Part two:
We was hunting in the North of Transsylvania,in the near of the Ukraine and had a good rut.
The cold morning was better then the afternoon .
But,was I don't understand is, the the hunter there, are stalking without a stick.
Mostly you have to shoot on 50m,no problem(train snapshots on this distance,when you want to go there) by a huge red deer in the Karpaten,but so often you have a range over 100/200 m up.
And so I made my hunting mate an African three leg stick-finally I m a member of an African Hunting Forum

I cut three fingerwide sticks in facehigh and knot them with a shoelace.Ready.
And I was with him, when he shot a deer on lasered 162 m with a .30-06 ! in the last light.
normally I am a lucky guy on hunting.
And so I got an old devil after good and long stalk.
We guessed him on 12 years,300kg liveweight and the head,cooked out ,typical european style 8 KG
Gents, Im telling you it was great.
On the next picture you can imagine what for a monster a Karpaten-Hirsch could be.
We cut the head and the rest was brouht by 4 men on the next day.
goin' home
time is standing still there.
We had a cottage deep in the woods and won' t nothing hear of the news of the world.
When we came home and hear the news like Volkswagen crisis,Euro crisis,Near East crisis,Refugee Crisis and and and.
I'm yearning back to this area "by snow white and the seven dwarfs behind the seven mountains"
Hope you enjoy my little story.