I spent far more than $23k buying 4 DRs. Each with some detail that kept me looking for the next one. I learned the hard way a DR is no place to try and save money.
I hade a similar, allthought light-version experience...going through three doublerifles, all bought second hand, I ended up commissioning a custom Mauser M98 in .375 HH to be my do-all-rifle
Been there, almost done that...
I have three double rifles and have owned and passed on another three.
My first double is the one I will either die with, or pass on as an heirloom should one of my stepdaughters find a good hunting man. I can dream, can't I?

It is my Heym 88B in 458 Win. Yes, the 458 WIn is a high pressure, rimless cartridge and not optimum for a double, but this is a Heym...
I've passed on two Merkels and a Chapuis.
Below are my present doubles from top to bottom.
- Blaser S2 in 375 H&H, a wonderfully accurate double rifle. If there ever was a do it all double, the out of production S2's would be it!
- Krieghoff Classic in 500/416, I really, really like this rifle but I love my trusty Heym! I keep thinking about listing this one for sale... It's not fair to treat this double as second place. It should be someone's first love!
- Heym 88B made in 1986 in 458 Win. With the Trijicon SRO this is a proven 100 yard accurate double for plains game. I will reserve my dangerous game shooting for closer ranges in which they are truly dangerous.
In the end, there is nothing so versatile as a bolt action magazine rifle. Simple and effective they are. Want to shoot a solid out to 100 yards and a lighter soft point out to 300 yards? It should be as simple as knowing the "dope" (point of impact or clicks on your wiz-bang modern scope) or swapping scopes.
If one wants a double for close range dangerous game and out to 200 yards for plains game, a 450/400 or 500/416 with a quick detachable scope using either claw or side swing pivot mounts would be the best options, in my opinion. That is of course if those doubles are regulated for proper load/bullets for both close range and as far as 200 yards.