AH veteran
When it first came out my hunting buddy tried it in his 25-06 with Remington case, CCI-BR2 primer, 52 grs H-4831. It was a real tack driver but when he started shooting deer with it in Eastern NC that average 125 to 175 pounds live weight with shoulder shots the deer wanted to run off a little after being hit. When you use the same shot placement with a Sierra 117 SP 99.9% of the time they drop right in their tracks. I had the same experience with the Hornady 117 interlock bullets as my buddy did with the SST's before I started using the Sierras. We both stick with the Sierra 117's now. I shot 6 deer, 2 buck and 4 doe, with the Sierra's in my 25-06 this past season from 75 yards to 300 yards. Four were shoulder shots that dropped them right in their tracks and two were behind the shoulder lung shots and both deer dropped with in 20 yards and a blind man could have followed the blood trails.