to be very skeptical about anything a South African tells me about hunting. I learned that the BS can be so deep that even they believe it! I learned that i would have been better off just doing an honest CBL lion where I knew what I was getting rather than being sold a fabricated wild lion hunt. It cost $20,000 but triple that after adding on buffalo for $8500 and an expensive hyena. Plus a ton of PG.

Rhino I did a few years too early. The best white rhino deals may have been a couple years ago or may be still coming? O thi k mine was something like $30k. As far as a South African white rhino hunt i think it was essentially about as good as it gets. Very large thick bull with a good conversation story. Old herd bull with daughters 20,000 acre property with a scattered rhino population and lots of other critters around. Took several days and culminated in a long stalk that involved crawling about 100 yards to get a shot. It was also a learning experience. I bought the hunt from my RSA Outfitter buddy (who is honest with me about his BS). He bought the rhino through another RSA Outfitter who specializes in buying up as many of the good quality hunts he can and then marking them up and selling them to the guys with the clients. I saw zero need for him to be there but there we were with a resident PH who has to conduct the hunt because he was responsible directly and employed by the property and game owner. My buddy PH who had agreed to being the camera guy, the in between guy who was not needed. The government guy who made sure everything was properly in order and the hunt was conducted within the rules (He was great and I was thankful he was there) he stayed within view but kept back and out of the way. And of course a tracker. We had a little Come to Jesus meeting where the middle man finally got the point hexeas to stay back with the government guy. I also took a great giraffe, Klipspringer, baboons, monkeys and some night critters on that hunt. It was two weeks total and split between two areas. Had a blast!

Leopard was a deal here on AH (as was the elephant and indirectly that lion). End of season the Outfitter had two tags left and was quickly running out of calendar. His idea was to bring in a dog team and sell both leopard to two guys hunting at the same time. Rotating every day between leopard and PG. Obviously a disaster waiting to happen. But the cost was down to $20K each including the dogs which was $8000 at that time. Well it got down to wire with no takers so we negotiated a deal to add the second cat at trophy fee cost.

Has a great hunt because the dog guy was so great! Shot a very long leopard on day 4 after an eventful 12 kilometers chase. And never found a shootable second cat. Did get a nice livingstone eland and some duikers. Shot a lot of baboons for bait. Stalked lots of wild sable but didn't find that elusive 40" the Outfitter knew was attainable. Probably my 3rd best most memorable hunt.

Then Tanzania with Gina! Plus two great AH friends! Absolutely the best hunt ever! Two of us got wild lions on day 2!!! Saw lion sign constantly. Gina got her leopard off bait on day 4. Tons of PG including Gina's 42.5" sable and my Roan. We originally bought a 16 day leopard and buffalo hunt that I think was listed at something like $34,000 or $38,000 including those two Trophy fees. Had the opportunity to shoot 3 total buffalo in that deal for escaping trophy fees of about $4000. Then had the opportunity to add lion including 5 more days to make it the full bag 21 days. But that also included the right to take a 4th buffalo and elephant at trophy fees. That 4th buffalo would have been $4500 and elephant would have been been $9500.. The lion add on was $15,000 for the 5 days and right to shoot a lion. Then a $10,000 trophy fee. I doubt that deal os ever available again. We were told to not expect to see a shooter elephant but that if we did, we could shoot one. We did see quite a bit of sign and heard them feeding a couple times way up in the mountain bush. We spent just short of $100k on that hunt and over that with tips and then on top of that was flights, dip and pack, etc.

Gina is slowly pursuing her Dangerous 7. I may take the opportunity to hunt croc and hippo if I can add it on to her hunts but she wants those more than I do so has priority. Hopefully she can get a really big croc;) My bigger focus now is the Tiny Ten.
Y'all should look at Mozambique if you haven't. Your Moz, leopard makes me think you might already have the Suni and Red/Blue Duikers. If you dont and you pick your area right you can add Grysbok, and Oribi.

I'm booked for 2026. Went back and forth between Zambeze Delta and Mashambanzou Safaris for 2 years specifically looking to target the last two I need (Suni and Red Duiker) to finish my Tiny 10. Both also offer some pretty good Croc/Buffalo hunting. Crocs aren't the 16'+ giants they kill in other areas of Moz. I was told tend to be shorter, fatter, and stockier with 14-15' being very doable. Y'all might be able to check several boxes as once for both of you.

Feel free to PM me, I'm more than willing to share camp with some fellow AHer's and have already made the same offer to a few others.
I hope to prove you all wrong on the wild black rhino someday;) If I ever fully retire that would be a bucket list hunt! I may be all washed up on this but I don't think the respondents here so far have fully investigated the opportunities.
Can I go as your gun bearer or water boy??
May as well post the rest of my Big 5.

Real Tusks hanging in Afton House.

And the replicas and their hand carved bases.

For all of us drueling over Bob’s taxi animals especially the full size rhino please remember he did all of that before he married his lovely wife Gina!!!! lol!!!!
These prices are definitely not as bad as I had thought. I am still raising 4 younguns' and don't have the disposable income (yes, I drive used cars, don't have debt, own a modest home, follow all the admonishments offered up here, etc.), but depending on life, investments, health, helping my children start out for the next 25 years, I will consider myself fortunate to do a modest hunt for a few more affordable animals. Who knows, maybe I could afford a buffalo? All that being said, I consider myself wealthy and blessed to have what I have. Keeping the dream alive!
If one were current at 0/5 and was considering future hunts, would grouping species into combo hunts be the most cost effective way to go about this?

Do you get better prices on elephant / buffalo trophy fees if they are grouped into the same hunt vs individual?
If one were current at 0/5 and was considering future hunts, would grouping species into combo hunts be the most cost effective way to go about this?

Do you get better prices on elephant / buffalo trophy fees if they are grouped into the same hunt vs individual?
Assuming we are talking free range areas and not trying to hunt these in is way cheaper to hunt more animals at once. For instance, on a 21 day hunt you could take leopard, lion, croc, hippo, and buff. Look at the day rates for one hunt vs doing each individually and it won’t be close.

PH’s are also businessmen as well. There are negotiations to be had with most operators.
If one were current at 0/5 and was considering future hunts, would grouping species into combo hunts be the most cost effective way to go about this?

Do you get better prices on elephant / buffalo trophy fees if they are grouped into the same hunt vs individual?
It’s not about the Trophy fees… it’s about the days and that cost.
Of course it makes sense to take several on one hunt.
THE highest priced hunt (unless you whack a Captive Bred Lion in S.A.) is going to be a Wild Lion… not even close… that will be a 18-21 day hunt and generally over $2,500 per day
You could take 3-4 on that hunt. You can take Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Hippo and Croc in many areas…. And you may well get an Elephant in some areas too
You are too wrapped around the axle on minutia. There are pages of good advice…
Rhino… you are gonna dart one…
Leopard, Buff always a Combo
Lion… two choices…real simple….
1) Captive Bred (cheap but not ideal)
2) Wild…Expensive and low supply… upside is YES… you will have a “Full Bag” Quota almost everywhere (note many now want to sell Leopard standalone to maximize Revenue)
Lion hunt allows a ton of options but will be $100,000 in todays world generally when combined with Full Bag
Elephant…wide range of options and cost depending on what one wants.

You need to probably make a decision about two things and move forward
1) Lion…Wild or Not…Cost is wildly different and THE biggest decision By far
2) Elephant… Management, Trophy, or Tuskless

That’s it in a nutshell…
If one were current at 0/5 and was considering future hunts, would grouping species into combo hunts be the most cost effective way to go about this?

Do you get better prices on elephant / buffalo trophy fees if they are grouped into the same hunt vs individual?
It depends. Let’s use my of my favorite outfitters @DALTON & YORK SAFARIS as an example with two year ago prices. A 14 day hunt day rates $900 per day. Bull Elephant $14,000 trophy fees, Buff $5,500, Hippo $4,500. Croc $5,500. You can easily see it is very cost effective to do 2 or more in one trip
For all of us drueling over Bob’s taxi animals especially the full size rhino please remember he did all of that before he married his lovely wife Gina!!!! lol!!!!
Yes, now she goes with him and shoots it herself, with her own guns!! Best arrangement anywhere!
Assuming we are talking free range areas and not trying to hunt these in is way cheaper to hunt more animals at once. For instance, on a 21 day hunt you could take leopard, lion, croc, hippo, and buff. Look at the day rates for one hunt vs doing each individually and it won’t be close.

PH’s are also businessmen as well. There are negotiations to be had with most operators.
This is going on the assumption you just want to check the box and not go back to Africa or after any of these species again but IF you can do your Big 5 on a single 21 or 28 Day Trip (accounting for time in RSA for a Rhino or CBL if you don’t want a Wild Lion) it will be 100% more cost effective, when you spread the cost out per animal, than doing multiple shorter hunts. The number upfront is bigger but you’re checking multiple boxes at once.

The most expensive Safari is a small safari to Tanzania for just Plains Game, Buffalo or a single species of DG. But if your goal is to complete the Big 5 and shoot say 30 different types of Plains Game the most cost effective way is a single large safari on a Premium License. The overall number is big at first glance, but you’ll spend more in the long run doing multiple smaller safaris before you even begin to account for airfare, travel, souvenirs, import/export on each trip.

All the time I personally say I can’t afford a full bag in Tanzania. I know I’m not alone in this either, but in reality if I added up all my trips together I’ve already funded a full bag. Only difference is I’ve now been more times and hunted more days and locations than a single full bag.
It’s not about the Trophy fees… it’s about the days and that cost.
Of course it makes sense to take several on one hunt.
THE highest priced hunt (unless you whack a Captive Bred Lion in S.A.) is going to be a Wild Lion… not even close… that will be a 18-21 day hunt and generally over $2,500 per day
You could take 3-4 on that hunt. You can take Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Hippo and Croc in many areas…. And you may well get an Elephant in some areas too
You are too wrapped around the axle on minutia. There are pages of good advice…
Rhino… you are gonna dart one…
Leopard, Buff always a Combo
Lion… two choices…real simple….
1) Captive Bred (cheap but not ideal)
2) Wild…Expensive and low supply… upside is YES… you will have a “Full Bag” Quota almost everywhere (note many now want to sell Leopard standalone to maximize Revenue)
Lion hunt allows a ton of options but will be $100,000 in todays world generally when combined with Full Bag
Elephant…wide range of options and cost depending on what one wants.

You need to probably make a decision about two things and move forward
1) Lion…Wild or Not…Cost is wildly different and THE biggest decision By far
2) Elephant… Management, Trophy, or Tuskless

That’s it in a nutshell…
Yes, as we all know, wild areas are wildly expensive. Lol. However, I sometimes advise friends and clients that the high upfront cost of a full bag safari in Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique or other locations to get four of the five can actually save them money in the long run, especially if they desire mature, older specimens. Importing the Big 5 also comes into play and one must pick the areas carefully to assure USFWS approval for imports of lion and elephant. There are a few areas where a hunter can take an old lion and an old elephant on the same safari but not many. Another plan would be to get lion, leopard and buffalo on such a hunt and then do a separate hunt for a big elephant. This is easier to find but can be more costly overall.

The downsides of a full bag for three or four of the Big 5 are the upfront money for one big expensive safari versus parting it out over several trips and you don’t get to see and experience as many safari areas.

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Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.
Hi gents we have very little openings left for 2025 if anyone is interested in a last minute hunt!

here are the dates,

17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!