For what its worth... the weather here is sucking.. but I think TTHA is likely going to be an extremely good show.. We went down to Kay Bailey yesterday and set up the Bos en Dal booth, and then went back down this morning to take a few more things and also take a better look around at the floor..
SCI has done a really good job I think in organizing things.. and it is DEFINITELY much more geared toward international hunting than any TTHA show Ive ever seen before.. LOTS and LOTS of very reputable gear companies and outfitters are present on the floor..
My guess is the roads are going to suck pretty bad tomorrow in the AM, but by mid day things should be clearing up fairly well (if you're in DFW now from out of town, consider sleeping in a bit and waiting until maybe mid day before coming to the show).. by Saturday based on the weather reports (clear skies and 40 degrees) I'd guess the city will largely be back to "normal" and Im going to guess the show is going to be super crowded and busy...
The party is definitely still a "go".. by Saturday night I'd expect even the back roads and neighborhood roads to be largely clear of snow and ice.. we're looking forward to seeing you all here!
When you swing by TTHA, you can find
@Bos en Dal SAFARIS at Booth 7002.. Candles for Conservation is next door at Booth 7000, and MT Maker (knife door prize donor) is on the other side of Bos en Dal in booth 7004... stop by and say "hello", grab yourself a nice droerwors snack (Bos en Dal brought sausages!) and sniff some "Africa" themed candles