In my opinion the .375 is too small for the average rifleman to use for hunting cape buffalo. It is the MINIMUM legal caliber in many areas. MINIMUM, no matter how good a bullet is used. It is much safer in my opinion to go with at least a .416or a 458 WM. I know that most of you will strongly disagree with me on this. Thats fine, it's why we have these blogs, isn't it.
Here is my logic on the subject.
Many times our first shots on a cape buffalo is taken at 40 -60 yds. and a cape buffalo, well hit with a .375, can often run/charge at least 70 yds. quicker that us desk jockeys can cycle a bolt action rifle and aim it acutely at a charging buffalo, and it usually has enough gas left in it's tank to roll us up. Trust me it's true.
A PH once told me, "When the time comes that you shoot a cape buffalo with a .375, you will pray so hard that it doesn't run toward you after it's hit, the ground you stand on will become a holy place." ( True story.)
The 375 works on cape buffalo most of time, until it doesn't.
( Does your wife and family know that? Do you tell them that you are putting your safety in the hands of a PH that has probably not fired his rifle at a charging buffalo more that once in his career and that he is also armed with a MINIMUM cartridge and is using Hornady bullets that do not kill DG worth a damned?)
I am sorry to to put this in such strong terms but I honestly believe it to be true and that I might save someones life with my strong opinion.
Please show this post to your wife and family before you purchase you next cape buffalo rifle.
Honestly, it is not hard to learn to shoot a modern, straight stocked 9+ pound .416 or 458 WM rifle, loaded with A frame or TSX or or better bullet using medium loads, not max. and be much safer hunting cape buffalo than with a MINIMUM cartridge .
I know that I will probably catch hell for this post, but I stand by it and mean well. Brian