In East Texas I would recommend The Sportsman's Memory Shop in Grapeland Tx. They are one of the very best.Getting close, starting to feel real. Leaving on July 19 for 9 day plains game hunt. Getting everything gathered up and making check lists to go over in the last few days. Loads worked up, just need final practice days. The wife and I are getting impatient!
Got a question for some of you other East Texas guys. Who do ya'll recommend for taxidermy?
Best of luck sir! Following this also for taxidermy recommendation, albeit I'm on the other side of the state. I've heard good things about a guy near San Antonio, but I can't remember the name of the shop now.
I can't remember for the life of me....I'll have to call the guy I was talking to and ask him againDouble Nickle in New Braunsfels?
Jon Wilson does good work!
You've got to give Jerry Huffaker a chance too. He has won numerous awards, and his work has no peer. He is in Abilene, TX.
+1 ... Mike Simpson at Conroe Taxidermy is a true artist.