CROATIA Hunting Information

We were not allowed to be involved in any hunting. I'm not even sure that the locals did so legally, but they did. From your description the area I would have been in was Belje. It was on the Serbian/Croatian border along the Dunav River. (Danube in English). The big stags were common there and could easily be seen when driving down the levy at night.
Yes, then, it is Belje.
It is area best known for strongest trophy of red stag. Best gene pool in entire former Ygoslavia! And in his time Tito had best deer management professionals employed there.

Now the area is split between hunting areas in Croatia and Serbia, and absolutely legally huntable!
Very informative and some interesting customs. Thank you for sharing.
I spent a bit over half a year in the Vukovar - Osijek - Vinkovci triangle in 1997. The main impression there was wide open farmland, with big and small villages. I recall a drive through some dense forest somewhere south of Vinkovci.
Of course!
There are patches of forests, where Slavonian Oak - Hrast Luznjak, (Quercus robur) prevails.
Oak gives good supply of acorn for boars and stag to prepare for winter, and collect last fat before the snow. Forest gives protection from predators.

Wast agricultural plains, for corn and wheat, gives additional food supply in summer, before harvests in the fall, when young and fawns collect their strenght.

Finally there is wast wet lands area, resting ground of many migratory bird species, and and habitat for many indigenous species.

This wetlands is partially protected area under designation of nature park, but huntable. Here is the link:

So human agricultural activities, natural resources of forest areas, plus wet lands and swamps give perfect conditions for big, small and feather game to thrive. This is actually the richest game populated part of country.

For hunter - it is land of plenty!

A bit more to the west, there is hunting grounds "Garjevica", which CIC commision declared the best hunting area in the World in 2000.
this is local news on the link (croatian language) but translation I will make below:

The Garjevica State Hunting Ground, which is in the concession of Agrokor, was awarded the "Edmond Blanc" annual award for the best managed hunting ground in the world in 2000 by the International Union for Hunting and Conservation of Game (CIC). Last year's Best Hunting Achievement Award was presented to the President of the Board of Agrokor Ivica Todoric at the end of the annual CIC Assembly, which was held in Slovenian Portorož from May 1-5, 2001. As a leading international organization that brings together hunting associations, individuals, representatives of national bodies responsible for hunting and scientists from 80 countries, CIC pays particular attention to nature protection and in its work closely cooperates with the International Association for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Therefore, special consideration is given to respecting the high environmental standards and resolutions of the Association for the Conservation of Nature when awarding the World's Best Hunting Ground. The Garjevica Hunting Ground, where Agrokor has been a concessionaire since 1992, has 15,000 ha of hunting area where red deer, wild boar, roe deer, mouflon and other small game are grown.
I’m heading to Croatia January next year for a driven boar hunt. Friends organise it with a hunting club. Very well priced when you cut out the agents who,frankly, just mark it up.
I hope you will have great time! Let us know how was it.
My wife wishes to visit Croatia next year (2020), likely in late May or June. I am looking forward to seeing the country.
It is nice to hear!
Do the research, make plan, and enjoy the trip!

Keep in mind, in case you have hunting in a mind: in Croatia something can be legally hunted 12 months per year, hunting season is officially closed from 01st match till 15th April (when roe deer season opens).
In idle months, boars, fox, jackals, pheasants released from pen can be hunted only.
What species do you recommend for late May or early June?
Is there a guide or outfitter you would recommend for a one or two day hunt?
What species do you recommend for late May or early June?
Is there a guide or outfitter you would recommend for a one or two day hunt?

I must say, that you have chosen your timing well!
First, may / june is the time when sea is warm enough for swimming, and tourist season has not picked up yet!
(Peak of tourist season is between 15th july to 15th Aug)

So you will avoid all the crowd!

In may / june - it is actually my favorite hunt for Roe buck. If winter is a bit longer, then May and early June should still have low grass in the fields, which make roe visible in the distance. (once the grass is high, roe will be hard to find)

So I can wholeheartedly recommend hunting Roe buck by stalking.... stalking is my favourite hunt, but roe can be hunted from high stand as well.
Also, a boar can be hunted as well at that time. However, in may, june - boar is also hunted by stalking or from stand - because big driven hunts will start only in fall or winter.

For the rest, will drop you pm!
@mark-hunter: Great posts on Croatia hunting! Must have taken ages to put that together.
I work for a night vision company and am researching into Croatia's rules on night hunting optics and which hunting distributors or reseller shops are best to buy from.
Could I ask for your advice, please?

Do you know if night-time hunting is permitted in Croatia, please? And if yes, what restrictions are in place for night optics (handheld spotters, or weapon optics)?
Most countries allow handheld spotting monoculars, but some don't permit weapon mount night optics.
If it is permitted, could you recommend which are the better hunting distributors or shops or websites to purchase from, please?

Kind Regards, Jason.
Croatian hunting law:
Google translation:

Article 64
(1) It is prohibited to hunt game:
5. Optical night hunting targets capable of electronically magnifying or converting images, electric or electronic killer or stun devices, explosives, gas or smoke expulsion,

Sounds like night sights are not allowed. Someone who understands Croatian properly may give a more accurate answer.
I am impressed by your thoroughness and research.
However, things change.

Recently, hunting laws has been changed, and are published in national gazette, end of 2018.
So, updated hunting law, in national gazette, nn 99/2018, link:

Article 66 (8)
It is prohibited to hunt game:
8. With Optical night vision and electronic sight capable of electronically zooming in or electronically zooming in or converting an image.

But they are defining exemptions, from this rule in same Article 66-24-(3, 4, 5, 6):
(3) Provided that there are no other suitable options and that the derogation will not be detrimental to the maintenance of the game population, the Ministry may allow derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article:
4) The authorization for the exceptional use of the means referred to in paragraph 1, items 1 to 18 of this Article shall be issued by the Ministry, with the prior consent of the ministry competent for nature protection affairs.

(5) The ministry responsible for nature protection shall give its prior approval within 30 days from the day of receipt of the request.
(6) The prior consent referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article need not be obtained in the case of the use of optical night-vision electronic sights for hunting wild boars, foxes and jackals outside protected areas of nature.

In original text:
Članak 66.
8. optičkim ciljnicima za noćni lov s mogućnošću elektroničkog povećavanja ili pretvaranja slike
(4) Dopuštenje za iznimnu uporabu sredstava iz stavka 1. točaka od 1. do 18. ovoga članka donosi Ministarstvo, uz prethodnu suglasnost ministarstva nadležnog za poslove zaštite prirode.
(5) Ministarstvo nadležno za poslove zaštite prirode dužno je dati svoju prethodnu suglasnost u roku od 30 dana od dana primitka zahtjeva.
(6) Prethodnu suglasnost iz stavka 4. ovoga članka nije potrebno ishoditi ako se radi o upotrebi optičkih ciljnika za noćni lov za lov svinje divlje, lisice i čaglja izvan zaštićenih dijelova prirode.

Explanation, by OP - me:

Article 66, basic "total" ban on night sights, similar as per law as of 2005, was meant to be applied for protection of big game such as deer, red deer, roe, fallow, etc... And it kept its meaning till today in new law (lex 2018).

Various equipment for observations, like NV or thermal monoculars, etc, not mounted on rifle have been allowed even before. But not allowed for shooting or aiming.

However, this has opened the market for this equipment, and created general public acceptance, up to the level that boar hunting with NV has become ethical if not legal by that time.

In recent years there is explosion of population of wild boars, jackals, and to lesser extent - foxes. Making damages to the crops, other game, and causing road accidents.

Plus, there is wide spread African swine flu in other European countries, and high annual quota for wild boars is recommended by ministry in order to prevent African swine flu being introduced into country, and to reduce the numbers of boars below previously set minimums.

This made the basis for new hunting law in 2018, and exemptions for three species.

For hunting, it is therefore defined as legal for boars, foxes and jackals.
For daylight (or night time) observation anything can be used, including various type of NV or thermal monoculars, which can be fitted on scopes, or just handheld, then binoculars, etc

Local hunting shops legally offer all types of NV or IR or thermal optics.

It is my estimate that, at least 90% of local big game hunters have some type on night digital optics. And use it.

Due to economic pricing, various types of Yukon NV is most popular.

I, on the other hand, still belong to dinosaur clan, enjoy day light stalking, enjoy dawns at high stand and do not own any type of digital, NV or IR optical sights.
But I am exemption.

I cannot advertise anybody who is not sponsor here, but I will send you pm, with various local dealers and distributors of this equipment.
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Thank you Mark and Perttime. Very helpful clarifications.
Seating in quarantine, my safari postopned till 2021, I have now time to write about... well about the quarantine, and what you guys probably do not know about it.

So, here it is, how the quarantine came to be!



City of Ragusa, coat of arms.

Dubrovnik or city of Ragusa, kept its independence through centuries, by careful diplomacy and good trading which included large fleet of merchant ships, which in turn made the city economy flourish.
Independence they kept till occupation by napoleon forces, at beginning of 19century.

So, by that time, they kept status as independent town-state.

It was estimated that by the peak of their power Dubrovnik had 180 merchant ships, 250 captains, 5.000 seamen, to keep trade all over known shipping and merchant routes from middle east, and across the Mediterranean. They had a wide network of diplomatic consular representatives, with more than 50 consuls on missions in most important Mediterranean trade countries.

The records are quite clear, and numbers are known, because Dubrovnik, also has one of the oldest city archives in the World, totally preserved.


Area of the city of Ragusa, teritory, year 1808.

With trading with distant countries, in middle ages, it came to attention of city authorities, that first epidemics that spread in town, are related to epidemics in other trade centers around Mediterranean, with some delay.
So, as they reasoned, there was a relation of local epidemics, with arrival of goods and travelers from other countries.

There was not any scientific proof or knowledge at that time about bacteria, or viruses at that time but spreading of disease, transmission, from person to person to person was noted.


So, in the year of 1.377 a.d. Dubrovnik authorities made order for obligatory rule for all the travelers coming from countries of potential disease epidemics, were to observe isolation period of 30 days, on a local small island of Mrkan.

This applied. And this was the first quarantine ever in modern history.

The first rule was for 30 days of isolation, or “trenta dias”, locally known as “trentina”.

It was not 100% proof, but it was effective. As per records, in 1482, the epidemics of plague hit the city with numerous casualties.

However, the method was more successful then any other.

Soon, other Mediterranean cities followed with similar or same rule for mandatory isolation of travelers and imported goods. For example, Venice implemented the rule for isolation in 1423, followed by Genoa in 1467.

Since at the time, there was no knowledge of viruses, bacteria as origin of infection.
Incubation period was unknown and the first rule locally implemented was for 30 day, or “trenta dias”, “trentina”, in Dubrovnik

In Venice they took, 40 days for isolation period, or “quaranta dias”, or 40 days, or quarantine, as we know it today by this name.

As per records, the reasoning was that as per story from bible, Job took self isolation from his community, of 40 days when he was ill to prevent his people get infected by disease. So 40 days they took as per biblical story, and the name remained till today.

The number of 40 has no scientific background in incubation from the plague, in medieval Europe which is in most cases 2 – 5 days, and may vary from 12 hours up to 12 days.

From the first isolation "quarantine"place in Dubrovnik, on the island of Mrkan, the quarantine place was shifted through centuries, and new buildings were built for this purpose, around Dubrovnik

Island of Mrkan, then island of Bobara, (all under the blue sky, no buildings), then the abbey of saint Marry, on the island of Mljet was built. However, isolation place built and maintained far out of city walls could be used against the city in case of enemy invasion.
Turkish, ottoman empire was then present threat, and neither the Venice was too friendly over the centuries.

So, the authorities decided to built isolation buildings close to town centers so they built new lazarets for this purpose, lazaret near Danča, on the west, and Dubronik lazaret on east.

Building of Lazarets was started around 1466, ended in mid 17th century, but it was used for quarantine within present capacity even during 16th century.

By the late era of 19th century, isolation in “quarantine” was gradually abandoned because of the invention of various vaccine by late 19xx. which prevented the spread of many disease.

Today those buildings are used for various exhibitions and cultural events in city of Dubrovnik.

So, this is how modern quarantine, unfortunately revived today came to be. The origin of the name, 40 days, quaranta dias - quarantine.
The history of quarantine came from city and republic of Dubrovnik, by order of authorities as early as 1377 a.d.


Situation today, well, the country is in lock down, quarantine applied again, but the strict measures show its results.
The number of active cases is dropping, lets hope it continue this way.
This is the courve today, 26.04.2020, active cases less then 1.000, red line is dropping. (source wiki)

pandemic line croatia 26.04.2020.png
Missed this thread the first time around. What a great contribution. Thank you @mark-hunter.

It is important to understand that the actual traditions of the hunt are very similar across continental Europe (I deliberately exclude the UK which has a somewhat different set), and what has been discussed here will serve a traveling sportsman well whether he is hunting in Croatia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, or any other parts of Germanic or Austro-Hungarian Europe. As one goes west, the traditions become a bit more relaxed. Hunting in Spain, where driven bird shooting is as popular as the UK, the Spaniards reflect an interesting mixture of both cultures with a heavy overlay of Spanish practicality when in pursuit of big game. I suspect it is one reason many Americans feel so immediately comfortable hunting big game in Spanish cultures whether it be in the Gredos Mountains of Northern Spain or the La Pampa of Argentina.

Respect for the game we take, is something all ethical hunters should practice. How it is done should be governed by culture and history of the region where it was hunted. But respect for the animals we have taken can be practiced by anyone anywhere.
Glad this thread came up again. Still have fond memories of Croatia from 97-98.
This year was very challenging and problematic, and the first year I did not stalk roe deer, because roe deer season I spent during lock down on the rig.

But, once I got home, I tried to use remaining season for other things to hunt.
So, although hunting grounds is quite close to my place, about 45 minutes from my home, this is the first time I hunted mouflon. Or hunted there at all.

The area were I hunted is north part of Plomin channel. The hills are steep down to the dark water of channel, which itself resembles nordic fiords. (but just resembles, as it is not of glacial origin)

Hunting is done on the hills of norhern side.
Local hunting club started mouflon managment 10-12 years ago, with basic herd of 6 nannies and 4 billies. Today the herd is around 150-180 heads, with annual quota of cca 38, of all sizes and ages.

Interestingly, the herd of mouflon has pushed roe deer population, north of road (road visible on the map), so below road remains for occasional boar and noumerous mouflon. Terrain is very steep, very rocky, and on occasion a dense bush. To break the leg is easy.

In the mediteranean bush, visibility up to 10 - 15 meters.

On the sea side there is totally open rock terrain without vegetaion, some grass only, were a shot could be made at estimated up to 500 meters, or less.
Inside the hunting area, where local mediteranean bush prevails, there is a cleared stretch below high voltage line, which is crossing the bush, and leading to the north, or norht east. Under the voltage line, clear line of shot could be stretched up to 200 meters, and thats it. The rest is "jungle".

Now, when I was cosnidering the hunt, in area unknown to me, the first concern was caliber.
If I take 9.3, with wide angle optics for driven hunt (zeroed at 50m), this would be good for bush. But if a shot represents itself on one of the two open areas, that shot could become a challenge. Next consideration was my new 375 to take out - not because it is "perfect for mouflon in the bush", but just because I had a thought to try the rifle in the field. But possible "long shot" with unfamilar rifle was deciding factor. So, I took, good old 30-06, zeroed at 200 meters, 6 cm plus at 100 m, 3 cm plus at 50m, sako 85. Mouflon should not be overly tough game and neither I could choose in urgency of the moment a better bullet, so bullet would be my roe deer bullet, nosler ballistic tip, 180 grains.
So, thats how the rifle and caliber was chosen.

Now the hunt.
The local hunting area I dont know, never been there, just had occasional coffee in local tavern (with Great view there over local islands, btw).

So, the final plan, as later agreed was: I wanted stalking, (not a stand), and would prefer the guide.
4 of us, hunters we went, to a meeting point with guide. With separate cars, as agreed day before.
I came 20 minutes earlier and waited for others to join.

We had a quick meeting and breif, with local guide, got our licenses written on trunk of a car, under the light from hand torch.

Local guide took other three hunters to stands. He took me last, 2-3 km westward by car, down the main road, to next village, took me out of car, took me down the goat path, and when we came in the bush, he expalined were to walk.

He said, keep stalking in the middle of area, do not go down to sea level - they dont go to sea level, and call me if you shoot something. He gave me mobile phone number.

Off he went, while there was still dark.
I took a moment to prepare the rifle. As was still dark, I lit a cigarrette. Took a deep breath, and tried to feel the soorrunding area. Mediteranean plants could be smellled in the air.

With time, the dawn came. Some daylight at least! I could see clouds in the eastern skies. I started stalking. Crossed the clearing under high voltage cable, and went down into unknown bush.

10 minutes stalking, 15 minutes listening. 10 minutes stalking, 20 minutes listening. Listening sessions, progressively longer, as the bush became denser, and myself deeper in the bush. Visibility down to 10 meters, scope power down to minimum, 3x (zeiss 3-12x).
It was quiet, and I felt a mild breeze to my face.

After number of stalks, and sessions of observing, I heard a rock, rolling down.
One rock, only, estimated north of me, and either under the electric voltage clearing, or across of it, north of it.

But I was still quite down and away from that clearing. And each step of mine created a sound.
But as careful as possible, I took one step at the time, to get to the clearing.

Once I got there, I took my time, to sit behind a bush, and take a look around.
After, maybe a 15 minutes, i saw a movement. Across of the clearing, on opposite side from were I was.
Binocular in hand, and got it!
An animal in the bush, broad side visible, "orangish color", head and neck behind the bush, browsing. 50 meters away.
I replaced binocular with rifle, found a rest on a branch of the bush, and easily took aim, safety off. Now observing.
The animal broke away from the bush. Head up.
And a dissapointement i felt, as I identifeid a young calf, with horns, 3 inch size, top.
I did consider shooting, as venisson in fridge was low, but I decided against, and went for something better.

Youngster probably sensed me, or saw me, he was looking in my direction, and then easily dissapeared in the bush, northward. Not scared, but careful.

About mouflon I dont know nothing, never hunted them in my life, read little about them, but my way of thinking at that moment was - mouflon are sheep, and they probably move in groups (flocks).

So, under presumption thet youngster was not alone, I crossed the clearing quitely in direction were he dissapeared. I tried to be quiet, but at that moment even the heart of mine was too loud, as it seamed. When a branch broke, i though they could here me at home!

When crossed , to the northern side of clearing, i tried to take a peak in the bush.
Nothing. And it was dense. Very dense. Impassable.
So, I made 20-30 meters ahaed, near the edge of bush, and quitely looked in again.

I must have made some sound, or a wind changed direction, as this caused unexcpected movement.
Through the bush on the final limit of visibility, I saw maybe a dozen of animals, moving away from me, in easterly direction, and keeping deep in the bush.
Ok, I thought, not a disaster, I am now on track! All of them are within 100 meters from me! Not more!

I made next 20-30 meters along the northern edge of bush, and found a nice place to observe.
An old handmade dry stone wall (in past marking local garden or vineyard), now overgown with local wild plants, and I kneeled there, sitting on my left heel, leaning with my back against the rock. Quite confortable for field position.
The bush ended 200 meters in front of me, and if they get out, they will come to clearing.

WInd at the moment was to my face. Daylight was present, and first rays of sun could be seen here and there, through the dense clouds, If there was no clouds, I would be facing sunlight, and could be a problem for aiming. But clouds helped, wind was good, the daylight was sufficent and improving, new day was in its early birth.

As the time passed, I wanted a cigarrete badly, but for the mouflon sake, I decided against it!

I heard another rock rolling, estimated hundred meters ahead and away from place were I spotted the flock earlier.

Later thought after the hunt, Oh my god, how quiet they were! All of them in all that time, moved just two small rocks, no other sounds at all!!!

So, they moved, in good direction! (under presumption that mouflon kicked the rock, in the first place)
I felt confident, having a thought of having the things under control, and in same moment being also certain, that it can all turn out differently! My one and only chance was still not blown!

Minutes pass. I dont move. Nothing happens. Quiet all around.

Quitely I removed backback from my back. Took out range finder, and checked all distances for possible shot. Longest shot could be at 180, closest shot, possibly at 50, but for this one I doubted. Too close.
I made mental note of few small bushes in the clearing and their distances.

Put a range finder in left pocket, picked up my head, and I could not belive my eyes!

Two mouflon, of good size of horn, came out of bush, and took fight! Rut season, so not surprisingly!

it was like on discovery channel documentary! And their fighting, head to head went on.
Or, in times of collecting strenght they were scratching each other broad side.

This gave me time, to establish distance. 87 meters!

I passed the left hand around sling, positioned my left elbow on my left knee, rested my back against the stone behind, sit down on my right heel, made safety off again, and took aim.
Shot did not come immidately.

I was afaraid if taking a shot, I might wound or kill another mouflon,
So throught the scope (at that moment at 6x power), i enjoyed the sight of mouflon fighting... for next minutes.
Weaker one lost the fight and moved away, to the right, accross the clearing.
Stronger one, stopped raised the head.

The shot came at that moment, and as I was almost certain of good hit, the stronger one dissapeared in the moment of recoil, and the weaker one jumped accross the clearing to the right, towards the seacost, down the hill, in the bush
I worked the bolt, unscertain of present situation.
Entire flock came out from bush, left side, maybe 25-30 heads, all sizes and sexes... crossed the clearing running, and dissapeared in the bush, down the hill to the right, following the first one.

I increased the power on the scope, not moving, in same position and was eagerly looking to the place were I shot, hoping to see something, searching. In the same time, being afraid of a miss.
A minute passed.

Then I saw a movement of the bush, a branch, were all other plants were standing still in a leeway of the hill!
Mouflon moved.
I kept my aim to that place, in case he stands up.
Minutes pass.
No further movement of branches and leaves.

I felt a bit relaxed by now, more confident, and had and immidate idea to mark the moment with long awaitied cigarette.
So it was.
As by now, the mouflon did not move, I emptied the rifle, and walked slowly to the bush were I supposed mouflon awaited for me.
There It was.
Three quarters of full turn on the horn, later they will measure 167 CIC points (13 points less from bronze medal - which I consider as best buy size in CIC pricing european systems).

He was There! My first mouflon!
I knew, next thing will not be pleasent, pulling him up against the steep cliffs and rocks to next road.
But at that moment, I removed such dark thoughts from the head.
I wanted to save the moment.

And what a moment it was!
Down to the sea level of channel, quite below from my position, there was a dense cloud of mist, moving slowly along the dark channel.
The sea was not to be seen, and a carpet of mist, a grey cloud slowly drifting out to sea wastness.
From the mist, I could hear a distant hum of diesel engine, and a franzy calling of dozens of seagulls fighting in the air. I know from sound that fishing trawler is pasing the channel, bringing in to the harbor their night catch, and crew washing the decks over board, for which the seagulls are fighting steeling small fish. I dont need to see them.
A moment to save. Carpe diem!

Then, after a moment to spare, crowned by cigarete, I sent messages to other three hunters on the stands, east from my position, that I have shot, and mouflon are moving to their direction (maybe). Then I gave a call to my guide.

Final comments:
The guide came, after some time, and we pulled the querry up the hill to the road. Exausted we get to the car somehow.
Mouflon in the trunk!
Got the papers for game and venisson, and after a lunch with other guys in local tavern (lunch was on me) went home, to skin the cape.
Cape is now in the fridge, waiting to take him to taxidermist.

In the photos you may find atatched - landscapes (from internet)
Local map, hunting area is in northern side of channel. See the arrow.
And mouflon.

Plomin channel 2.jpg
Plomin channel.jpg
plomin landscape.jpg
plomin road.jpg
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Beautiful Mouflon!

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Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.
Hi gents we have very little openings left for 2025 if anyone is interested in a last minute hunt!

here are the dates,

17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!