AH veteran
This is the thread I started.
I would look at the rim of your brass. One thing I noticed was the cases had large gashes from the extractor. Sanding the extractor (not the bolt face) helped immensely. I wish I would have done this first before any modifications to the feed ramp.
Another modification to improve feeding requires removing the barrel. The portion of the barrel that meets the action on the chamber side is square cut. Removing the barrel and turning it on a lathe so that the squared end becomes an angle that feeds into the chamber will help with feeding round nose bullets like Hornady
I would look at the rim of your brass. One thing I noticed was the cases had large gashes from the extractor. Sanding the extractor (not the bolt face) helped immensely. I wish I would have done this first before any modifications to the feed ramp.
Another modification to improve feeding requires removing the barrel. The portion of the barrel that meets the action on the chamber side is square cut. Removing the barrel and turning it on a lathe so that the squared end becomes an angle that feeds into the chamber will help with feeding round nose bullets like Hornady