AH ambassador
I’ve been to Death Valley once (a mild 110F) and to Mt. Whitney twice in the summer. I CANNOT imagine a “hike” from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney at any time of the year! I know, maybe we could get some unsuspecting AHers here to pay us for that adventure in preparation for their African hunting adventure? Hey, if they want to hunt large DG and walk 10-20k in one day, they need to get in shape and this would be the ultimate way to accomplish that goal? Of course with a 30lb pack filled with survival stuff and food. “African Hunting Preparation Course”? Ha! Ha! Ha!Oh yeah, those 30+ degree temperature changes are a killer.
I can remember when I was at scenic 29 Palms Ca. and the September daily average was pushing 100F and then the nighttime low was about 65F. "We" decided to do a night hump in all of our wonderful heat trapping gear, full flaks, helmet, 782 gear and full pack and guns. The standard Marine route of march is 3 miles in 50 minutes with a 10 minute rest every hour. Jeebus, the poncho liner went to the top of the pack after the first pit stop.
When you are used to working 100F, 65 is downright cold....
The suck used to do operation Hi-Lo/Lo-Hi. A march from Death Valley, the lowest point in CONUS to the peak of Mt. Whitney, the highest point in CONUS.