Hi sierraone,
Once a person has made the basics of safe gun handling a concrete part of their personality and, has memorized the accuracy quirks of their equipment, the hunting ("walking-up") of jack rabbits is IMO, the very best way to train with rifle and handgun, including not just for hunters but, also quite excellent accuracy training for Police and Soldiers or, simply anyone who might use a rifle or handgun to defend the innocent.
And, the hunting of doves, teal, quail and grouse is IMO, likewise the best way to train with a shotgun for all the above.
Where I grew up hunting them, the farmers were plagued by jack rabbits (and ground squirrels too).
In a single night, multiple numbers of jack rabbits have been known to do very substantial damage to crops such as alfalfa clover, beans, cabbage, young grape vineyards and so forth.
Therefore, I usually had no trouble locating farmers happy to let me and my friends hunt these vermin (unfortunately, deer season generally was not such an "easy deal" for us though LOL).
Young Jack rabbits are not too bad eating, until they get about half grown.
At that point, they begin rapidly developing a very strong taste that, even cave men with granite taste buds such as I cannot abide (the word "disgusting" comes to mind).
Furthermore, they are possessed of such tendons as to be very difficult to chew, about like I would imagine a mouth full of fishing line and rubber bands might be to chew.
Velo Dog