C.W. Richter
AH legend
gas was fine until gas prices skyrocketed. our 50s-60s were gas and after the 70s crunch it was much better to have turbo diesel (still today.) I have to say, there's NEVER an issue starting up a gas tractor at any temperature. when i start up a diesel and it's below freezing, i always say a weir d prayer, that sometimes doesn't get answered.....lol even w/ the glow plugs, auto heating systems, etc. blah blah-it uses too much battery under those conditions. the older, no glow plug-have to shoot starting fluid down the air intake pipe models-they'd start right up when it's very cold out (it didn't waste battery!) Many of the greatest gas tractors used 6 gal or more per hr under load (that's $30 in Obama/Biden money. $300/day of work. $9,000/mo for some poor farmers! Those are Stormy Daniels rates! LOL But it's all relative to your income of course, and i respect that. LOL) I fill diesel tractors anywhere from once a month to once a quarter! my 8,000 lb unloaded turbo diesel truck gets 25 mpg and 'can use untaxed farm fuel for $1 less/gal.What percentage of ALL these "older" tractors mentioned here were diesel versus gas? The reason I ask, is I have read where MANY/MOST of the tractors from the '30s-'50s were gas because the American oil companies back then knew how to produce one thing, "gasoline and lots of it"- unknown author. Look at our War Machine in WW2. ALL gasoline powered tanks, trucks, etc. Not a drop of diesel anywhere. Just curious.
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