Does the price of ammo impact your choice of a rifle caliber

I’d say ammo availability is a bigger consideration than ammo price for me for choosing a hunting cartridge. I wouldn’t buy a 375 Ruger over a 375 H&H because I don’t expect the Ruger to be widely available soon. Price per bullet isn’t really a consideration. I own a 300 H&H and am glad to have it, but probably wouldn’t buy a new one today over a 300 win for the same reason. The cartridges I have that I expect to fade away (300 H&H and 450 Rigby) I’ve bought up ammo as I’ve seen good deals available for them.

Strictly speaking about price though I’d probably never buy a 22 Hornet over a 223 rem just because of pricing on factory ammo. Same with 17 HMR over 22 LR. Larger standard hunting calibers though where I typically wouldn’t shoot that many rounds cost per round isn’t much of a consideration.

"What he said!" - What Mr. Fox here said, says it all for me. For hunting rifles, it is all about availability for me. I am never going to shoot that many rounds thru a good hunting rifle. My main choices are all main stream for the most part, 22lr, 223, 243, 7mm/08, 270, 7mm Mag, 30-06, 375HH, etc. The ammo is likely the cheapest component of any hunt and I try to buy the best that I can get my hands on. I do not chase the latest fads but I do own a 17 Mach2 and have a lifetime supply of ammo for it.
I’d say ammo availability is a bigger consideration than ammo price for me for choosing a hunting cartridge. ..............

Can not agree too strongly with this.
It’s not got to be that big
My 257w was $36 a box now it’s 130$ I have not used it much in the last few years
But with that being said I have all ways like different rounds and there more expensive
When I first got a 6 mm it was 16$ a box the 243 was 10$ now the 243 24$ the one place that has 6mm is 65$ a box
358,356 338 ex is not coman in fl
Depends on the definition of superior. Ballistics slightly, but ammo availability and quality rifles the H&H is clear winner. If the Ruger had the rifle options the H&H does I don’t think I’d worry about ammo in future. Looking at Gunbroker the 375 Ruger really only has one option a Ruger rifle and a few savages and Mossbergs. The H&H on Gunbroker is available in CZ, Winchester, Ruger, Remington, Kimber, Browning, Bergara, Christensen, Steyr, Rigby, Dakota, Blaser, Weatherby and more just on first page. The 375 Ruger has mostly pinned itself to Ruger rifles so unless Ruger becomes more popular the 375 Ruger will not either.

Another interesting Gunbroker comparison. I recently wanted a wood stock and all metal 223 Remington which is becoming a rare thing. There are many more model 70s in 223 WSSM than 223 Remington and sell much cheaper pricing. They also include ammo in the sale because it’s become so rare.
Not just ballistics but the ability to chamber in a standard length action which is more rigid perhaps improving accuracy as well.

I really didn’t mean to turn this into a 375hh vs 375 ruger

I will say, I don’t think brand matters as much as volume. If you have 800 rugers and 800 mixed brands the demand is the same.

As long as there demand and the rifles are selling someone will make ammo.

I hope I’m right. I love my .375 ruger but you could be right too. Time will tell
Not much.
I'm not a reloader, but I know many people who are, and it's becoming more and more expensive, and the difference with factory-made ammunition is narrowing.

On the other hand, at least here in Spain, ammunition prices have skyrocketed.
Same here, The last time I loaded 30-30 I compared the cost of components to factory ammo cost.

While still cheaper my cost today to reload is 3x higher than it was 5 years ago.

But I reload because I trust my quality control more than the factory ammo I’ve used.
I own a fair variety of calibers. Several of my preferred calibers (.257Wby, .257Roberts, .275Rigby, .280AI, .300H&H) aren't the most common or have the cheapest ammo options, but I still hunt with them anyways. The cost of ammo isn't something I consider, or the availability of it.

Personally I also almost always opt to purchase the most premium ammo and optics I can afford. In my opinion these are the two most important items on the hunt. Most current rifle manufacturers production rifles of even the opening price points are capable of at least MOA accuracy with quality ammunition so I typically splurge more on the optics/ammo unless I'm looking for something with nice wood or some age to it.
Ammo price definitely does not impact my selection of caliber. I do not reload, so a common caliber is my choice for almost all of my hunting and shooting. My least common caliber that I shoot regularly is a 9.3x62.
I have a variety of rifles in more obscure calibers that are just gathering dust. I’ve purchased and hold ammo for them, but just don’t use them because I have my favorites that are common calibers.
When I buy a double (which I really don’t need…) I will pick a common caliber with most available ammo.

I find more interest in the ease of hunting with a common caliber than in hunting with a specific (unique) caliber.
I do respect the goal to hunt with a different and unique caliber. It seems that is for a hunter with more experience looking to do something different and new.
Now the person on this forum who was hunting elk with an old flintlock Muzzelloader, that is cool.
I "choose" to shoot the gun Dad gave me in 1964. He built it with his hands. How could I choose otherwise? Fortunately, it's a 30-06, best caliber ever. Another reason to stick with it. Lots of factory ammo and components = cheap to shoot. Guess I lucked out right from the get go. I also recently built a 404 Jeffery. Definitely not cheap to shoot! But I shouldn't shoot it a lot anyway (fragile retinas). I chose that caliber because it was a challenging project and the cartridge has an interesting history. Cost didn't figure into it at all.
Where is that $600 rifle in 300 h&h ?

I sold a custom 300 H&H built on a P14 action a few months back to another member here on AH for about that price..

I think the rifle was likely worth more.. but I let it go for what I had in it after buying the rifle and having some restoration work done on it..
Ammo availability is always #1. If you don't re-load, proven common calibers IMO far outweigh specialty or unique calibers.
For my first DG rifle, not that long ago, I looked at availability and price for 375 Rug, 375 H&H, 404 Jeff, 416 Rigby, and 416 Rem. After being VERY confident 375 H&H was enough for what I wanted to do (thanks to this site) I went with 375 H&H for availability, price, and required performance.

So yes, for me, it impacted what I chose.

I also have previously moved from 338 Lapua to 300 PRC in part due to cost of ammo.
I realize when you get into the upper medium bore and large bore rifles that factory ammunition and reloading components are going to be expensive.

However, if you are looking at anything from let's say 9.3x62 and down, do you consider the price of ammunition or components when buying a rifle? Do you go with the cheaper ammo or a more common caliber as opposed to the one that is $10-20 or more higher per box?

For example, would you pick a 7mm Rem Mag over a .280 AI? You can find plenty of S&B ammo for $20 per box in 7mm mag for practice while you start at about $35 or so for anything in .280 AI. The price of premium ammo does start to even out.

Or here is another real world case. I found a custom .300 H&H with beautiful wood, Timney trigger, glass bedded, etc. with a barrel band for $600. However, when I looked for ammo the price per box was $100 and higher. Brass, if I could find it, was likewise expensive. Mentally, I just gave it a pass even though I love less common calibers just because.
Silly man passing on that 300. Brass is cheap and plentiful. Just but 375 H&H brass. One pass thru a FLS die and you have 300H&H brass.
In Australia loaded ammo is stupid expensive even for 308, up to $50 / 20 depending on where you buy it and that's just the cheapest.
I personally haven't bought factory ammo for a long long long time as I enjoy reloading.
Even my sons 308 has never had factory ammo thru it. It was cheaper to buy federal premium brass, projectiles, SST or accubonds & load them up. You can't buy loaded 150gn SST or any other weight loaded SST in 308. Settled on a good load that gives close to2,900fps with less than 0.75 inch groups with the SST and over 2,900fps with the accubonds and less than0.5" groups.
Whelen ammo is around $90 a box for REM 250s per 20 so really have to reload for it to make it cheaper especially when I picked up two boxes of 250gn Hornady Round nose projectiles for $66/100.
To me reloading makes sense even for the 222 REM as I can tailor my loads to suit my needs plus my 25 is a wildcat I designed so no factory ammo for it either
Not really. Ammo is the cheapest part of the hunt.
I have .308 and .223 for culling, pest control and volume shooting and I reload.
To be fair I haven’t had anything super rare or exotic so average price is what it is.

If I needed ammo that’s $5 or $10 a round for occasional use I would probably accept that if it’s something I wanted to use or own.

I’m careful with .280a.i and 7mm-08 brass so as not to waste money but if it meant losing an animal to save a $3 case I’m taking the next shot and looking for a case later
@CBH Australia
Why don't you just buy a different brand 308 brass and run it thru you FLS die to 7-08 that way it will be cheaper and you won't worry if'n you lose the odd case.
@CBH Australia
Why don't you just buy a different brand 308 brass and run it thru you FLS die to 7-08 that way it will be cheaper and you won't worry if'n you lose the odd case.
It hasn’t really been a problem so much but I try not let it become one.
I started with a case of 200x 7mm-08 so I have everything correctly head stamped.
I started my .280a.i loads with new unprimed brass.
Let me change up the question a bit. Assuming you reload or have a friend who reloads for you, do you check to see if components and dies are available before you purchase a rifle in a less than common caliber?

In my collection I have rifles in .250-3000 Savage, .300 Savage, .256 Newton, .308 Norma Mag, .358 Norma Mag, and .257 Roberts AI. I will freely admit that I only started looking for components and ammo after I bought these rifles.

The Savages (both bolt and Savage 99s) I've had for years because I collect curios and relics. The .256 Newton came from P.O. Ackley's workshop and I was lucky to find both dies and a 100 pieces of new Jamison brass for it. The Norma Mags I finally found brass from Raven Rocks and loaded ammo on Gunbroker. The .257 Roberts AI was easy to find dies but just plain .257 Roberts brass is not so easy anymore.

I do cruise auctions especially on Hibid and Proxibid for both brass and ammo.
If'n the worst happens you can always make your 257 Roberts AI brass out of 7x57 or 6mm REM brass very easily.
Just size and fire form and done.
250 savage brass can be easily made out of 22-250 cases with one pass thru a FLS with a tapered expander button.
Always solutions to problems.
Be grateful you haven't got a 219 Donaldson wasp that uses 25-35 brass. But even that can be made with 30-30 brass with a bit of work.

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