Lots of places in the US that will tan one- price.... now that's another story.
I can and will but unless you are a registered taxidermy business, most are not going to deal with a walk in customer. My point was is that lots of places in the US that will do it. I'm not sure why the OP believed there aren't. Any taxidermist with an account can get them tanned.Oh yeah, then name one...you might even help the OP...
Shoot me a giraffe and I'll do it for you@gizmo
Those look great!
If you can just get the head and the neck in on a giraffe flat rug for a little Loch Ness action…that I gotta see.
Then you just want a flat tan with maybe the ears sewed down on the face etc. I wouldn't see a need to have a backing added to that to accomplish what you are wanting.This raises a question that Gizmo probably can answer. I want a Zebra rug (headed over next month) but dont like the material being visible outside the hide. Is that what you mean by leather backed? Just want to see the skin so looks like you skinned it and tossed it over the back of the couch
All you have to do is have it tanned. Clean up the edges and viola. They don’t have to be backed.Digging the colors on the bobcat @gizmo ... that looks sharp.