I believe the SCI counts an attendee for every day that he/she attends or pays to attend. Attend four days and you will be counted four times as an attendee. Not sure wether or not they count the exhibitors as part of their attendees, that would be interesting to know. Here are some numbers that I could find from searching AH...
- 2009 -- RENO 37th --
Safari Club International Convention in Reno, Another Successful Year:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...nvention-in-reno-another-successful-year.374/ -- "With approximately 20,000 attendees, nearly four miles of aisles and 1,100 vendors".
- 2010 -- RENO 38th --
Safari Club International Convention 2010:
https://www.africahunting.com/threads/safari-club-international-convention-2010.2023/#post-9410 -- "nearly 20,000 attendees" and "over 1,100 exhibiting companies leasing over 2,000 booth spaces".
- 2011 -- VEGAS 39th --
SCI Foundation Raises $205,000 For Wildlife Conservation at 2011 Hunters Convention:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...conservation-at-2011-hunters-convention.4864/ -- No numbers announced.
- 2012 -- VEGAS 40th --
Safari Club International 2012 Hunters' Convention Sets Records:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...al-2012-hunters-convention-sets-records.7165/ -- "With a record 23,267 attendees" and "With over 1 million square feet and 2,200 vendor booths on the convention floor, SCI collected record receipts of $16 million from members and donors attending the Convention which will help protect our freedoms to hunt!".
- 2013 -- RENO 41st --
SCI Celebrates World's Greatest Hunters Convention and Wildlife Conservation:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...rs-convention-and-wildlife-conservation.9997/ -- "The second largest SCI convention held in Reno".
- 2014 -- VEGAS 42nd --
SCI Celebrates World's Greatest Hunters' Convention and Wildlife Conservation:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...s-convention-and-wildlife-conservation.13485/ -- "Over 22,500 SCI Members from 100 countries" and "over 1,100 exhibitors from around the world".
- 2015 -- VEGAS 43rd --
SCI Celebrates 2015 Annual Hunters' Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...hunters-convention-in-las-vegas-nevada.21235/ -- "Over 20,000 SCI members from 100 countries" and "Those attending the convention were able to see over 1,000 exhibitors".
- 2016 --
- 2017 -- VEGAS 45th --
SCI's Ultimate Sportsmen's Market Celebrated its 45th Convention:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...-market-celebrated-its-45th-convention.35360/ -- "there were over 20,000 in attendance" and "Exhibiting were 1,100 companies in over 2,300 booths in more than 1 million square feet".
- 2018 -- VEGAS 46th --
More than 20,000 Members were able to Chase The Adventure at the 46th Annual SCI Hunters’ Convention:
https://www.africahunting.com/threa...-46th-annual-sci-hunters’-convention.42352/-- "more than 20,000 SCI members from more than 100 countries visited the 2,300 booths of more than 1,000 exhibitors at the SCI Convention this year.".