See, I would argue that:
A. "No one is taking an 800-yard shot on an animal if the conditions don't allow" is demonstrably false. More often than not, long-range shots are taken by inexperienced hunters and animals wounded and never followed up. You only see the sucesses on Youtube.
B. A 2" square at 591 yards is comparing apples to cow manure. At a shooting range where you have downrange windage flags, known topography, from a comfortable prone position, and a brightly contrasting 2" square that is not moving, Is about as far from actual hunting as you can get while still using a rifle. I dont shoot that far ever, mainly because I really dont care to, (not condemning those who like hitting targets at distance, all the power to you!) but given a heavy barreled .308 or 6.5(insert acronym here), I could probably be on steel at that range within a few shots. Good shooting technique is good shooting technique regardless of how far the target is.
C. Long-range wounding is EXACTLY what the anti-hunters are looking for! They WANT that ammunition to shut down hunters taking potshots at animals they have no hope of following up because they have absolutely no idea where the animal was even standing precisely when they fired from 1/3 of a mile away.
D. Condemning certain practices in hunting are what make hunting what it is! Ethical hunting! Not long-range-live-animal-target-practice. I would venture that a large number of wounded animals and complete misses go unreported because men are full of pride, and most won't admit they screwed up.
For varmint/pest control, where the goal is to simply remove some creature that is damaging or otherwise overrun, different story... but Elk are neither of those things.