Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

I think the move will be mainly by exhibitors, I predict that a small but capable number of exhibitors will have had enough of the issues and will approach SCI leadership in Nashville about favorable terms to attend the TTH show in Dallas.

Which is sad, because after all I am a DSC life member and believe in what they do; but Dallas had bad weather too and while I attended neither show all reports put the TTH show as having a good turn out.
Kind of lame that SCI would schedule a show the same weekend.

I heard a number of outfitters say they might divide and have booths at both, but that was also before the report from TTH were coming in.

I also talked with a number of outfitters who said they would participate again but with smaller booths.
Kind of lame that SCI would schedule a show the same weekend.

I heard a number of outfitters say they might divide and have booths at both, but that was also before the report from TTH were coming in.

I also talked with a number of outfitters who said they would participate again but with smaller booths.
Or smart marketing, they knew lots of people wouldn’t be attending Atlanta regardless of weather; while at the same time proving the venue was viable regardless of weather.
Or smart marketing, they knew lots of people wouldn’t be attending Atlanta regardless of weather; while at the same time proving the venue was viable regardless of weather.
Then it failed. Outfitters I talked to said it was the worst show they had even been to.
Then it failed. Outfitters I talked to said it was the worst show they had even been to.

I’d like to know which outfitters you talked to.

I was at TTHA.. I spoke to dozens of exhibitors… most conceded they expected better, but all rejoiced they were there rather than DSC…

Furthermore, when they announced that 2024 exhibitors would be given guaranteed 2025 booth space if they signed up for the show before the close of the last day, there was an immediate line of exhibitors standing in front of the SCI booth paying for 2025 booths.. by noon, I personally witnessed a stack of several hundred booth applications on that desk..
Kind of lame that SCI would schedule a show the same weekend.

I heard a number of outfitters say they might divide and have booths at both, but that was also before the report from TTH were coming in.

I also talked with a number of outfitters who said they would participate again but with smaller booths.

You should perhaps talk to someone in a leadership position at SCI about the decision that was made…

I did exactly that..

They were clear… SCI has never attempted to oust DSC from Dallas or take Kay Bailey.. they have also been fine with DSC traditionally kicking off show season…

Everyone knows Texas is the hub of the international hunting community in the uS and has been for decades… don’t forget DSC and HSC were formed by the two most successful chapters in SCI when they broke away and became their own organizations… everyone else also knows that Kay Bailey is indeed available for the next 5 years (TTHA has secured 3 halls next year and is expanding)…

And everyone knows being the first show of the season has significant advantages…

SCI’s rational was simple… DSC opened a door…and someone was going to walk through it…

Would the outfitters and hunting community prefer that some random event planning and organizing group put on a new, private, international hunting show?

Or would the outfitters and hunting community prefer that it be TTHA (SCI)?

Which better serves hunters, outfitters, and Dallas?

Is it SCIs fault DSC walked away and left what was clearly an available venue in Dallas for the next 5 year at a time and location proven to be successful?

Or is it DSCs?

The answer for anyone without an obvious bias is pretty clear…
There is for sure truth in your statement. I'm going to put together some type of city guide for attendees and a separate one for exhibitors which could maybe help the organization. If you come back next year, maybe you'll let me show you one of the nicer restaurants in town. I've traveled to most of the major US cities and plenty of foreign cities, and Atalanta has a lot to offer. It's just not known as a tourist city, and probably harder to come in as a tourist and get the most out of your trip there without a little local knowledge.

For example, one outfitter complained that she had to be escorted to the Walmart because it was sketchy. The problem is that there is only 1 Walmart inside the perimeter and it is sketchy as hell. People who live inside the perimeter don't shop at a Walmart. I could have recommended 20 other places to go pick up the supplies they needed.

I also think DSC needs to really focus on getting the new quality attendees in the door. They are going to have to make up for the large number of Texas folks who aren't going because they are pissed it isn't in Texas. I have some ideas about target markets that I plan on sharing.

I just really hope the exhibitors know that the snow was a huge contributing factor.

It wouldn't shock me if it gets moved. I have no idea how that works with the contracts, or if that is even a possibility. If it doesn't get moved, I think a snow free DSC Atlanta could be a big success.
"there is only 1 Walmart inside the perimeter"? What perimeter? Sounds like a firebase? LOL
Montana Rifle company had a reel on Facebook showing what looked liked a new "safari" style offering. Did anyone see that in person? Guessing it's a 375. Incidentally, they have taken the reel down.
i was at Atlanta and handled there rifles yes it was a 375, its basically their version of a win model 70 safari express
I personally would rather drive to Dallas from Michigan than visit Atlanta with 4 hour flight. So I would definitely jump to TTH
You would DRIVE from Michigan to Dallas for a Convention in January? WAY more adventurous man than me. LOL
You should perhaps talk to someone in a leadership position at SCI about the decision that was made…

I did exactly that..

They were clear… SCI has never attempted to oust DSC from Dallas or take Kay Bailey.. they have also been fine with DSC traditionally kicking off show season…

Everyone knows Texas is the hub of the international hunting community in the uS and has been for decades… don’t forget DSC and HSC were formed by the two most successful chapters in SCI when they broke away and became their own organizations… everyone else also knows that Kay Bailey is indeed available for the next 5 years (TTHA has secured 3 halls next year and is expanding)…

And everyone knows being the first show of the season has significant advantages…

SCI’s rational was simple… DSC opened a door…and someone was going to walk through it…

Would the outfitters and hunting community prefer that some random event planning and organizing group put on a new, private, international hunting show?

Or would the outfitters and hunting community prefer that it be TTHA (SCI)?

Which better serves hunters, outfitters, and Dallas?

Is it SCIs fault DSC walked away and left what was clearly an available venue in Dallas for the next 5 year at a time and location proven to be successful?

Or is it DSCs?

The answer for anyone without an obvious bias is pretty clear…
I'm cornfused. I THOUGHT the reason DSC moved to Atlanta on a temporary basis was that the Kay Bailey convention center was being renovated and unavailable for ANY conventions? But the TTHA was held there this year? What's the deal?
Is it SCIs fault DSC walked away and left what was clearly an available venue in Dallas for the next 5 year at a time and location proven to be successful?

Or is it DSCs?

The answer for anyone without an obvious bias is pretty clear…

I should add…

I am historically biased in favor of DSC… I am a DSC life member… but only renew annual membership at SCI… I have spent tens of thousands on DSC auctions… and have never spent a dime outside of membership dues with SCI… I have volunteered every single year at the DSC show since becoming a life member (with the exception of this one)… and if you search my posts here since joining I have made numerous statements over the years about why I prefer DSC as and organization and the DSC show over SCI…

All of that said… I’m not blind to the facts..

Nor will I refuse to accept the obvious results..

DSC exhibitors are upset at the ATL decision.. and were upset prior to the snow storm…

DSC members (from all over the country) are upset at the ATL decision and were upset prior to the snow storm..

The snow storm certainly made things outrageously worse, and DSC clearly has no control over that…

But there are now reports about how DSC communicated and messaged their intentions last week during the show that were not met favorably by exhibitors and members…

Which aligns with what people have been saying since the ATL decision was made… that exhibitors and members have a problem with DSC communication and messaging…

If DSC wants to recover, its new CEO has a lot of work to do and a mountain of a problem to overcome…
Maybe. But I think we have a mess on our hands, and I hope there is a serious and thoughtful after action review.

I truly hate having to attend anything in Atlanta. I am fairly certain that I am not alone.

I agree. I have a strong preference for the DSC Convention, but I simply will not attend a convention in Atlanta. I will be attending SCI in Nashville going forward. Personally, I think DSC has made a major mistake with this one.
I'm cornfused. I THOUGHT the reason DSC moved to Atlanta on a temporary basis was that the Kay Bailey convention center was being renovated and unavailable for ANY conventions? But the TTHA was held there this year? What's the deal?


TTHA used 2 halls… 3 were available (which is what DSC usually uses), but they only took 2 halls since it was an inaugural year…

Next year they have 3 halls reserved…

And TTHA has a contract in place for Dallas for the next 5 years…

I’ve heard multiple stories about why DSC made the decision they made… all of the stories have holes in them..

Which leads to the point made in prior posts.. communication and messaging is clearly something DSC is failing at…

People are confused… which leads them to bring pissed… because they feel like they are getting jerked around and misled intentionally…
Does anyone have knowledge of what happened after PHASA's meeting with DSC at the show?
You should perhaps talk to someone in a leadership position at SCI about the decision that was made…

I did exactly that..

They were clear… SCI has never attempted to oust DSC from Dallas or take Kay Bailey.. they have also been fine with DSC traditionally kicking off show season…

Everyone knows Texas is the hub of the international hunting community in the uS and has been for decades… don’t forget DSC and HSC were formed by the two most successful chapters in SCI when they broke away and became their own organizations… everyone else also knows that Kay Bailey is indeed available for the next 5 years (TTHA has secured 3 halls next year and is expanding)…

And everyone knows being the first show of the season has significant advantages…

SCI’s rational was simple… DSC opened a door…and someone was going to walk through it…

Would the outfitters and hunting community prefer that some random event planning and organizing group put on a new, private, international hunting show?

Or would the outfitters and hunting community prefer that it be TTHA (SCI)?

Which better serves hunters, outfitters, and Dallas?

Is it SCIs fault DSC walked away and left what was clearly an available venue in Dallas for the next 5 year at a time and location proven to be successful?

Or is it DSCs?

The answer for anyone without an obvious bias is pretty clear…
I would hate to think that a long ago legacy and hubris played into the DSC decision to go to Atlanta, but the schism between SCI and DSC was, and at some level, still is real.

SCI pulled off a highly successful move from its traditional venues in Nevada, and I can't help but believe there was an element of we can do that too, among the DSC leadership. It might also explain the lack of vetting about the move, and the somewhat untruthful initial description of the KBH renovation.

TTHA and SCI have now moved into the vacuum created by DSC's departure. Anyone care to take two to one bets over which organization will eventually benefit? My money is not on DSC, and with a choice between Atlanta or TTHA in Dallas, I, and many many others, will go Dallas.

I should note that I am, like many of those others, a life member of both SCI and DSC.
I have been to Dallas many times and this year to Atlanta, I am a life member of DSC. I live in New England so its a plane trip, hotel, and 4 day pass for me either way. I'm sure the weather played a part but long story short between the TTHA show being the same weekend, and being in Atlanta it wasn't well attended, I heard many folks (both attendees and exhibiters) grumbling under their breath during all 4 days of the show. DSC NEEDS to move back to Texas and NEEDS to deconflict show dates so their are not multiple shows at the same time. My feelings are much the same as most others the DSC convention in Atlanta was a failure. long story short I will not be attending the DSC convention until it moves back to Texas.
I’m not sure how much of an impact ATA and the Colorado Sportsman show caused.. but they were both this past weekend as well..

They certainly couldn’t have helped…
A high profile exhibitor told me at the TTHA show that he is pitching an idea to SCI. Instead of SCI being the sideliner, his suggestion is to make it the headliner with TTHA on the side. If that happens, it could be a very different scenario. This same exhibitor has also been with DSC for over 30 years and in no uncertain terms, he was very disappointed with the current direction. He did exhibit at both events the same weekend.

Well this is interesting and it goes to my question as to what the TTHA show is intended to be as it goes forward. I was at the TTHA show to cover the booth for @JKO HUNTING SAFARIS. But I certainly had plenty of time to observe and think about the situation. The show was not super well attended as it has been mentioned. But certainly the weather was a factor. Downtown Dallas during the week is normally quite busy, but Thursday and Friday looked like early morning Sunday, it was dead. The city was virtually shut down and it also had restaurants close on Thursday evening. Saturday was better attended for sure, and it was somewhat busy on Sunday morning.

Putting the weather aside, it's still difficult to gauge what is a new show to Dallas based on the first year. But I wonder going forward what the intent here is with this show.

I spoke to one gent who is quite involved in SCI and he mentioned that there was no intent for the TTHA show to compete with the DSC convention. I won't challenge that, but regardless of intent, I think that may very well be what has been set into motion.

So to your post @Green Chile, if SCI becomes the headliner and TTHA relegated to sideliner, then it may very well be that DSC which was formed in spite of SCI has now just allowed itself to now be replaced by SCI in Texas. If that's the case then as @mdwest points out, DSC opened the door to this happening.

I sincerely hope this is not what transpires, I do not wish to see DSC decline after watching it grow over the last decade or so. I'm also not so sure it would be what's best for SCI either.

If SCI does expand the TTHA show and it grows, where does that put the convention that is now taking place in Nashville? Are we going to have two large SCI conventions just a couple weeks apart? Would that be a smart thing to do?
If SCI does expand the TTHA show and it grows, where does that put the convention that is now taking place in Nashville? Are we going to have two large SCI conventions just a couple weeks apart? Would that be a smart thing to do?

Excellent questions!

Definitely going to be interesting to see how things play out over the next few years
Does anyone have knowledge of what happened after PHASA's meeting with DSC at the show?

I was not there, so no first hand knowledge, only hearsay.

First meeting, allegedly DSC apologized for the poor communication and promised to do better in the future. Second meeting, did not go so well, allegedly outfitters really upset and DSC stopped the meeting and left. If true, it does not bode well for management.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!