AH ambassador
Dallas and Houston are about equally bad honestly in terms of being spread out.. Houston metro is +/- 10,000 Sq Miles.. Dallas metro is 9,300... but DFW is growing north and west at a faster rate than Houston is growing "outward".. give it just 5-10 more years and they'll be identical in land mass..
Then factor in DFW's metro population is now a little over 8M (as of June of 2024)... packed into those 9300 sq miles.. vs Houston's metro population 7.5M packed into its 10,000 sq miles.. that makes for DFW traffic being worse, general congestion being worse, etc..
If I leave my house at 9AM (after morning rush hour should largely be over) headed south (Im on the northern edge of the metroplex) its no shit at least a full hour before I exit the metro area on the south end... depending on traffic it can actually take longer than that..
Then factor in DFW's metro population is now a little over 8M (as of June of 2024)... packed into those 9300 sq miles.. vs Houston's metro population 7.5M packed into its 10,000 sq miles.. that makes for DFW traffic being worse, general congestion being worse, etc..
If I leave my house at 9AM (after morning rush hour should largely be over) headed south (Im on the northern edge of the metroplex) its no shit at least a full hour before I exit the metro area on the south end... depending on traffic it can actually take longer than that..