Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

Africa Hunting dot com forums have 104,809 registered members of which 1,175 are presently online. I don’t know how many are DSC members or how many would join DSC if it were heading on a path forward. Chances are it is many.

Granted, that some of our registered members may have passed onto their happy hunting grounds and others are no longer active. Let’s say that there are over 50,000 members who from time to time read these posts.

Of those members the majority if not most are accomplished in their field of endeavors, i.e. their professions. More than a few have in fact managed large organizations, many have or had half a billion dollars of revenue with profit and loss responsibility. I also know of a very active member who coaches CEO of Fortune 500 companies, at least one General Officer, yours truly a management and technology consultant, and the list goes on.

Does everyone see where I am going with the above? As our @Green Chile, @mdwest, @Red Leg and others stated, DSC made their decision in a vacuum. It reminds me of the Lieutenants who will not take advice from their NCOs. Those Lt’s will have a very short military career! Hopefully the present DSC managers will soon be seeking other employment. Leaders inspire others to following willingly. Managers manager their resources. DCS has neither leaders or effective managers.

Who remembers Deming’s Total Quality Management (TQM)? It focused on engaging with staff to gain their “buy in” toward the organization moving forward. Focus groups were the order to the day. Gosh, I didn’t need Deming and his TQM to tell me “gather your intelligence locally”. My Drill Instructor Sgt. Mills preached that to me at Parris Island during July of 1977! A couple years later I well knew that if a leader wants to know what is going on they need to ask a Corporal! Of course I was a Corporal then. The senior officers and NCOs might tailor their answer to not piss of the commander, but the Corporal will give him the skinny with both barrels! Nothing is different in a company or organization such as DSC.

If DSC isn’t wise enough to initiate focus groups or whatever they are called today, I know a very old and respected consultancy that for a fee would happily engage with them and provide a sound path forward. That would however be a foolish waste of money considering the level of experience and expertise of their membership and those who might happily join help DSC finding its way. But to do that, DSC management MUST admit that it has failed.
At least a survey monkey for vendors and life members would have been warranted! You are correct they made their decision in a vacuum. I overheard a vendor this weekend state that he had been exhibiting for 38 years and yet no one called him to ask his opinion of the move.
Thanks for the tactics lesson. That may all be true if DSC is SCI's enemy .... but I was under the impression that the mission of both organizations is to promote ethical, sustainable hunting and wildlife conservation. Perhaps there is still some animosity dating back to the split, but that was long before I had any interest in either organization so will leave that discussion to others who are more knowledgeable. But if indeed SCI viewed this as an opportunity to "defeat" DSC, it speaks volumes to me about their own trustworthiness.

My DSC membership is due for renewal soon, and I would be very interested in seeing whether the leadership admits mistakes and addresses this head-on or whether we are told that the show was a huge success and it all gets swept under the rug. I am tempted to just make a restricted donation to the DSC Foundation in lieu of membership renewal, and send the Membership Director a note explaining why.
Look guys, TTHA is in a growth phase. The dates were open, many like myself said they weren't going to Atlanta, so they held a convention. I assure you there is no SCI strategy to "defeat" DSC. I am a life member of both and I believe they serve different roles and deserve to be supported. This doesn't mean I won't criticize a boneheaded mistake.
Look guys, TTHA is in a growth phase. The dates were open, many like myself said they weren't going to Atlanta, so they held a convention. I assure you there is no SCI strategy to "defeat" DSC. I am a life member of both and I believe they serve different roles and deserve to be supported. This doesn't mean I won't criticize a boneheaded mistake.

This is exactly my position as well.

They may be “competing” entities.. but the focus of each organization is different, and we (hunters) need both to be successful..

I’ve had a lot of discussions with a lot of leaders in both organizations over the years…. Never once have I heard any of them say it is their desire to harm or take out the other organization… I think they both realize there is plenty of room in the market for both organizations to prosper.. so doing intentional harm to the other isn’t really necessary…

All of that said… I think members as well as potential members (we need new hunters to continue to join and become active) SHOULD voice concerns when they have them, and SCI and DSC should listen…

If they aren’t serving the memberships needs, what’s the point?
Last years DSC was my first show and I had a great time. I really liked the vibe and as a guy new to Safari shows (but not trade shows) I felt very welcomed by 90% of the vendors and I was not going to book a hunt.

Booked my hunt a few months later and I was really looking forward to talk to some vendors and look at fishing trips for my son and I but sounds like I got lucky that Delta cancelled my flight with 12 hours notice.

I am going to SCI instead if the weather holds out and from there will decide what I go see in 2026
Look guys, TTHA is in a growth phase. The dates were open, many like myself said they weren't going to Atlanta, so they held a convention. I assure you there is no SCI strategy to "defeat" DSC. I am a life member of both and I believe they serve different roles and deserve to be supported. This doesn't mean I won't criticize a boneheaded mistake.
This is exactly my position as well.

They may be “competing” entities.. but the focus of each organization is different, and we (hunters) need both to be successful..

I’ve had a lot of discussions with a lot of leaders in both organizations over the years…. Never once have I heard any of them say it is their desire to harm or take out the other organization… I think they both realize there is plenty of room in the market for both organizations to prosper.. so doing intentional harm to the other isn’t really necessary…

All of that said… I think members as well as potential members (we need new hunters to continue to join and become active) SHOULD voice concerns when they have them, and SCI and DSC should listen…

If they aren’t serving the memberships needs, what’s the point?

Well lets see:
(1) SCI moves to Texas, DSC home turf
(2) DSC and Safari Classics part ways
(3) SCI now sponsors Safari Classics shows
(4) DSC leaves for Atlanta on the BS that KBH is being "torn down."
(5) TTHA starts a new show aimed at the DSC audience and not the typical TTHA audience.
(6) TTHA books KBH for 5 years, with the last year as the same year DSC is supposed to move back.
Well lets see:
(1) SCI moves to Texas, DSC home turf
(2) DSC and Safari Classics part ways
(3) SCI now sponsors Safari Classics shows
(4) DSC leaves for Atlanta on the BS that KBH is being "torn down."
(5) TTHA starts a new show aimed at the DSC audience and not the typical TTHA audience.
(6) TTHA books KBH for 5 years, with the last year as the same year DSC is supposed to move back.
Look guys, TTHA is in a growth phase. The dates were open, many like myself said they weren't going to Atlanta, so they held a convention. I assure you there is no SCI strategy to "defeat" DSC. I am a life member of both and I believe they serve different roles and deserve to be supported. This doesn't mean I won't criticize a boneheaded mistake.
This is exactly my position as well.

They may be “competing” entities.. but the focus of each organization is different, and we (hunters) need both to be successful..

I’ve had a lot of discussions with a lot of leaders in both organizations over the years…. Never once have I heard any of them say it is their desire to harm or take out the other organization… I think they both realize there is plenty of room in the market for both organizations to prosper.. so doing intentional harm to the other isn’t really necessary…

All of that said… I think members as well as potential members (we need new hunters to continue to join and become active) SHOULD voice concerns when they have them, and SCI and DSC should listen…

If they aren’t serving the memberships needs, what’s the point?

If that doesn't look like "strategy," then it is a really good example of tactical exploitation. I am a life member of both as well, but I am also old enough to remember that the original divorce in 1982 was pretty bitter. Scars have a way of lingering.
The convention center is under construction now. They broke ground on the project last summer. I don’t know when they will get to the phase of construction that will impact events like DSC. My guess is by leaving DSC has lost its place in line to groups that are still doing events there (like TTHA) whenever the full project is done.

It is supposedly going to be a greatly improved venue once the renovation is done. It’s something close to $4 billion for the whole project.
Certain see the point. However, that still doesn't address the issue of just moving it to another facility in the area. This is the Dallas area and you would think that there are several other places where the extravaganza can occur.
From another perspective, it isn't clear to me exactly what problem that DSC is really trying to solve. Maybe it is time for the powers that be to get in a room and go back to the basics. What is our mission? Is what we are doing now achieving that goal and if not what do we need to do different? If a'int working might want to stop doing it.

I to have heard from outfitters, vendors, and attendees who will not go to Atlanta for many reasons and the weather is not the reason.

The hunting world is changing and not so much for the better and those that come after us are seeing it. And unfortunately those that are seeing it didn't grow up like most of us. Most of us on here are at the middle or at the end of our runway. But most of us on here understand hunting for what is was originally. Not a shinny penny, the biggest trophy, but the traditions of an experience that requires conservation, And then it becomes our responsibility to transfer to not sell to the next generation. Anyone remember "The Old Man and the Boy?"

Once that becomes the mission (transferring the experience to the future hunters) the "how to do it" is guided by that mission. It really isn't brain surgery. It isn't about a thing or a convention or a competition. From the problem comes the solution. DSC, might want to think about going back and do some thinking. Why are we here again?

Just a thought.
If the DSC truly held wildlife conservation as the top priority. Not just a platform for events, awards and showing off. Then they, currently being in the weaker position. Should reach out to SCI and for conservation sake get this resolved. Coordinate events.

Or even better. The SCI currently being on stronger footing. Should, if they believe conservation is the top priority. Not dinner parties, handing out trophies to “celebrity hunters”

Maybe the SCI could throw an olive branch out and suggest they combine energy.

DCS could join with Dallas SCI chapter and become the largest SCI chapter.

But we all know that will never happen.
If the DSC truly held wildlife conservation as the top priority. Not just a platform for events, awards and showing off. Then they, currently being in the weaker position. Should reach out to SCI and for conservation sake get this resolved. Coordinate events.

Or even better. The SCI currently being on stronger footing. Should, if they believe conservation is the top priority. Not dinner parties, handing out trophies to “celebrity hunters”

Maybe the SCI could throw an olive branch out and suggest they combine energy.

DCS could join with Dallas SCI chapter and become the largest SCI chapter.

But we all know that will never happen.
Correct. I didn't know that conservation was a competition. Perhaps each has another agenda. Competitions are designed for someone to win and another to loose. And, the looser in a conservative competition is that which we are trying to conserve the tradition of hunting and that which we hunt.
Well lets see:

(2) DSC and Safari Classics part ways
(3) SCI now sponsors Safari Classics shows

When did that happen? (I obviously don't watch a lot of SC productions anymore... I had no idea this occurred)...

Thats very interesting to me in that at a time that I was much more heavily involved in DSC, local chapter meetings, additional DSC functions in/around Dallas, Dave Fulson was SUPER INVOLVED with DSC locally and nationally.. IMO he pulled WAY MORE than his weight supporting the organization and earning DSC's "support" for Safari Classics... and contributed more to DSC than most other business owners that have a business affiliated with the international hunting industry..

He hosted DSC events in his home ranging from just tours of his "trophy room" (his entire house is a huge trophy room), to educational events where DSC members were exposed to "how" to write articles and submissions for hunting publications, etc.. He was always present and very involved in local meetings and activities, etc..etc.. I would have thought there would never be a separation between DSC and SC..

Im guessing there was some sort of "business decision" that caused the break up (maybe DSC was spending more than it could calculate it was getting a return on? or some other genuine cause for severing the business relationship?).. but that is truly surprising to me.. I didn't think a break up would ever happen..
When did that happen? (I obviously don't watch a lot of SC productions anymore... I had no idea this occurred)...

Thats very interesting to me in that at a time that I was much more heavily involved in DSC, local chapter meetings, additional DSC functions in/around Dallas, Dave Fulson was SUPER INVOLVED with DSC locally and nationally.. IMO he pulled WAY MORE than his weight supporting the organization and earning DSC's "support" for Safari Classics... and contributed more to DSC than most other business owners that have a business affiliated with the international hunting industry..

He hosted DSC events in his home ranging from just tours of his "trophy room" (his entire house is a huge trophy room), to educational events where DSC members were exposed to "how" to write articles and submissions for hunting publications, etc.. He was always present and very involved in local meetings and activities, etc..etc.. I would have thought there would never be a separation between DSC and SC..

Im guessing there was some sort of "business decision" that caused the break up (maybe DSC was spending more than it could calculate it was getting a return on? or some other genuine cause for severing the business relationship?).. but that is truly surprising to me.. I didn't think a break up would ever happen..
I noticed just in the past couple of weeks that the new season of Tracks Across Africa is now called "SCI's Track Across Africa" when it was "DSC's Tracks Across Africa" for many years. Fulson is now wearing a new logo'd shirt with a SCI Tracks AA logo!
After going to the show on Thursday, I could see why exhibitors might be disappointed.

The attendance on Thursday was poor.

It may have been even worse Friday and Saturday, considering the weather.

IMO, Georgia (and most likely, other southern USA) hunters like more interaction with safari companies than was offered in Atlanta.

I am fairly experienced with African operations, compared to the average Georgia hunter, and I experienced less interaction with hunting operations at the DSC than I do at more localized events.

Oh, I could have worn my solid gold Rolex, but, I intentionally wore a Seiko.

Because, even the richest Georgia hunters that have class, don't flaunt affluence.

Most of the exhibitors didn't even get up from their chair, or acknowledge me when I was at their exhibit.

That tells me all I need to know...

I own a fishing outfitting operation.

If my service treated patrons of a convention the way I was treated at DSC, I wouldn't have booked anything with anyone.

Exactly right. Never, ever pre judge your customer. We had a woman one time show up in sweat pants, no make-up, her hair a fright, looking like a character straight out of a double wide…coming down the air stairs of their G5.
In hindsight, I probably ranted a little too much about my experience at the DSC show.

Going to downtown Atlanta usually ticks me off, regardless of the reason...
In hindsight, I probably ranted a little too much about my experience at the DSC show.

Going to downtown Atlanta usually ticks me off, regardless of the reason...
I feel your pain. My late grandfather was an old southern gentleman we are from Ga and everytime he was in Atlanta he used to say " I wish Sherman would have done a better job"
I’m headed back from Atlanta with @Jeff505 at the wheel and thought I’d share my opinions about the DSC convention. It was great to meet up with PHs I’d hunted with and talk to outfitters that I’ll hopefully hunt with in the future. Same as Dallas.

The downsides include:

1. The elephant in the room….the weather sucked! Nothing DSC could do about this, but it snowed then sleeted all day Saturday. As a result, attendance was minimal. I’m not exaggerating when I say the total was less than 1000. It was like having the place to ourselves. My PH friends say it wasn’t any better on Friday when the sun was shining.
2. Atlanta traffic did not disappoint…it was slow moving hell. It took 2 hours to drive the last 20 miles into downtown Atlanta via I75. Admittedly in the afternoon rush.
3. The folks working the ticket counter were clueless. It took the 3 of us 30 minutes to get our admission badges…and we were the only people in line! If they had the number of attendees as in Dallas, they’d have crashed and burned.
4. Based on talking with quite a number of exhibitors, DSC may have a rebellion on their hands. Everyone we talked to said that DSC made the decision without asking for any input. They all complained about the lack of promotion/ advertising. They all feel handcuffed because if they drop out until the event gets moved elsewhere, they’ll lose their their coveted booth locations for the future.

I wouldn’t say to avoid the show next year. The weather most likely won’t be a factor and DSC will learn and make adjustments in how they promote and administer the show. I will say to those who skipped this year….well played!
I was at the show on DSC last Saturday and have the following comments:

1) the relatively low attendance was good for me as i was able to walk right up and talk to whomever i wanted to. I did not have to wait at any booth
2) i thought the number and variety of exhibitors was excellent
3) Feedback i received from several exhibitors was negative on DSC choosing Atlanta
4) the check at the event was alittle slow for us but they got it done
5) i did not find the “vibe” of Atlanta outside teh convention to be good
6) i probably will not make the trip to Atlanta again (I am from Texas)

I attended the Houston show today, much smaller event but the feel was good and I enjoyed it more.
DSC membership just got an email update from the new CEO of DSC. He expressed receiving a lot of feedback and what they are doing with that feedback. There will be a plan announced for next steps within a few weeks at most. He acknowledged that Atlanta was not a good outcome and was concerning to many sponsors, vendors, members, etc. He is also hearing a big need for better communication from DSC and he is pledging to address that with changes. This email was the first step to address that. I was glad to get the email and I'm very interested to see where it goes.
DSC membership just got an email update from the new CEO of DSC.
Here is the CEO email for those that did not receive it.



[td]To Our Valued Partners,

As some of you may know, the Dallas Safari Club Convention week in Atlanta was my first official full week on the job as the new CEO for DSC. Convention was a steep learning curve for me, meeting people, learning about the mechanics of the event, and taking in as much information as possible. This past week has allowed me, our DSC staff, and our volunteer leadership to have a short time to debrief, while also continuing to take in and process data and valuable feedback, so that DSC can collectively understand how to best move forward.

As we ended our first convention in Atlanta 9 days ago, we had a “CEO roundtable” with a representative group of about 50 exhibitor partners to receive real-time feedback on everything that could be improved for future shows regarding thoughts and concerns about everything Atlanta. Between the information that was openly shared during the roundtable, combined with the continuous flow of information over the past week via event surveys, formal letters, social media posts, and direct conversations with our valued exhibitor partners, sponsors, and members, our DSC team has quickly gained important context on the broad sentiments regarding the outcome of the convention, as well as expressed concerns regarding possible future plans.

Though the feedback we have received spans the spectrum from negative to positive, the two most common themes that are reflective of the feedback include this: there is a broad concern from our convention stakeholders regarding our ability to enjoy the degree of success for all stakeholders that we have become accustomed to over the years should our convention remain in Atlanta; and two, there is an expressed strong commitment from our convention partners to continue to support DSC but with a request for improved communication.

This update letter today is to start that process for better communication and let you all know that DSC is hearing your concerns. We understand that without the support from our exhibitor partners, sponsors, donors, members, and others, DSC will not be able to continue to deploy our mission as successfully as in the past and to continue to be looked at as a world leader in supporting conservation and being a strong voice for our important hunting heritage.

Listening and communication are a good start but putting an actionable plan together that addresses the concerns is what matters the most. The DSC team is currently working around the clock to put that plan in place as quickly as possible so you can see how serious we are taking the current situation.

I ask for your continued patience and support as we work through this important process. My goal and commitment to all of you is to have more details by the end of January or early February that will allow you to better plan for upcoming events based on our path forward that we are charting now.

Thank you all, again, for your candor and continued support of DSC.


Rob McCanna
CEO DSC and DSC Foundation

I thought the email was well worded and well timed..

they needed to get out in front of this quickly (its been less than 2 weeks since DSC ended.. this is timely I believe.. they've really only had a short while to reflect and start gathering information)... but I think its wise that they have stated they are committed to improving things and working directly with stakeholders... but haven't committed to exactly what that means just yet...

I think committing to the actual fix this quickly would be pre-mature.. its going to take a little while for them to figure out what right looks like.. and they're going to need to navigate a pretty ugly minefield of conflicting priorities and personalities across a wide variety of stakeholders to put a plan in place that has a chance at success as well as the buy in of all those that need to be involved..

this is promising.. I'm sure lots of people will be watching closely as things unfold over the next few months.. I am hopeful the new CEO can pull this off and DSC can find itself in a better position soon..

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!