DSC Update from the CEO


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[td]To Our Valued Partners,

It is hard to believe it is already March 24 and that Q1 of 2025 is almost complete. I want to apologize for such a long gap from my last update on January 21 where I promised to have details on the future of the DSC Convention for the next 5 years by early February. The process has proven to be more complex and fluid than I would have ever imagined, but I’m pleased to now provide some context and details regarding our Convention plans.

Since the Atlanta Convention, the entire DSC team has taken on the monumental task of changing what the next 5 years of DSC Convention will look like. We started this process by encouraging and facilitating input from various convention stakeholders including Exhibitor Partners, sponsors, DSC members, as well as from our DSC board. Listening is key to solution-management, and we have made it a point to be receptive and to consider the broad input from these important parties.

Communication, engagement, and transparency were all the things I promised in my last email. The dynamic, ever-changing details regarding possible dates, venues, and associated items stymied my ability to provide updates that contained reliable substance. I was reluctant to share information that might be speculative and that lacked the degree of certainty that you all deserve, and that DSC deserves, but in retrospect, it’s apparent that those delays created its own frustrations for many, while also creating misinformation through the rumor mill, and for those things I offer my apologies.

For additional context, it’s important to know that we formed an Exhibitor-Partner Committee comprised of approximately 50 of DSC’s longest-standing exhibitors to help guide us in making the best decisions possible in moving forward. From the meetings with these partners, the message was clear – “Get back to Texas ASAP.” Other central, keystone pieces of feedback we heard included requests on date changes, possible venue locations, and affiliated costs. In addition to contemplating the “buy-out” costs of our 5-year contract(s) in Atlanta, which is in the millions of dollars, we turned over virtually every stone regarding venue options (large and otherwise) in Texas and available dates during the first quarter of the next 5 years. All relevant features have been taken into consideration regarding what’s possible and what’s best for our partners, stakeholders, and for DSC. I am announcing today that DSC Convention will be in Atlanta for the next two years (2026 & 2027) and WILL RETURN TO TEXAS in 2028, 2029 and beyond. Here is what the next 5-year runway looks like regarding DSC Convention.

2026 Atlanta Show Dates:
Friday to Sunday (2/6/2026 to 2/8/2026)
2027 Atlanta Show Dates:
Thursday to Sunday (1/7/2027 to 1/10/2027)
2028 Houston Show Dates:
Friday to Sunday (1/28/2028 to 1/30/2028)

2029 Houston Show Dates:
Thursday to Sunday (2/15/2029 to 2/18/2029)
2030 Houston Show Dates:
Thursday to Saturday (1/24/2030 to 1/26/2030)
[td]To ensure success of the 2026 and 2027 convention in Atlanta, we have renegotiated with the Georgia World Congress Center various items that address concerns brought forward by our exhibitor partners. A few of the most noteworthy changes include a different hall location that connects to the Signia by Hilton, as well as a date change that provides greater calendar and cost efficiencies for exhibitors who participate in multiple, similar convention events in the U.S.

It was clear that Exhibitor Partners wanted more flexibility to decide which shows to attend. DSC will not penalize exhibitors who do not wish to sign a multi-year booth agreement, and those that opt out will not be penalized for future shows. However, we are developing a robust exhibitor-partner incentive program to reward those who remain loyal throughout the Atlanta show dates (Details to Follow).

It’s also important to know that we feel we are in a much better position this year to understand how to apply our robust marketing budget for Atlanta to ensure that those dollars squarely hit our most fertile target markets. To elevate this marketing capacity and success, we have retained services of The Moore Group, a globally recognized firm that represents the 10 largest non-profits in the U.S. and 84 of the top 100. Having the reach and services of The Moore Group is a game-changer for creating high visibility for DSC convention, helping drive traffic to the event. We are pleased to also announce that The Moore Group is retained to assist with the promotions with this year’s July DSC Summer Gala being held at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, TX, minutes from DFW Airport, which will allow those efforts to accrue momentum and create synergies as we approach our Atlanta convention. This unique “one-two” punch will benefit both events and will ultimately benefit our exhibitors and sponsors.

DSC is also looking for ways engage with like-minded organizations across Texas and the country to strengthen and promote conservation initiatives and foster a spirit of cooperation. We will continue to look for common ground with organizations and partner with these groups where appropriate. We recently consummated a strategic partnership with the NRA, and while not traditional partners, both organizations share common interests. I feel the massive reach of NRA will help further DSC’s goals of Conservation, Education and Advocacy, and that these DSC conservation tenets will benefit NRA with their important work, creating beneficial synergies that are needed in the broad hunting/conservation space.

I want to express my sincere appreciation for everyone involved with DSC for their valuable input and patience throughout this important process. Our DSC exhibitors, sponsors, members, and other supporters are the lifeblood of this great organization. With your continued support, the vibrant health of DSC will allow us to strongly deploy our global work for the benefit of hunters and conservation. Thank you for your loyalty and patience as we march forward.



Rob McCanna
CEO DSC and DSC Foundation
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Better late then never. Two telling items. First, DSC moved the date next year as not to compete with TTHA/SCI and be closer to SCI main show date. Second, in 2030 when they were supposed to be back in Dallas they are in Houston.
The real question for me is.. how is Houston being negotiated? Is this in conjunction with or aligned with HSC (as has been rumored)? or in conflict/competition with HSC?

Neither is a wrong answer (IMO).. but it does change the dynamic of a show in Houston depending on how things are coordinated (or not)...

The sad reality is all of the drama and other BS could have easily been avoided had DSC chosen to actually talk to exhibitors and members to begin with.. or even bothered to communicate with exhibitors and members after the decision was made once they realized things were running off the rails.. but they didnt... so.. now we are where we are..

Hopefully, this is a sign of positive change...

But, as has been stated in other threads.. trust has been broken.. more than once at this point... its going to take a whole lot of effort to gain it back.. continued communication is going to be key.. one "transparent" email isnt going to get it done..

and while I completely understand the financial decision that relates to needing to stay in ATL for the next 2 years.. that doesnt solve the problem of a HUGE number of people that DSC has been able to rely upon to attend the annual show, still arent coming for the next 2 years.. and its very likely youve lost them forever if TTHA takes off in Dallas and/or the first show in Houston is anything less than a spectacular event..

theres a lot of work to be done if DSC is going to be much more than a by-line in the history of hunting clubs and conservation organizations by late January 2028..

I hope they are committed to putting in the effort.. its going to take a lot..
That sounds positive, but, at this point, I'll believe it when I see it. I also find it frustrating, that as a life member, I have yet to receive one of these communications. The only recent communication I have from DSC was trying to get me to upgrade my lifetime membership to some new $5k lifetime membership.
Good response from DSC. It will take time to prove it all out but the fact that communication is happening is positive.

@mdwest The inaugural DSCF Gala and convention this summer should help with the Texas base. That was the intent as I understood it. Have an event in Texas for the Texas crowd (exhibitors and members). This was in the works long before TTHA moved into KBHCC.

@lhook7 I'd call the office if I were you to confirm that they have the right contact for you across systems. They maintain multiple lists and they're on different platforms. Easy to miss someone. Not ideal, I know but I heard that they're working to consolidate. Even with correct info, there have been some weird bugs that unsubscribed people. Happened to a board member I know.
The inaugural DSCF Gala and convention this summer should help with the Texas base. That was the intent as I understood it. Have an event in Texas for the Texas crowd (exhibitors and members). This was in the works long before TTHA moved into KBHCC.

I hope so... and think its got potential... but I also question how successful it will be... (although I am keeping my fingers crossed for DSC that it will be successful).

mid summer isn't a good time for outfitters for obvious reasons.. for the same reason it can be difficult for hunters as well.. for example, this will be the first time during the second half of July that I will be at home in TX.. my normal summer hunt dates for Africa are between the 15th-30th of July every year... this year I happen to be traveling in the spring (April) for an OCONUS hunt and again in Sept (OCONUS hunt and PH course).

July and August are also the slowest tourism months for DFW every year... largely due to the heat.. no one likes Dallas in late July.. to include local residents..

my wife works as an executive in the hospitality industry (used to actually work in a senior position at the Omni downtown and deal with DSC and KBHCC routinely years ago).. it shouldn't be too hard to get people that live in the DFW metroplex to hit the Gaylord for a day in mid July.. but it might be a challenge to get people from Austin, San Antonio, Houston, etc to make a road trip..

The good news is.. Assuming DSC did a decent job in negotiating with the Gaylord, they likely got a great price on a great venue (the Gaylord is an excellent choice for such an event).. most hotels and convention centers around the metroplex barely have any occupancy that time of year and are usually willing to make a very good deal just to get some rooms booked, some banquet halls rented, etc..

The bad news is, they're really going to need to lean hard on that new marketing firm (and likely pay them a pretty penny) if they want much of a turn out.. July is a tough month in Dallas to do anything.. and a particularly tough month to attract international hunters and outfitters since many are either already traveling, or just returning from travel, or preparing to go out on travel right at that time..
For the Houston move I sure hope it’s at Reliant and not GRB. Parking around GRB I hate trying get into.
Houston is as interesting to me as Atlanta. I’ll wait until it’s back in Dallas

I like Houston ok.. I dont think I would spend 3-4 days there to see the show, but I think most in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, etc would probably be willing to make the drive, overnight for a single night, and spend the day on the floor looking around on a Saturday or a Sunday..

Depending on where they do the event, there are plenty of quality hotels nearby.. Houston has some very nice restaurants and smaller venues where something like an AH dinner could be hosted.. the airport is more than adequate for dealing with the international travelers..

and from a market standpoint, the O&G industry in Houston has always been a HUGE chunk of the financial pie related to hunting in Africa (as well as exotic hunting on TX high fence ranches and other places).. international hunting is very much a part of the culture of the middle management and above of that industry.. and there is A LOT of that industry in Houston..

and in January, the weather in Houston should be excellent (never too cold.. certainly wont have a blistering Houston summer day in January, etc)...

Im not sure how DSC returns to Dallas at this point.. if that's ultimately what it wants to do, Im sure there's a path that leads back home.. but Its difficult for me to see it...

TTHA has KBH secured through 2030.. assume the TTHA shows continue to grow, there's no way SCI is going to give up early January dates at KBH after 2030.. they are simply too valuable.. and once the convention center renovations are complete, KBH will be one of the nicest, best positioned, largest, etc.. convention centers in the country.. they're not walking away anytime soon unless their shows fail.. and that seems to be very unlikely at this point..

Which means DSC has to either try to put on an international hunting show within a week or two of another well established international hunting sow in the same venue..

Or... they have to select a different venue (much smaller, and/or not as nice) and compete head to head (not a good idea)...

Or.. they have to purposefully choose to move to the end of the line and be willing to close out show season (do their show in late Feb or early March?) as opposed to being the show season opener, which is what brought them a significant amount of success in the past..

It will certainly be interesting to see what path is chosen... return to Dallas at some point.. or not.. and if so, how to pull it off?
I like Houston ok.. I dont think I would spend 3-4 days there to see the show, but I think most in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, etc would probably be willing to make the drive, overnight for a single night, and spend the day on the floor looking around on a Saturday or a Sunday..

Depending on where they do the event, there are plenty of quality hotels nearby.. Houston has some very nice restaurants and smaller venues where something like an AH dinner could be hosted.. the airport is more than adequate for dealing with the international travelers..

and from a market standpoint, the O&G industry in Houston has always been a HUGE chunk of the financial pie related to hunting in Africa (as well as exotic hunting on TX high fence ranches and other places).. international hunting is very much a part of the culture of the middle management and above of that industry.. and there is A LOT of that industry in Houston..

and in January, the weather in Houston should be excellent (never too cold.. certainly wont have a blistering Houston summer day in January, etc)...

Im not sure how DSC returns to Dallas at this point.. if that's ultimately what it wants to do, Im sure there's a path that leads back home.. but Its difficult for me to see it...

TTHA has KBH secured through 2030.. assume the TTHA shows continue to grow, there's no way SCI is going to give up early January dates at KBH after 2030.. they are simply too valuable.. and once the convention center renovations are complete, KBH will be one of the nicest, best positioned, largest, etc.. convention centers in the country.. they're not walking away anytime soon unless their shows fail.. and that seems to be very unlikely at this point..

Which means DSC has to either try to put on an international hunting show within a week or two of another well established international hunting sow in the same venue..

Or... they have to select a different venue (much smaller, and/or not as nice) and compete head to head (not a good idea)...

Or.. they have to purposefully choose to move to the end of the line and be willing to close out show season (do their show in late Feb or early March?) as opposed to being the show season opener, which is what brought them a significant amount of success in the past..

It will certainly be interesting to see what path is chosen... return to Dallas at some point.. or not.. and if so, how to pull it off?
I don't disagree with most of your analysis. The big tell is that in 2030 when DSC was supposed to be back at KBH, they are still in Houston.
(1) Will KBH give DSC the first show spot in 2031?
(2) Additional merger talks with HSC as the show is in Houston?
I don't disagree with most of your analysis. The big tell is that in 2030 when DSC was supposed to be back at KBH, they are still in Houston.
(1) Will KBH give DSC the first show spot in 2031?
(2) Additional merger talks with HSC as the show is in Houston?

Ive got a feeling that if TTHA is successful this year, SCI will engage KBH for 2031 and lock down a show in the second week of January, and have a clause added to the contract that gives me first right of refusal for the first half of January on a rolling 5 year basis every year after that... (that's certainly what I would do)...
I think that the biggest variable with returning to Dallas is when KBHCC reconstruction is complete. Hence the uncertainty around the return date. DSC has priority contractual on its return to KBHCC. Not sure what that means for TTHA - they could still both have their shows there just at different times.

Neglected to put this in my previous response but DSC and HSC are coordinating this move. That would mean that it would be intended to not be harmful for HSC and mutually beneficial for both. Those details are being worked out as I understand.
Ive got a feeling that if TTHA is successful this year, SCI will engage KBH for 2031 and lock down a show in the second week of January, and have a clause added to the contract that gives me first right of refusal for the first half of January on a rolling 5 year basis every year after that... (that's certainly what I would do)...
Hopefully, the new DSC CEO was smart enough to lock down 2031 at KBH and beyond.
It looks like GRB just announced a huge $2B renovation of their own that's planned..

Thats going to make things even more interesting..

It appears to be also driven by the FIFA world Cup and the 2028 Republican Convention.. (so this will be underway soon..)
I actually don't mind Houston. I worked for a Houston based company for 25 years so that may play into it. The biggest problem with Houston is it is so spread out!

I also have a direct flight from NC to Houston though it is Allegiant. Even Delta is relatively cheap to Houston compared to Dallas.

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MooseHunter wrote on Tyguy's profile.
Im interested in the Zeiss Scope. Any nicks or dings? Good and clear? I have on and they are great scopes
Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.