AH legend
Thank you PaulGreat group IdaRam.
A 370gn .416 cal Raptor at 2450fps is one heck of a hammer for any soft skinned game and buffalo as well.
Best of luck to you on your up-coming hunt.

Thank you PaulGreat group IdaRam.
A 370gn .416 cal Raptor at 2450fps is one heck of a hammer for any soft skinned game and buffalo as well.
Best of luck to you on your up-coming hunt.
I'll be home in a couple of days , i can give you some more load info if you want it.
I see your a territory lad , bought a 378 weatherby from up that way from a bloke round Katherine , awesome bit of kit.Thanks! Would welcome it!
Just replaced the decelerator pad with a kick eze , made a worthwhile improvement.Asked to reduce numbers impacting on a crystal-clear natural spring, and unable to find suitable bulls, I reluctantly killed two cows this evening after an arduous stalk through a swamp. At least it was an opportunity to gain a little more experience with these excellent CEB Safari Raptors, 475 grains doing 2330fps. The big old cow (pictured) was shot through the heart, the bullet breaking the entry-side leg and exiting almost perfectly opposite. She made three metres or so, if that, collapsing in a dead heap. The petals made it through into the chest cavity. A younger cow came to investigate and wore one slightly quartering-on, and a few inches left of where I ought to have hit. Her lungs seemed to be destroyed and the bullet exited down her offside flank, and she died about thirty metres away. I won’t know for sure but I wonder, given the bad shot, did a petal or two help speed things up? So far, four buffalo with these, one shot each.
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